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Earth Sciences

APEGS Requirements and Recommended Order of Courses

On this page, we have information on the course requirements for receiving an APEGS accredited Geology or Environmental Geoscience degree from URegina, and on the recommended order of courses to complete your degree in a timely fashion. Please speak to our departmental course advisors for advice on the recommended order of courses in addition to reading through the documents below, since other factors may influence your course order planning. 

Most Geology courses are offered only once a year, so if you miss one course your graduation may be delayed by one year or more. Follow the suggested course order as closely as possible.

For a list of common questions and answers regarding APEGS course requirements for our programs review the FAQ below. 

Geology Requirements

Our B.Sc. in Geology and B.Sc. Honours in Geology programs are fully compatible with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) knowledge requirements (for Geology). Having an APEGS eligible degree increases your industry employability post graduation.

View the APEGS Knowledge Requirements for Professional Geoscientists (Geology) (PDF) .

Suggested Order of Courses

Fall Winter Spring/Summer
Year 1 Geol 102
Geol 201 (Geol 102>60%)
Ges 121
Chem 104
Math 110
Stat 100 OR 160
Cs 110
Eng 100/110
Phys 109/119
Geol 102
Ges 121
Chem 105
Math 110
Stat 100/160
Cs 110
Eng 100/110
Phys 109/119
Geol 102
Year 2 Geol 210 (Geol 201 > 65%)
Geol 240 (Geol 102)
Ges 323 (Ges 121)
Geol 201 (Geol 102: > 60%)
Geol 211 (Geol 210, Chem104)
Geol 241 (Geol 210)
Geol 270 (Geol 102)*

Geol 396

(6 classes in Geology

- 18 crd)

Year 3 Geol 307 (Chem 105, Geol
Geol 313 (Geol 211, 307;
307 can be taken concurrently
with 313 if 211 has been
Geol 314 (Geol 201, 211)
Geol 353 (Geol 201, 211)
Geol 329 (Ges 121)
Geol 340 (Geol 240, 241,
314; 314 can be taken
concurrently with 340)
Geol 315 (Geol 211, 307)
Geol 453 (Geol 353)

Geol 496

(Geol 396, 353, 313, 315)

Year 4 Additional 4th year courses (3
additional 400- level courses
besides those specified in
Year 3 are required in the
Geology Program**)
Additional 4th year courses (3
additional 400- level courses
besides those specified in
Year 3 are required in the
Geology Program**)

* Courses in bold are mandatory for the Geology Program and courses in parentheses are prerequisites. Note also that two additional fundamental science courses besides those listed here are required for APEGS - consult with the Geology academic advisor regarding the APEGS requirements – there is a list of courses that are acceptable by APEGS and those that are not. Geol270 may not be offered every year.
** 400-level courses that may be available include Geol 416, 430, 451, 461, 472, 473, 429, 454, 460, 470, 476, 497. These 400-level courses are not necessarily offered every year – consult with the department for their availability. In addition to those listed here, you may also consider reading classes and/or theses (talk to your professors about your interest and their availability). 

Download the suggested order of courses for Geology (PDF).

Environmental Geoscience Requirements

Our B.Sc. program in Environmental Science and B.Sc. Honours in Environmental Geoscience are fully compatible with the APEGS knowledge requirements (for Environmental Geoscientists).

View the APEGS Knowledge Requirements for Professional Geoscientists (Environmental Geoscience) (PDF).

Suggested Order of Courses

Fall Winter Spring/Summer
Year 1 Geol 102
Geol 201 (Geol 102>60%)
Ges 121
Chem 104
Phys 109+119 OR 111+112
Math 110
Stat 100 OR 160
Cs 110
Eng 100 OR 110
Geol 102
Geol 201 (Geol 102>60%)
Ges 121
Chem 105 (Chem 104)
Phys 109+119 OR 111+112
Math 110
Stat 100 OR 160
Cs 110
Eng 100 OR 110
Geol 102
Year 2 Ges 203 (Any 100-level
Ges course)
Geol 210 (Geol 201 > 65%)
Geol 240 (Geol 102)
Ges 323 (Ges 121)
Biol 100 or 101
Geol 211 (Geol 210, Chem104)
Geol 241 (Geol 240) OR
Geol 270 (Geol 102)**
One additional 3rd year
Biol 100 or 101

Geol 396

(6 classes in

Geology - 18 crd)

Year 3 Geol 307 (Chem 105,
Geol 201/Geol211)
Geol 314 (Geol 201, 211)
Geol329/Ges329 (Ges121)
Geol 353 (Geol 201, 211)
Geol 460 (Math 110, Phys
119, Geol 201)
Ges 327 (Ges 121)
One additional 3rd year
course*** OR two
additional 4th year

Geol 396

(6 classes in

Geology - 18 crd)

Year 4 One additional 3rd
year course*** (if not
yet completed) OR two
additional 4th year
courses (if not
completed) ****
Required courses not
completed in 3rd year
One additional 3rd
year course*** (if not
yet completed) OR two
additional 4th year
courses (if not
completed) ****

* Geol/GES/Chem courses in bold are required and should be taken as soon as possible as they are necessary to complete the program in a timely manner. Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
** One of Geol241/Geol270/GES207 is required. Note that some of these courses may not be offered every year.
*** Options for 300-level courses include (note that all are not necessarily offered every year): Geol340, GES 303, 309, 321, 333, 325, or 327, Biol356, ENEV 321, 322, 334, 363, or 384.
**** Options for the two 400-level courses (each is not necessarily offered every year – consult with the Departments of Geology and Geography & Environmental Studies for their availability) are: Geol400AA, 400AB, 400AC, 414, 416, 429, 430, 451, 453, 454, 470, 472, 473, 476, 490AH, 496, GES421, 423, 429, 431, 499AA 499AB, 499AC, BIOL 456, ENEV 422, 440, or 480.

1) Biol456 cannot be used as a substitute for Geol307.
2) For the one APEGS approved Science elective, consult with the departmental Environmental Geoscience advisor regarding the APEGS requirements. There is a list of courses that are acceptable by APEGS

Download the suggested order of courses for Environmental Geoscience (PDF).

APEGS Frequently Asked Questions

For a list of common questions and answers regarding APEGS course requirements for our programs review the FAQ below. If you have additional questions, please contact one of the advisors in the department and/or examine the APEGS knowledge requirements located above the recommended order of courses for each degree.


What other two Science electives are acceptable by APEGS?

There is not yet a complete list of Science courses that are acceptable by APEGS. However, courses that are commonly taken by U of R students that are acceptable are listed below. The general rule is that the course you choose is a course taken by majors in that discipline. Example of APEGS-acceptable Science courses include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • ACSC 116, 216, 217
  • BIOC 220, 221, or higher
  • BIOL 100, 101, any 200-level BIOL course for which BIOL 100 and 101 are prerequisites. One of BIOL 140 or 150 is also acceptable, but not both. (Students may not receive credit for Biol 140 or 150 if they have previously taken Biol 100 or 101)
  • CHEM 140, or any CHEM course at the 200-level or higher
  • CS 115, 210, or 215, or any CS course for which CS 215 is a pre-requisite
  • MATH 111, 122, or any Math course at the 200-level or higher
  • Any PHYS course at the 200-level or higher
  • STAT 200 or higher. (Students may receive credit for only one of STAT 160, STAT 200 or STAT 289)

Other upper level science courses may be acceptable. Check with your Academic Advisor. 

What courses are not acceptable to APEGS?

A complete list of Science courses that are unacceptable by APEGS is not yet available. However, courses that are commonly taken by U of R students that have been deemed unacceptable are listed below.

Examples APEGS-unacceptable Science courses include, but not limited to, the following: 

  • All courses that are below 100 level. (e.g. PMTH 092)
  • Biol 222, Biol 223 (these courses do not have Biol 100 and 101 as a prerequisite)
  • Chem 100
  • CS 100
  • Math 101, 102, 103, 108, 124, 127
  • Phys 103, 140, 142
  • Any course offered in Geology, including Geol 270
  • ASTR courses
In Group 2B of APEGS requirements, can I have more than one course in the same subject?

No, you cannot. When counting two courses in one sub-group they must be in a different subject. For example, if you want two courses in the first sub-group, one must be Geochemistry and the other Geophysics.

Details of the APEGS course requirements can be found above the recommended order of courses for each degree.

In Group 2C of APEGS requirements, can I count more than one course in the same subject?

Yes, you can. Group 2A and 2B are designed to ensure some breadth of Geoscience knowledge in certain subjects, but group 2C allows you to specialize as much or as little as you want.

Details of the APEGS course requirements can be found above the recommended order of courses for each degree.