Earth Sciences

Undergraduate Studies

Welcome to our current and future undergraduate students! We have prepared this page to help you get to the information you need for your URegina Undergraduate degree program. 

Our B.Sc. majors programs provide students with the specific coursework to be eligible for Association of Professional Geoscientists and Engineers of Saskatchewan (APEGS) registration, which improves your job prospects post-graduation. We also offer coop programs, contact our departmental undergraduate advisors for more information!

Our Programs

See the current undergraduate calendar for additional information on courses. Please speak to a departmental undergraduate advisor for the BSc Geology or Environmental Geoscience program to help you plan your program. 

Click the “+” sign below each program below to find more information on requirements for that program.

BSc in Geology

Download or view the course requirements here (PDF). 

Major requirements:

  • GEOL 102
  • GEOL 201
  • GEOL 210
  • GEOL 211
  • GEOL 240
  • GEOL 241
  • GEOL 307
  • GEOL 313
  • GEOL 314
  • GEOL 315
  • GEOL 340
  • GEOL 353
  • GEOL 396
  • GEOL 453
  • GEOL 496
  • GEOL 400 or higher
  • GEOL 400 or higher
  • GEOL 400 or higher
  • CHEM 104
  • CHEM 105
  • CS 110
  • GES 323
  • MATH 110
  • PHYS 109 and 119 or PHYS 111 and 112
  • STAT 100 or 160 Science elective (must be APEGS-acceptable, please speak to the Student Advisor for the B.Sc. Geology program to confirm course eligibility) Science elective (must be APEGS-acceptable, please speak to the Student Advisor for the B.Sc. Geology program to confirm course eligibility)


  • ENGL 100
  • ENGL 110
  • Arts/Fine Arts
  • Arts/Fine Arts
  • Arts/Fine Arts
  • Arts/Fine Arts
  • Science/Arts/Fine Arts
  • Open elective
  • Open elective
  • Open elective
  • Open elective
  • Open elective

Program average: 65% needed

Average in major: 65% needed

BSc Honours in Geology

Click here to download the course requirements (PDF).

Major requirements:

  • GEOL 102
  • GEOL 201
  • GEOL 210
  • GEOL 211
  • GEOL 240
  • GEOL 241
  • GEOL 307
  • GEOL 313
  • GEOL 314
  • GEOL 315
  • GEOL 340
  • GEOL 353
  • GEOL 396
  • GEOL 453
  • GEOL 496
  • GEOL 413 or higher
  • GEOL 413 or higher
  • GEOL 413 or higher
  • GEOL 413 or higher
  • GEOL 400AC (or GEOL 400AA and GEOL 400AB)
  • CHEM 104
  • CHEM 105
  • CS 110
  • GES 323
  • MATH 110
  • PHYS 109 and 119 or PHYS 111 and 112
  • STAT 100 or 160 Science elective (must be APEGS-acceptable, please speak to the Student Advisor for the B.Sc. Geology program to confirm course eligibility) Science elective (must be APEGS-acceptable, please speak to the Student Advisor for the B.Sc. Geology program to confirm course eligibility)


  • ENGL 100
  • ENGL 110
  • Arts/Fine Arts elective
  • Arts/Fine Arts elective
  • Arts/Fine Arts elective
  • Arts/Fine Arts elective
  • Open elective
  • Open elective
  • Open elective

Program average: 70% needed

Average in major: 75% needed

BSc in Environmental Geoscience

Click here to download the course requirements (PDF)

Major requirements:

  • GEOL 102
  • GEOL 201
  • GEOL 210
  • GEOL 211
  • GEOL 240
  • GEOL 241, Geol 270, or GES 207
  • GEOL 307 or BIOL 456*
  • GEOL 314
  • GEOL 329 or GES 329
  • GEOL 353
  • GEOL 396 or GES 411
  • GEOL 460
  • GES 121
  • GES 203
  • GES 323
  • GES 327
  • One of**: GEOL 340, GES 303, 309, 321, 333, 325, 327, BIOL 356, ENEV 321, 322, 334, 363, or 384
  • Two of**: GEOL 400AA, 400AB, 400AC, 414, 416, 429, 430, 451, 453, 454, 470, 472, 473, 476, 490AH, 496, GES 421, 423, 429, 431, 499AA, 499AB, 499AC, BIOL 456, ENEV 422, 440, or 480
  • CHEM 104
  • CHEM 105
  • CS 110
  • MATH 110
  • PHYS 109 and 119 or PHYS 111 and 112
  • STAT 100 or 160
  • BIOL 100 or 101 Science elective (must be APEGS-acceptable, please speak to the Student Advisor for the B.Sc. Environmental Geoscience program to confirm course eligibility)
  • One of: INDG 100, 104, 200, 201, 236, ENVS 100, 200, ANTH 241AK, GES 344, 396AI, BIOC 200, RLST 290AN, ADMN 436AM or another course with core Indigenous component


  • ENGL 100
  • ENGL 110
  • Arts/Fine Arts
  • Arts/Fine Arts
  • Arts/Fine Arts
  • Arts/Fine Arts
  • Science/Arts/Fine Arts
  • Science elective
  • Open elective
  • Open elective
  • Open elective

Program average: 65% needed

Average in major: 65% needed

*BIOL 456 is not eligible for this requirement, this is an error in the calendar that we are in the process of revising. This course can still qualify as an elective.

**In order to qualify for APEGS registration after graduation, these courses must be APEGS accepted

BSc Honours in Environmental Geoscience

Click here to download the course requirements (PDF)

Major requirements:

  • GEOL 102
  • GEOL 201
  • GEOL 210
  • GEOL 211
  • GEOL 240
  • GEOL 241, GEOL 270, or GES 207
  • GEOL 307 or BIOL 456*
  • GEOL 314
  • GEOL 329 or GES 329
  • GEOL 353
  • GEOL 396 or GES 411
  • GEOL 400AC (or GEOL 400AA and 400AB), or GES 499AC (or GES 499AA and 499AB)
  • GEOL 413 or higher; or GES 409 or higher
  • GEOL 460
  • GES 121
  • GES 203
  • GES 323
  • GES 327
  • One of**: GEOL 340, GES 303, 309, 321, 333, 325, 327, BIOL 356, ENEV 321, 322, 334, 363, or 384
  • Two of**: GEOL 414, 416, 429, 430, 452, 453, 454, 470, 472, 473, 476, 490AH, 496, GES 421, 423, 429, 431, BIOL 456, ENEV 422, 440, or 480
  • CHEM 104
  • CHEM 105
  • CS 110
  • MATH 110
  • PHYS 109 and 119 or PHYS 111 and 112
  • STAT 100 or 160
  • BIOL 100 or 101 Science elective (must be APEGS-acceptable, please speak to the Student Advisor for the B.Sc. Environmental Geoscience program to confirm course eligibility)
  • One of: INDG 100, 104, 200, 201, 236, ENVS 100, 200, ANTH 241AK, GES 344, 396AI, BIOC 200, RLST 290AN, ADMN 436AM or another course with core Indigenous component


  • ENGL 100
  • ENGL 110
  • Arts/Fine Arts
  • Arts/Fine Arts
  • Arts/Fine Arts
  • Arts/Fine Arts
  • Science elective
  • Open elective

Program average: 70% needed

Average in major: 75% needed

*BIOL 456 is not eligible for this requirement, this is an error in the calendar that we are in the process of revising. This course can still qualify as an elective.

**In order to qualify for APEGS registration after graduation, these courses must be APEGS accepted

Minor in Geology

Click here to download the course requirements (PDF)

  • GEOL 102
  • GEOL 201
  • GEOL 240
  • Three GEOL courses at any level

Average in minor: 65% required

*Note: students eligible for a Science minor (or concentration) may choose to complete the minor (or concentration) in Geology or in Environmental Geoscience, but not both.

Minor in Environmental Geoscience

Click here to download the course requirements (PDF)

  • GEOL 102
  • GEOL 201
  • Two GEOL courses at any level
  • Two of GES 300- or 400-level, GEOL 300- or 400- level, BIOL 356, 456, or ENEV 321, 322, 334

Average in minor: 65% required

*Note: students eligible for a Science minor (or concentration) may choose to complete the minor (or concentration) in Environmental Geoscience or in Geology, but not both.

Student Resources

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Click the “+” sign below questions below to read the FAQ answers. Not seeing what you are looking for? Let the website crew know!
What is the difference between an honours program and a regular BSc in Geology or Environmental Geoscience?
The difference between our honours programs and regular BSc programs is primarily that in the honours options, students complete a thesis project with a researcher in our department. If you are considering doing an honours program in our department, check out previous BSc honours student theses titles here, and speak to our advisors and professors to learn more about opportunities for these projects.
How do I apply to take an undergraduate degree in the Department of Earth Sciences at URegina?
Students should check they meet entrance requirements and apply to the Faculty of Science at URegina before declaring their major, further information is available on the Undergraduate Admissions website. To transfer to a major in Geology or Environmental Geoscience (or to take a minor in either) from another program at URegina, check in with our departmental advisors for advice on course planning and with the advisors at Science Academic Hub about how to change your major or minor.
What courses should I take for my program?

Start by reviewing your program options, and then you can get advice on course selection and information about degree requirements and professional accreditation from the Student Advisors in the Department of Earth Sciences and we encourage you to reach out to them in first year when you are getting started with your program to help you chart your course. Our students are eligible for APEGS registration however that requires completing specific course requirements, so it is very important to make sure you speak to our departmental advisors to ensure you are on track to meet those requirements. Check out our page on APEGS requirements and recommended course order!

We strongly encourage students to take the first year courses in their programs (in particular Chemistry 104) early in their program to ensure they have the correct prerequisites to proceed through their program in a timely manner.

For course descriptions and prerequisite/corequisite information, check out the Academic Catalogue website. For dates when courses are offered, check out the course registration site on UR Self-Service and the academic timetable

What scholarships are available to me?
Information about various awards and scholarships can be found on our scholarships and awards page.
Can I get a job in the summer relating to my degree?
Yes! Information on employment opportunities inside and outside the department and in the summer, including TAing opportunities, can be found in the Employment Opportunities section.
Does the Department of Earth Sciences offer any co-op programs?

Yes, we do! For more information, speak to the departmental co-op advisor - Dr. Ian Coulson ( - or our departmental advisors. Note that many of our students are able to get summer jobs that are related to their degree programs so that is another option for students who are looking to get experience in their discipline prior to graduation. 

Are there any clubs or organizations for undergrad students to get involved with?
Absolutely! We have an undergraduate club (the DM Kent Club) and there are other Earth Science related organizations too both at the University and in the community. Check out our Clubs and Organizations page for more info.
What is the difference between the Department of Earth Sciences and the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies (GES)?

These are two separate and independent departments at the University of Regina, with separate undergraduate programs and faculty. Our department was formerly the Department of Geology, which created some confusion since the departmental names were very similar. Our Geology and Environmental Geoscience programs are designed to ensure you are APEGS eligible if you follow the course plan. Some GES courses are included in our programming or can count as electives, refer to our undergraduate program guides for more information. For information on the Geology and Environmental Geoscience BSc programs, it is critical that you speak to our departmental advisors in Earth Sciences to ensure you have the most up-to-date information to inform your program planning.

If you are looking for the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies (GES) you can check out their programs and information here.

What are some additional resources to support my academic journey as a student?

You can discover details about additional student resources, like general advising, tutoring, and booking study rooms, on our Other Program & Learning Resources page.