Director, Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy
Update 2
February 7, 2025
The Director, Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy (JSGS) has provided a summary of accomplishments and a vision statement for JSGS, spanning the next five years.
We invite you to review these documents, and provide your input in confidence to the Reappointment Committee.
Please send your input no later than Monday February 17, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. to Angela Leader, Executive Assistant to the Provost at All input received will be collated, anonymized, and provided to the Reappointment Committee for their consideration.
In consultation with the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, the Reappointment Committee membership has been established as follows:
- Chair: Interim Provost and Vice-President (Academic) – Dr. david Gregory
- 2 URFA Faculty Members: Dr. Kathleen McNutt, Dr. Justin Longo
- 1 USFA Faculty Member (Saskatoon): Dr. Michelle Bussière-Prytula
- 1 APT Member: Sadia McInnis
- 1 CUPE Member: Laura Mac-Donald
- 1 JSGS Graduate Student: Sebastian Eger
- 1 Executive in Residence: Lin Gallagher
- 1 OOS Representative: Susan Lloyd
- 1 FGSR Representative: Dr. Aziz Douai
- 1 UR Deans' Council Member: Dr. Erin Oldford
Update 1
August 27, 2024
Dr. Jim Farney’s term as Director, JSGS (Regina) is scheduled to end on November 30, 2025.
University policy governing out-of-scope academic administrative appointments (EMP-010-030) calls for a review in the penultimate year of appointment, provided both parties agree to consider a second term. Here is the relevant passage from that policy:
During the penultimate year of an out-of-scope individual’s term, the Supervising Authority and the individual will meet. If the two agree that a subsequent term should be considered, the Supervising Authority will initiate the renewal process.
The Supervising Authority will establish a Reappointment Committee which is advisory to the Supervising Authority. The Supervising Authority shall ensure that the committee has appropriate representation from the University community and other appropriate stakeholders. The composition of the committee shall be made public prior to the first meeting of the committee.
The individual will be invited to prepare a summary of accomplishments during the current term, a brief statement describing (in the context of the University’s Strategic Plan) a vision for the unit over the next five years and current curriculum vitae. The vision will be publicly available and all of the documents will be available to the committee.
The deliberations of the committee are strictly confidential. The committee will seek input from those who have worked closely with the individual. Having considered the input received and having met with the individual, the committee will advise the Supervising Authority regarding reappointment.
The Supervising Authority will consider the advice of the committee and the annual performance evaluations of the individual during the time in the position, and will make a recommendation to the Appointing Authority.
As Interim Provost and Vice-President (Academic), I am the supervising authority for the Director, JSGS, and the President Keshen is the appointing authority. Dr. Farney and the University have agreed to consider a second term based on a successful renewal consultation with JSGS and the wider University community.
Tentative Timeline for review (Jan-Mar 2025)
Jan 23: Review announced; call for elections/nominations to the Reappointment Committee made.
By Jan 31: Provost's Office receives names of elected/nominated individuals.
Feb 7: Composition of Reappointment Committee announced; Dr. Farney's summary of accomplishments and vision documents made available on the review website; call for written input made to faculty, staff, students and stakeholders.
Feb 17: Deadline for receipt of written input from faculty, staff, students, and stakeholders; all written input anonymized and collated by Provost's Office for review by Committee.
Between Feb 24-28: Reappointment Committee meets to discuss input and provide recommendation.
By Mar 31: Recommendation made to President, and announcement of outcome.
Composition of Reappointment Committee
Provost (Chair)
- 2 Faculty members (Regina), elected or selected
- 1 Faculty member (Saskatoon), elected or selected
- 1 APT member, elected or selected
- 1 CUPE member, elected or selected
- 1 JSGS Graduate student
- 1 Executive in Residence (TBD – for discussion)
- 1 FGSR representative, appointed by the Provost
- 1 UR Deans' Council representative, appointed by the Provost