Earth Sciences

Departmental Student Advising

Geology and Environmental Geoscience undergraduate students are strongly encouraged to seek one-to-one advice from a Department of Earth Sciences student advisor to help them navigate their program and ensure they meet all their APEGS required courses so they qualify for professional registration when they graduate. It's important to meet with an advisor early in your program to help you make this plan, and check in annually as you progress. Please contact the advisor for your program directly by email to make an appointment:

When you email the advisor to request a time please include a copy of your transcript.

Students are encouraged to become familiar with the degree and APEGS requirements by reading our website, in preparation for meeting with the advisor. Students should follow the recommended course order as closely as possible, in order to minimize delay for graduation. Find out more by reading about:

Students who are missing key prerequisite courses from high school (e.g., Chemistry 30) are encouraged to check out online distance education courses offered through the Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre. For more information, check out: