Earth Sciences


Graduation caps in the air.
695 Alumni from 1969-2024
370 students took GEOL 102 in 2023
34 MSc students from 2010-2019

The Department of Earth Sciences (previously the Department of Geology) was founded in the 1960s as part of the University of Saskatchewan Regina Campus which became part of the University of Regina when it was founded in 1974. Our alumni have included leaders in industry, government, and academia. We love to hear updates from our alumni and if you have photos or memories to add to this alumni page, we welcome your contributions! Please contact us via the get in touch form below or reach out to our webmasters.

Upcoming Alumni Events

Come celebrate the 50th anniversary of the University of Regina and the 55th anniversary of the department! Events include:

The Faculty of Science Celebration

Thursday and Friday, October 10th and 11th, 2024

Come and celebrate the Faculty of Science, including a series of talks on Friday the 11th!

Alumni Week

October 21st to 26th, 2024

Celebrate Alumni Week with the U of R! As the University of Regina celebrates its 50th anniversary, we're celebrating with our valued alumni and surrounding community during Alumni Week - running from October 21st to 26th. 

On October 21st, 2024 is the Alumni in the Classroom event. If you would like to join this event, please contact Emily Lints ( or 306-585-5158)

Watch for additional events on the University of Regina website

Here are a few other ways to connect with other alumni:

  • You’re an alum for life! - Whether you've just graduated, have been out in the world for years, or are celebrating the 50th anniversary of your convocation as a U of R Golden Aluminary, you're an alum for life and part of a family of more than 90,000 in 113 countries. Being a U of R alum has its benefits. Read on about continuous learning, and networking opportunities, special discounts with our affinity partners — and other special perks of being in the U of R family. Learn more
  • Departmental Seminar Series - The department holds regular seminars on geological research topics in the months of September through April. Reach out via the form to be added to our email list.
  • SGS Saskatchewan Geological Open House - Each year, many URegina Geology Alumni attend Open House and it’s a great (free!) way to reconnect with your colleagues and friends and catch up on what’s new in the department. Look for our URegina Department of Geology poster at this event!
  • Saskatchewan Geological Society - Many of our alumni are highly involved in the Saskatchewan Geological Society, which holds regular seminars, social meet ups, annual field trips, and an annual golf tournament.
  • LinkedIn - There is a LinkedIn group for URegina Geology Alumni, we encourage you to connect with that group if you are on that social media platform. 

Retired and Former Faculty and Staff

Retired and former professors and instructors

Note: we are still working to complete this list, if you have other faculty or instructors to add to this list, or details to fill in, please reach out via the form below!

  • 1965 - ?: H. Ll. (Lyn) Jones (Sessional Instructor)
  • Frank McDougall (Lab Instructor)
  • 1966 - ?: W. A. (Tony) Gordon (Faculty)
  • 1968 - 1998: John Lewry (Faculty)
  • 1968 - 1991: L.W. (Laurence) Vigrass (Faculty, Department Head 1988 - 1991)
  • 1968 - 1996: Don Kent (Sessional Instructor 1968-1970; Permanent Faculty 1971+)
  • 1969 - 1998: G.R. (Geoff) Parslow (Faculty)
  • 1970 - 1995: Les Beck (Adjunct Faculty, taught Mineral Deposits, Uranium Geology and Geochemical Exploration)
  • 1977 - 2003: Brian Watters (Faculty)
  • ~1976- ?: Judith Potter (hired to the URegina Energy Research Unit (ERU))
  • 1997 - 2007: Ralph Cheeseman (Adjunct Professor and Sessional Instructor)
  • ? - 2003; 2003 - 2015?: Pier Binda (Faculty; subsequently Sessional Instructor)
  • ? - 2015: Robert MacDonald (Sessional Instructor, Adjunct Faculty)
  • Paul Ramaekers (Sessional Instructor)
  • Jim Arthur (Head Lab Instructor)
  • Jisou Jin (Sessional Instructor?)
  • ? - 2020: Stephen Bend (Faculty, initially hired to the URegina Energy Research Unit (ERU) and then moved to the Department of Geology)
  • ? - 2010: Evanna Simpson (Lab Instructor)
  • ? - 2006: Syed Abbas-Hasanie (Lab Instructor)
  • 2003? - 2015: Evan Morris (Sessional Instructor)
  • 1992 - 2010: Katherine Bergman (Faculty)
  • 2000 - 2003: Todd Radenbaugh (Sessional Instructor)
  • 2003 - 2021: Janis Dale (Faculty 2003 - 2021; Previously in Geography; 2021+ Adjunct Faculty)
  • 2019? - 2020 (?): Khalifa Eldursi (Sessional Instructor)
  • 2018 - 2020: Richard From (Lab Instructor)
  • 2019 - 2020: Zeinab Azadbakht (Sessional Lab Instructor, Sessional Instructor)
  • 2016 - 2018: Geoff Reith (Lab Instructor)
  • Zenghua Li (Sessional Instructor, Postdoctoral Researcher)
  • Mauri Smith (Sessional (Lab?) Instructor, student)
  • Glen Sutter (Adjunct Faculty)
  • Laverne Stasiuk (Adjunct Faculty)
  • Per Kent Pedersen (Adjunct Faculty)
  • Jordan Deane (Sessional Instructor, student)
  • 2011 - 2016: Richard Boulding (Sessional Instructor, student)
  • We would also like to thank the following URegina faculty who served our department as Interim Heads: Mark Brigham (Interim Head of Geology for a year, URegina Biology Professor), Zisis Papandreou (Interim head of Geology for 4 months, URegina Physics), Cory Butz (Interim head of Geology for 4 months, URegina Computer Science), Renata Raina-Fulton (Head of Geology for a year, URegina Chemistry and Biochemistry).

For a list of present faculty, see here.

Retired and former support staff
  • ? - 2018: Mets Ritsema (Lab Technician)
  • 2018 - ?: Trent Kostelny (Lab Technician)
  • Linda Mark (Administrative Assistant)
  • ? - 2005: Roberta (Bobbie) Ruda (Administrative Assistant)
  • 2005 - 2006: Margaret (Marg) Friebel (Administrative Assistant)
  • 2006 - 2024: Van Tran (Administrative Assistant)

For a list of present support staff, see here.

Alumni History

In Memoriam

Awards History

D.M. Kent Club History

Keep in Touch

Interested in keeping in touch with the University of Regina Department of Earth Sciences? Please fill out the form below to register for updates on upcoming events or to get more involved in the future!
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