students sitting in desks in a classroom

Academic Schedule

The Academic Schedule outlines important dates for the academic year, including:

  • start and end dates for the term;
  • add and drop deadlines for classes;
  • tuition and fee payment and refund dates;
  • withdrawal deadlines;
  • holidays and university closure dates;
  • and more!

Note: Class start and end dates may vary.  Check the specific dates for your classes in UR Self-Service under My Refund Schedule.

Students who have not formally withdrawn are registered students, liable for fees, and, if, at the end of the term, are still registered, assigned a failing grade of NP. Deadlines are effective at 11:59 p.m. in UR Self-Service on the stated day. In-person business hours are normally 8:30 a.m. to Noon; 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. For example, the deadline for dropping a class through an office is 4:30 p.m. on the stated day. 

Want to know when you can register?  Find Out More!

Academic Schedule for 2024-2025

Term Information: Spring/Summer 2024 Fall 2024 Winter 2025
Part of term (POT): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 1 1
Held in: May‐Aug May June May‐June July August July‐Aug May‐Aug Sep‐Dec Jan‐Apr
Start of term 6‐May‐24 6‐May‐24 3‐Jun‐24 6‐May‐24 2‐Jul‐24 6‐Aug‐24 2‐Jul‐24 6‐May‐24 4‐Sep‐24 6‐Jan‐25
End of term 29‐Aug‐24 29‐Aug‐24 29‐Aug‐24 29‐Aug‐24 29‐Aug‐24 29‐Aug‐24 29‐Aug‐24 29‐Aug‐24 21‐Dec‐24 26‐Apr‐25
Class Dates                    
Start of classes 6‐May‐24 6‐May‐24 3‐Jun‐24 6‐May‐24 2‐Jul‐24 6‐Aug‐24 2‐Jul‐24 6‐May‐24 4‐Sep‐24 6‐Jan‐25
End of classes 21‐Aug‐24 28‐May‐24 24‐Jun‐24 19‐Jun‐24 23‐Jul‐24 27‐Aug‐24 15‐Aug‐24 31‐Jul‐24 6‐Dec‐24 11‐Apr‐25
Examination Dates                    
Start of examination period 24‐Aug‐24 30‐May‐24 27‐Jun‐24 22‐Jun‐24 25‐Jul‐24 29‐Aug‐24 19‐Aug‐24 2‐Aug‐24 9‐Dec‐24 14‐Apr‐25
End of examination period 27‐Aug‐24 30‐May‐24 27‐Jun‐24 26‐Jun‐24 25‐Jul‐24 29‐Aug‐24 22‐Aug‐24 8‐Aug‐24 21‐Dec‐24 26‐Apr‐25
Tuition and Fee Payment Dates                    
Due date for tuition and fee payment 6‐May‐24 6‐May‐24 3‐Jun‐24 6‐May‐24 2‐Jul‐24 6‐Aug‐24 2‐Jul‐24 6‐May‐24 4‐Sep‐24 6‐Jan‐25
End of penalty‐free payment period 10‐Jun‐24 31‐May‐24 28‐Jun‐24 31‐May‐24 31‐Jul‐24 30‐Aug‐24 31‐Jul‐24 31‐May‐24 1‐Oct‐24 31‐Jan‐25
Class Add/Drop Dates                    
End course‐add period 22‐May‐24 7‐May‐24 4‐Jun‐24 9‐May‐24 3‐Jul‐24 7‐Aug‐24 8‐Jul‐24 17‐May‐24 17‐Sep‐24 17‐Jan‐25
End of no‐record drop period 22‐May‐24 7‐May‐24 4‐Jun‐24 9‐May‐24 3‐Jul‐24 7‐Aug‐24 8‐Jul‐24 17‐May‐24 17‐Sep‐24 17‐Jan‐25
End of grade‐of‐W drop period 18‐Jul‐24 21‐May‐24 17‐Jun‐24 5‐Jun‐24 16‐Jul‐24 20‐Aug‐24 31‐Jul‐24 5‐Jul‐24 15‐Nov‐24 17‐Mar‐25
Tuition and Fee Refund Dates                    
End of 100% refund period 22‐May‐24 7‐May‐24 4‐Jun‐24 9‐May‐24 3‐Jul‐24 7‐Aug‐24 8‐Jul‐24 17‐May‐24 17‐Sep‐24 17‐Jan‐25
End of 50% refund period 10‐Jun‐24 9‐May‐24 6‐Jun‐24 16‐May‐24 8‐Jul‐24 12‐Aug‐24 15‐Jul‐24 31‐May‐24 2‐Oct‐24 31‐Jan‐25

Note: There are no Saturday classes when the National Truth and Reconciliation Day (Sept 30) and Remembrance Day (Nov 11) fall on a Saturday (this happens in 2028, 2034, 2045, 2051, 2056, 2062) or on the Saturday of the break weeks.

Saturday classes on holiday weekends (Labour Day, Thanksgiving, Easter, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Saskatchewan Day) are held at the discretion of the instructor.

Academic Schedule for 2025-2026

Term Information: Spring/Summer 2025 Fall 2025 Winter 2026
Part of term (POT): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 1 1
Held in: May‐Aug May June May‐June July August July‐Aug May‐Aug Sep‐Dec Jan‐Apr
Start of term 5‐May‐25 5‐May‐25 5‐May‐25 5‐May‐25 5‐May‐25 5‐May‐25 5‐May‐25 5‐May‐25 2‐Sep‐25 6‐Jan‐26
End of term 29‐Aug‐25 29‐Aug‐25 29‐Aug‐25 29‐Aug‐25 29‐Aug‐25 29‐Aug‐25 29‐Aug‐25 29‐Aug‐25 22‐Dec‐25 29‐Apr‐26
Class Dates
Start of classes 5‐May‐25 5‐May‐25 2‐Jun‐25 5‐May‐25 2‐Jul‐25 5‐Aug‐25 2‐Jul‐25 5‐May‐25 2‐Sep‐25 6‐Jan‐26
End of classes 20‐Aug‐25 27‐May‐25 23‐Jun‐25 18‐Jun‐25 23‐Jul‐25 26‐Aug‐25 18‐Aug‐25 31‐Jul‐25 5‐Dec‐25 13‐Apr‐26
Examination Dates
Start of examination period 25‐Aug‐25 30‐May‐25 26‐Jun‐25 21‐Jun‐25 26‐Jul‐25 29‐Aug‐25 20‐Aug‐25 5‐Aug‐25 9‐Dec‐25 16‐Apr‐26
End of examination period 27‐Aug‐25 30‐May‐25 26‐Jun‐25 25‐Jun‐25 26‐Jul‐25 29‐Aug‐25 23‐Aug‐25 9‐Aug‐25 22‐Dec‐25 29‐Apr‐26
Tuition and Fee Payment Dates
Due date for tuition and fee payment 5‐May‐25 5‐May‐25 2‐Jun‐25 5‐May‐25 2‐Jul‐25 5‐Aug‐25 2‐Jul‐25 5‐May‐25 2‐Sep‐25 6‐Jan‐26
End of penalty‐free payment period 9‐Jun‐25 2‐Jun‐25 30‐Jun‐25 2‐Jun‐25 31‐Jul‐25 1‐Sep‐25 31‐Jul‐23 30‐May‐25 29‐Sep‐25 2‐Feb‐26
Class Add/Drop Dates
End course‐add period 21‐May‐25 6‐May‐25 3‐Jun‐25 8‐May‐25 3‐Jul‐25 6‐Aug‐25 8‐Jul‐25 16‐May‐25 15‐Sep‐25 19‐Jan‐26
End of no‐record drop period 21‐May‐25 6‐May‐25 3‐Jun‐25 8‐May‐25 3‐Jul‐25 6‐Aug‐25 8‐Jul‐25 16‐May‐23 15‐Sep‐25 19‐Jan‐26
End of grade‐of‐W drop period 17‐Jul‐25 20‐May‐25 16‐Jun‐25 4‐Jun‐25 16‐Jul‐25 19‐Aug‐25 31‐Jul‐25 4‐Jul‐25 17‐Nov‐25 16‐Mar‐26
Tuition and Fee Refund Dates
End of 100% refund period 21‐May‐25 6‐May‐25 3‐Jun‐25 8‐May‐25 3‐Jul‐25 6‐Aug‐25 8‐Jul‐25 16‐May‐25 15‐Sep‐25 19‐Jan‐26
End of 50% refund period 9‐Jun‐25 8‐May‐25 5‐Jun‐25 15‐May‐25 8‐Jul‐25 11‐Aug‐25 15‐Jul‐25 2‐Jun‐25 29‐Sep‐25 2‐Feb‐26


Note: There are no Saturday classes when the National Truth and Reconciliation Day (Sept 30) and Remembrance Day (Nov 11) fall on a Saturday (this happens in 2028, 2034, 2045, 2051, 2056, 2062) or on the Saturday of the break weeks.

Saturday classes on holiday weekends (Labour Day, Thanksgiving, Easter, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Saskatchewan Day) are held at the discretion of the instructor.

Academic Schedule for 2026-2027

Term Information Spring/Summer 2026 Fall 2026 Winter 2027
Part of term (POT): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 1 1
Held in: May‐Aug May June May‐June July August July‐Aug May‐Aug Sep‐Dec Jan‐Apr
Start of term 4‐May‐26 4‐May‐26 4‐May‐26 4‐May‐26 4‐May‐26 4‐May‐26 4‐May‐26 4‐May‐26 1‐Sep‐26 6‐Jan‐27
End of term 27‐Aug‐26 27‐Aug‐26 27‐Aug‐26 27‐Aug‐26 27‐Aug‐26 27‐Aug‐26 27‐Aug‐26 27‐Aug‐26 22‐Dec‐26 28‐Apr‐27
Class Dates
Start of classes 4‐May‐26 4‐May‐26 1‐Jun‐26 4‐May‐26 2‐Jul‐26 4‐Aug‐26 2‐Jul‐26 4‐May‐26 1‐Sep‐26 6‐Jan‐27
End of classes 19‐Aug‐26 26‐May‐26 22‐Jun‐26 17‐Jun‐26 23‐Jul‐26 25‐Aug‐26 18‐Aug‐26 31‐Jul‐26 7‐Dec‐26 12‐Apr‐27
Examination Dates
Start of examination period 21‐Aug‐26 28‐May‐26 24‐Jun‐26 19‐Jun‐26 25‐Jul‐26 27‐Aug‐26 21‐Aug‐26 4‐Aug‐26 9‐Dec‐26 15‐Apr‐27
End of examination period 22‐Aug‐26 28‐May‐26 24‐Jun‐26 23‐Jun‐26 25‐Jul‐26 27‐Aug‐26 25‐Aug‐26 8‐Aug‐26 22‐Dec‐26 28‐Apr‐27
Tuition and Fee Payment Dates
Due date for tuition and fee payment 4‐May‐26 4‐May‐26 1‐Jun‐26 4‐May‐26 2‐Jul‐26 4‐Aug‐26 2‐Jul‐25 4‐May‐26 31‐Aug‐26 6‐Jan‐27
End of penalty‐free payment period 8‐Jun‐26 1‐Jun‐26 30‐Jun‐26 1‐Jun‐26 31‐Jul‐26 31‐Aug‐26 31‐Jul‐23 29‐May‐26 28‐Sep‐26 2‐Feb‐27
Class Add/Drop Dates
End course‐add period 20‐May‐26 5‐May‐26 2‐Jun‐26 7‐May‐26 6‐Jul‐26 5‐Aug‐26 8‐Jul‐26 15‐May‐26 14‐Sep‐26 19‐Jan‐27
End of no‐record drop period 20‐May‐26 5‐May‐26 2‐Jun‐26 7‐May‐26 6‐Jul‐26 5‐Aug‐26 8‐Jul‐26 15‐May‐26 14‐Sep‐26 19‐Jan‐27
End of grade‐of‐W drop period 16‐Jul‐26 19‐May‐26 15‐Jun‐26 3‐Jun‐26 16‐Jul‐26 18‐Aug‐26 4‐Aug‐26 6‐Jul‐26 16‐Nov‐26 15‐Mar‐27
Tuition and Fee Refund Dates
End of 100% refund period 20‐May‐26 5‐May‐26 2‐Jun‐26 7‐May‐26 6‐Jul‐26 5‐Aug‐26 8‐Jul‐26 15‐May‐26 14‐Sep‐26 19‐Jan‐27
End of 50% refund period 8‐Jun‐26 7‐May‐26 4‐Jun‐26 14‐May‐26 8‐Jul‐26 10‐Aug‐26 15‐Jul‐26 29‐May‐26 28‐Sep‐26 2‐Feb‐27

 Updated on 2025-02-13 (correction to the start of Winter term from Jan 5 to Jan 6, 2027)

Note: There are no Saturday classes when the National Truth and Reconciliation Day (Sept 30) and Remembrance Day (Nov 11) fall on a Saturday (this happens in 2028, 2034, 2045, 2051, 2056, 2062) or on the Saturday of the break weeks (e.g. Nov 9‐15, 2026, no classes on Sat., Nov 14; Feb 15‐21, 2027, no classes on Sat. Feb 20).

Saturdays of holiday weekends (Labour Day, Thanksgiving, Easter, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Saskatchewan Day) are held at the discretion of the instructor.

Academic Schedule for 2027-2028

Term Information Spring/Summer 2027 Fall 2027 Winter 2028
Part of term (POT): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 1 1
Held in: May‐Aug May June May‐June July August July‐Aug May‐Aug Sep‐Dec Jan‐Apr
Start of term 3‐May‐27 3‐May‐27 3‐May‐27 3‐May‐27 3‐May‐27 3‐May‐27 3‐May‐27 3‐May‐27 1‐Sep‐27 5‐Jan‐28
End of term 28‐Aug‐27 28‐Aug‐27 28‐Aug‐27 28‐Aug‐27 28‐Aug‐27 28‐Aug‐27 28‐Aug‐27 28‐Aug‐27 22‐Dec‐27 27‐Apr‐28
Class Dates
Start of classes 3‐May‐27 3‐May‐27 1‐Jun‐27 3‐May‐27 5‐Jul‐27 3‐Aug‐27 5‐Jul‐27 3‐May‐27 1‐Sep‐27 5‐Jan‐28
End of classes 18‐Aug‐27 25‐May‐27 22‐Jun‐27 16‐Jun‐27 26‐Jul‐27 24‐Aug‐27 18‐Aug‐27 30‐Jul‐27 7‐Dec‐27 11‐Apr‐28
Examination Dates
Start of examination period 21‐Aug‐27 28‐May‐27 25‐Jun‐27 19‐Jun‐27 29‐Jul‐27 26‐Aug‐27 21‐Aug‐27 3‐Aug‐27 9‐Dec‐27 13‐Apr‐28
End of examination period 24‐Aug‐27 28‐May‐27 25‐Jun‐27 23‐Jun‐27 29‐Jul‐27 26‐Aug‐27 25‐Aug‐27 7‐Aug‐27 22‐Dec‐27 27‐Apr‐28
Tuition and Fee Payment Dates
Due date for tuition and fee payment 3‐May‐27 3‐May‐27 1‐Jun‐27 3‐May‐27 3‐Aug‐27 3‐Aug‐27 5‐Jul‐27 3‐May‐27 1‐Sep‐27 5‐Jan‐28
End of penalty‐free payment period 7‐Jun‐27 31‐May‐27 30‐Jun‐27 31‐May‐27 3‐Aug‐27 31‐Aug‐27 3‐Aug‐27 31‐May‐27 29‐Sep‐27 1‐Feb‐28
Class Add/Drop Dates
End course‐add period 18‐May‐27 4‐May‐27 2‐Jun‐27 6‐May‐27 6‐Jul‐27 4‐Aug‐27 8‐Jul‐27 14‐May‐27 15‐Sep‐27 18‐Jan‐28
End of no‐record drop period 18‐May‐27 4‐May‐27 2‐Jun‐27 6‐May‐27 6‐Jul‐27 4‐Aug‐27 8‐Jul‐27 14‐May‐27 15‐Sep‐27 18‐Jan‐28
End of grade‐of‐W drop period 15‐Jul‐27 17‐May‐27 15‐Jun‐27 2‐Jun‐27 19‐Jul‐27 17‐Aug‐27 4‐Aug‐27 5‐Jul‐27 15‐Nov‐27 15‐Mar‐28
Tuition and Fee Refund Dates
End of 100% refund period 18‐May‐27 4‐May‐27 2‐Jun‐27 6‐May‐27 6‐Jul‐27 4‐Aug‐27 8‐Jul‐27 14‐May‐27 15‐Sep‐27 18‐Jan‐28
End of 50% refund period 7‐Jun‐27 6‐May‐27 7‐Jun‐27 13‐May‐27 8‐Jul‐27 9‐Aug‐27 15‐Jul‐27 31‐May‐27 29‐Sep‐27 1‐Feb‐28


Note: There are no Saturday classes when the National Truth and Reconciliation Day (Sept 30) and Remembrance Day (Nov 11) fall on a Saturday (this happens in 2028, 2034, 2045, 2051, 2056, 2062) or on the Saturday of the break weeks (e.g. Nov 8‐14, 2027, no classes on Sat., Nov 13; Feb 21‐27, 2027, no classes on Sat. Feb 26).

Saturdays of holiday weekends (Labour Day, Thanksgiving, Easter, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Saskatchewan Day) are held at the discretion of the instructor.