
Course Descriptions

GEOL 800AD - Fluid inclusion studies

Principles and application of fluid inclusion studies.

GEOL 800AE - Volcanology

This class will introduce the student to a variety of approaches used in the study of modern and ancient volcanic sequences.

GEOL 800AF - Quaternary Environments

Review of the history and environments of the Quaternary Period from a global perspective. Particular emphasis on the geological importance of this period and the techniques and methods employed to study it.

GEOL 800AH - Carbonates and Evaporites

This course addresses recent advances in sedimentology of carbonate and evaporite successions. Topics discussed include basic principles of carbonate and evaporite sedimentology such as compositions, classifications, origin, sedimentary structures and depositional settings.

GEOL 800AI - Carbonate Sedimetology and Diagenesis

This course is a directed reading in which the student will thoroughly investigate literature on carbonate depositional systems & carbonate diagenesis. Besides an up-to-date bibliographic research on the topic, they will also present and summarize the data collected during their thesis project. The course demands two reports: 1- a summary & discussion on the bibliographic research, and 2- a summary of progress by presenting and discussing data collected so far in his thesis work. 01/06 - 02/06: Summary & discussion on bibliographic research. 03/06 - 04/06: Applicability of bibliographic research to the thesis project.

GEOL 800AK - Mass Wasting Processes

This course is a directed reading in which the student will thoroughly investigate literature on mass wasting processes. The student will conduct an up-to-date bibliographic research on the topic of mass wasting and more specific information on mass wasting in Saskatchewan. The inforamtion obtained will be used in the formulation for his thesis proposal. The course requires two reports: 1- a summary & discussion on the bibliographic research, and 2- development of the thesis proposal.

GEOL 800AL - Current Status of the Study of Unconformity-type Uranium Deposits

Current status of research on geology and geochemistry of the unconformity-type uranium deposits, especially in the Athabasca Basin.Various methods that are used in the studies of this type of deposits and the specific problems that they can solve. Application of these methods to your thesis subject.

GEOL 800AM - Tectonic setting and structural–stratigraphic controls of Precambrian gold deposits

Investigation of the geotectonic setting and structural-lithostratigraphic controls of gold deposits, emphasizing Archean and Paleoproterozoic deposits of the Canadian shield.

GEOL 800AN - Geology and Tectonic History of Rae Craton and its Context in Laurentia (and Nuna)

This course will explore the geology & tectonic history of Rae Craton, with focus on the western Rae (Arrowsmith and Thelon-Taltson orogens). It will include study current theories and controversies on the origin of plate tectonics on early earth and how they apply to the Rae (and the assembly of Laurentia).

GEOL 800AO - Tectonic evolution of the western Churchill Province of Laurentia

Overview of the main tectonostratigraphic elements of the western Churchill province (Rae and Hearne cratons) and investigation of related processes of tectonic assembly, including the origin of the Snowbird tectonic zone.

GEOL 801 - PHD Comprehensive Exam

This course is required of all students registerd in a PhD program and it must be completed within 16 months of beginning the program. The candidate's supervisory committee will examine the students knowledge in the area(s) of Geology related to the student's research. Students will submit a comprehensive research proposal which will form the basis for the oral examination.

GEOL 811 - Advanced Mineralogy

Laboratory aspects of R.I. determination, model analysis, reflectivity, micro-hardness, cathodoluminescence, chemical and X-ray analysis and their application in natural mineral systems and assemblages.

GEOL 840AD - Carbonate Sedimentology

This course is designed to review the current literatures on sedimentology and diagenesis of carbonate reservoirs in the western Canada Sedimentary Basin. The students are required to relate the results of these publications to their assigned study area to identify the gaps for their future research.

GEOL 840AF - Topics in Sedimentology A - Fluvial, esturine and delta deposits

Sedimentary characteristics of fluvial, esturine and delta deposits. Sedimentation processes and environmental analysis.

GEOL 840AG - Topics in Sedimentology B-Siliciclatic deposits and sequence stratigraphy

Sequence stratigraphy of shoreface deposits (Embry vs Exxon models) and non-marine deposits (Shanley and McCabe vs Exxon models) and application in the Mannville Group in Saskatchewan.

GEOL 841 - Regional Problem Stratigraphy

Stratigraphic sequence, depositional framework, and historical geology of the Western Canada Basin and continguous areas. Emphasis on application of principles to exploration for petroleum, groung water, and economic mineral deposit.

GEOL 842 - Sedimentary Economic Geology

Geology, origin, exploration for and exploitation of fossil fuels and industrial mineral deposits.

GEOL 843 - Recent Advances in Petrology

Modern work in pure and applied petrology, including recent developments in research methodology and instrumentation concerning the investigation of crustal inorganic and/or organic matter.

GEOL 850 - Topics in Structural Geology

Relationships between internal and external stress and the resultant strain features in rocks, including mathematical analysis and analog computer studies.

GEOL 870 - Recent Advances Geochemistry

Modern work in pure and applied geochemistry, including elemental distribution and migration in igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rock; organic studies; agricultural and medical aspects.

GEOL 874 - Geology of Fluids

Occurrence and movement of fluids in the subsurface; pore geometry and fluid flow applied to ground water, petroleum geology, engineering geology, geothermal energy, and genesis of hydrothermal ore deposits.

GEOL 880AA - Metallogeny of Gold Deposits

Classification and geological and geochemical characteristics of various types of gold deposits, with emphasis on orogenic type. Genetic models including sources, transportation, and deposition mechanisms. Analytical methods including major and trace elements, geochronology, stable isotopes and fluid inclusions.

GEOL 880AC - Glacial and Quaternary Geology

Selecting topics - Advanced study of topics in glacial and quarternary geology

GEOL 880AD - Advanced Geomodelling

This course will cover the advanced use of geomodelling and GIS techniques in geological sciences including advanced material in analysis, geostatistics and modeling. It will provide a practical hand-on approach to spatial database design and spatial data analysis with geomodelling. The focus of the course will be on concepts and strategies rather than on specific software tools. The content will be organized around the following topics (but not limited to): alteration and structural mapping, exploration geochemistry and geophysics, mineral exploration, remote sensing, hydrology and mineral prospectively modeling.

GEOL 880AE - U-Pb geochronology: Theory and Applications

Theory and application of U-Pb geochronology in geology. Strategies for sampling and dating various U-bearing minerals for different purposes (e.g., primary crystallization vs. metamorphic ages). Conventional (ID-TIMS) versus high-spatial resolution (HR-SIMS) techniques.

GEOL 880AF - Structural Geology of Ore Deposits

Review of theoretical and practical concepts of structural geology as applied to the formation of ore deposits. The course will consist of weekly/biweekly meetings, readings and assignments plus a final seminar and/or report on a selected topic.

GEOL 880AG - Readings in Geomicrobiology

The course will cover readings relating to topics in geomicrobiology and related topics of interest to participants (biogeochemistry, organic geochemistry). Students will prepare weekly short presentations and summaries about journal articles on these topics, and a final proposal assignment.

GEOL 890AC - Directed Readings in Earth Systems Evolution

Advanced readings will focus on how the Earth's surface environments have evolved over time, the advent and acceptance of plate tectonics, and how geological processes underly the biogeochemical cycling of elements. The student will gain a more complete understanding of the Earth system and gain valualbe skills in presenting and grant writing.

GEOL 890AD - Advanced Principles of Groundwater Flow

The course will cover the principles of groundwater flow, properties of aquifers, geology of groundwater occurrence, and regional groundwater flow with examples from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin in parallel to GEOL 476. Advanced readings will focus on issues surrounding more complex gorundwater flow problems, contaminant hydrogeology, and the effects of climate change on groundwater systems.

GEOL 890AE - Precambrian Tectonic Processes

Overview of Precambrian geology with emphasis on possible differences in tectonic processes in the Archean versus Proterozoic/Phanerozoic, and related discussion of important evolutionary changes in the earth system.

GEOL 890AF - Isotope Geochemistry

The course will introduce the graduate student(s) to the theory, methodology, and application of stable and radiogenic istopes in the geosciences. There will be a particular emphasis on isotopes in low-temperature geochemistry applications and biogeochemical element cycling. Particular attention will be paid to the use of light and non-traditional stable isotopes.

GEOL 890AG - Dating Deformation in Rocks

Study of low- and high-T isotopic systems/methods employed to date rock deformation. Emphasis will be placed on methods (and related dateable minerals) used to constrain the timing of deformation in both brittle faults and ductile shear zones.

GEOL 900 - Issues and Topics in Geoscience

Students registered in GEOL 900 should attend all seminars during that semester. Those who are unable to do so should make an arrangement with the instructor. Credit is Pass/Fail based on presenting successfully one seminar and attending all seminars. Each graduate student requires two GEOL 900: the first is at the beginning of the program; the second is prior to a thesis defense.

GEOL 901 - Research

Thesis Research.