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Zero-Cost Material Courses

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What is a zero-cost material course?

A zero-cost material course is a course that exclusively uses teaching materials and resources freely available and easily accessible to students. Zero-cost teaching materials and resources may include open-access books and other open-access educational resources available through various on-line platforms as well as digital books, journal articles, and other types of educational resources that are free to students through the University Library's online services.

Upcoming Zero-Cost Material Courses

Fall Term 2024 (202430)
30200 BIOL 140 L01 Human Biology for Non-majors
30201 BIOL 140 L02 Human Biology for Non-majors
30202 BIOL 140 L03 Human Biology for Non-majors
30203 BIOL 140 L04 Human Biology for Non-majors
30204 BIOL 150 L01 Biological Principles
30205 BIOL 150 L02 Biological Principles
30206 BIOL 150 L03 Biological Principles
30460 CREE 100 S90 Elementary Cree I
30461 CREE 100 S91 Elementary Cree I
30463 CREE 101 S90 Elementary Cree II
30762 ECS 303 020 Curriculum and Pedagogy 2
30768 ECS 303 050 Curriculum and Pedagogy 2
31374 FILM 380AS 001 Cinema and Performance
31385 FRN 100 001 Discovery I
31387 FRN 100 003 Discovery I
31396 FRN 100 991 Discovery I
31397 FRN 101 001 Discovery II
33325 FRN 185 001 Initiation French Sec Lang
33467 FRN 201 002 Exploration II
33575 FRN 804 001 Recherche doctorale
33657 FRN 901 005 Recherche et rédaction
33273 FRN 250AG 001 Pratique de l'expression
33550 FRN 430AC 101 Sociolinguistique
31446 GEOL 102 001 Earth and Environment
31447 GEOL 102 060 Earth and Environment
31448 GEOL 102 061 Earth and Environment
31449 GEOL 102 096 Earth and Environment
31450 GEOL 102 097 Earth and Environment
31451 GEOL 102 098 Earth and Environment
31452 GEOL 102 099 Earth and Environment
31492 GES 100 L01 World Regional Geography
31503 GES 316 L01 Third World Geography
31947 LG 204 397 Basic Accounting Practices
33279 LG 204 398 Basic Accounting Practices
31990 MATH 103 L01 Applied Calculus I
31991 MATH 103 L10 Applied Calculus I
32018 MATH 122 L01 Linear Algebra I
32019 MATH 122 L10 Linear Algebra I
32025 MATH 217 L01 Differential Equations I
32086 MU 100 L01 Introduction to Music
32127 MUHI 202 L01 Music History Survey
32169 NSLI 230 L01 Nonprofit Communications
33226 NSLI 340 L01 Nonprofit Program Planning
32181 PHIL 150 L01 Critical Thinking
32185 PHIL 242 L01 Philosophy of Religion
33198 PHIL 880BK L01 Philosophy & Sust. Livelihoods
32316 PSYC 415AE L01 Social-Emotional Dev. & Apps
32365 RLST 100 C01 Intro to Religious Studies
32366 RLST 100 C21 Intro to Religious Studies
32372 RLST 390AM L01 Women in Islam
33504 SSW AWBC 001 Academic Writing Bootcamp
33506 SSW AWBC 002 Academic Writing Bootcamp
32670 WGST 100 L01 Intr to Womens and Gender Stud
Winter Term 2025 (202510)
10178 BIOL 140 L01 Human Biology for Non-majors
10179 BIOL 140 L02 Human Biology for Non-majors
10180 BIOL 140 L03 Human Biology for Non-majors
10181 BIOL 140 L04 Human Biology for Non-majors
10184 BIOL 140 L98 Human Biology for Non-majors
10185 BIOL 140 L99 Human Biology for Non-majors
13242 FRN 371 397 Colonialisme et réconciliation
13229 FRN 240AB 001 Paris
12143 LG 204 397 Basic Accounting Practices
13200 LG 204 398 Basic Accounting Practices
12227 MATH 442 001 Algebraic Topology
12237 MATH 842 001 Algebraic Topology
12624 RLST 100 C01 Intro to Religious Studies
12625 RLST 100 C21 Intro to Religious Studies