Kathryn Bethune

Contact Info
Research interests
- Structural geology
- Metamorphic petrology
- Tectonics
- Structural control on mineral deposits
Expertise and areas of study
Dr. Kathryn Bethune's expertise is mainly in the field of structural geology and tectonics of orogenic belts, with emphasis on Precambrian orogens of the Canadian shield; Interaction between structure and metamorphism during orogenesis; Microstructures and deformation behaviour of rocks; Applications of geochronology in tectonics; Structural controls on mineral deposits.
Prior to joining the University of Regina, Dr. Bethune had worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Geological Survey of Canada (1993-1995) and Queen's University (1996-1998).
Dr. Bethune is an Associate Editor of "Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences" and has served as Guest Editor of special issues of "Precambrian Research".
Courses taught
Geology 353: Structural Geology I (Introductory Structural Geology):- Introduction to fundamental geological structures. Geometric and descriptive analysis of primary and secondary structures, including faults and folds. Map analysis of geological structures. Relationship between structural features and landforms. Geological field methods.
Geology 453: Structural Geology II (Advanced Structural Geology):- Morphology and classification of large- and small-scale structures in the earth's crust. Stress-strain relations and modes of rock deformation. Kinematic and dynamic analysis of structures. Structure in relation to mountain-building with emphasis on the development of fold-thrust belts.
Geology 315: Metamorphic Petrology:- Overview of metamorphic rocks, minerals and processes. Agencies and occurrence of metamorphism. Concepts of metamorphic grade, zones and facies. Metamorphic textures, reactions and the petrogenetic grid.
Geology Field Camp II (Geology 496):- Geological study and mapping in crystalline rocks of the Precambrian shield, northern Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Rocks of variable metamorphic grade and structural complexity are examined, from deeper crustal levels in the vicinity of the Pelican window to the spectacularly preserved, sub-greenschist- to greenschist-facies volcano-sedimentary rocks around Flin Flon.
Graduate courses:- Geology 850:- Topics in Structural Geology; Geology 876:- Precambrian Geology; Geology 810:- Studies in Regional Metamorphism.
Selected recent publications
Li, Z., Chi, G., Bethune, K.M., Eldursi, K., Quirt, D., Ledru, P., Gudmundson, G. 2018. Numerical simulation of strain localization and its relationship to formation of the Sue unconformity-related uranium deposits, eastern Athabasca Basin, Canada. Ore Geology Reviews 101: 17–3.
Chi, G., Li, Z., Chu, H., Bethune, K.M., Quirt, D. H., Ledru, P., Normand, C., Card, C., Bosman, S., Davis, W. J., Potter, E.G. 2018. A shallow-burial mineralization model for the Unconformity-related uranium deposits of the Athabasca Basin. Scientific Communication. Economic Geology, 113(5): 1209–1217.
Wang, K., Chi, G., Bethune, K.M., Li, Z., Blamey, N., Card, C., Potter, E.G., Liu, Y. 2018. Fluid P-T-X characteristics and evidence for boiling in the formation of the Phoenix uranium deposit (Athabasca Basin, Canada): Implications for unconformity-related uranium mineralization mechanisms Ore Geology Reviews, 101: 122–142.
Card, C.D., Bethune, K.M., Davis, W.J., Rayner, N., Creaser, R. 2017. Characterising the southern part of the Hearne Province in Saskatchewan: a forgotten part of the Canadian shield revisited. Precambrian Research 307: 51–65.
Li, Z., Chi, G., Bethune, K.M., Eldursi, K., Thomas, D., Quirt, D. and Ledru, P. 2018. Synchronous egress and ingress fluid flow related to compressional reactivation of basement faults: the Phoenix and Gryphon uranium deposits, southeastern Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada. Mineralium Deposita 53: 277–292.
Li, Z., Chi, G., Bethune, K.M., Thomas, D., and Zaluski G. (2017). Structural controls on fluid flow during compressional reactivation of basement faults: insights from numerical modeling for the formation of unconformity-related uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin, Canada. Economic Geology 112: 451–466.
Li, Z., Chi, G., and Bethune, K.M. 2016. The effects of basement faults on thermal convection and implications for the formation of unconformity-style uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin, Canada. Geofluids, 16(4):729-751.
Li, Z., Bethune, Chi, G., K.M., Bosman, S., and Card, C., 2015. Topographic features of the sub-Athabasca Group unconformity surface in southeastern Athabasca Basin and their relationships to uranium ore deposits. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 52: 903–920.
Card, C.D., Bethune, K.M., Davis, W.J., Rayner, N., Ashton, K.E. 2014. The case for a distinct Taltson orogeny: evidence from northwest Saskatchewan, Canada. Precambrian Research, 255: 245-265.
Chi, G., Li, Z., Bethune, K. 2014. Numerical modelling of hydrocarbon generation in the Douglas Formation of the Athabasca Basin (Canada) and implications for unconformity-related uranium mineralization. J. Geochemical Exploration, 144: 37–48.
Berman, R.G., Bethune, K.M. 2013. Paleoproterozoic tectonic assembly of the western Canadian shield: new findings and implications for the reconstruction of Nuna/Laurentia. Editorial, Special Volume, Precambrian Research, 232: 1–3.
Bethune, K.M., Berman, R.G., Ashton, K.E., and Rayner, N. 2013. Structural, petrological and U–Pb SHRIMP geochronological study of the western Beaverlodge domain: implications for crustalarchitecture, multi-stage orogenesis and the extent of the Taltson orogen in the SW Rae craton, Canadian Shield. Precambrian Research, 232: 89–118.
Ashton, K.E., Hartlaub, R.P., Bethune, K.M., Heaman, L.M., Rayner, N., and Niebergall, G. 2013. New depositional age constraints for the Murmac Bay group of the southern Rae craton, Canada. Precambrian Research, 232: 70–88.
Liu, Y., Chi, G., Bethune, K.M., and Dubé, B. 2011. Fluid dynamics and fluid-structural relationships in the Red Lake mine trend, Red Lake greenstone belt, Ontario, Canada. Geofluids, 11(3): 260–279.
Bethune, K.M., Hunter, R.C., and Ashton, K.E. 2010. Age and provenance of the Paleoproterozoic Thluicho Lake Group based on detrital zircon U–Pb SHRIMP geochronology: new insights into the protracted tectonic evolution of the southwestern Rae Province, Canadian Shield. Precambrian Research, 182: 83–100.
Hunter, R.C., Bethune, K.M., Ashton, K.E., and Yeo, G.M. 2010. Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Paleoproterozoic Thluicho Lake Group, southwestern Rae Province, Canada: alluvial basin development in the hinterland of the Taltson orogen. The Journal of Geology, 118: 487–508.
Ashton, K.E., Hartlaub, R.P., Heaman, L.M., Morelli, R.M., Bethune, K.M., and Hunter, R.C. 2009. Post-Taltson sedimentary and intrusive history of the southern Rae Province along the northern margin of the Athabasca Basin, Western Canadian Shield. Precambrian Research, 175: 16–34.
Tran, H.T., Ansdell, K.M., Bethune, K.M., Ashton, K.E., and Hamilton, M.A. 2008. Provenance and tectonic setting of Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks along the eastern margin of Hearne craton: constraints from SHRIMP geochronology of the Wollaston Group, Saskatchewan, Canada. Precambrian Research 167: 171–185.