Senate Election

2025 Chancellor Election

On June 30, 2025, Pam Klein will conclude her second term as Chancellor of the University of Regina.

Section 19.2 of the University of Regina Act states:

  • The Senate shall elect the Chancellor in accordance with this Act and the bylaws of Senate.
  • Any member of the Convocation may submit a nomination for Chancellor during the call for nominations.
  • Only persons who have been members of the Convocation for at least 10 years before nomination are eligible to be elected as Chancellor.
  • The Chancellor holds office for a term of three years and until his or her successor is elected.

Nomination Information

Nominations for the position of Chancellor must be submitted in writing to the University Secretary no later than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 15, 2025. The nominations must be endorsed by seven members of the Convocation. The nomination must include the written consent of the person being nominated. 

Nomination Forms

The following forms must be completed by April 15, 2025 and submitted to

Chancellor Nomination Form
Biographical Information

2025 Election of District Representatives

We are pleased to announce the call for nominations for district representatives to the University of Regina Senate, for the following districts:

District 3 (Assiniboia-Bengough) - Incumbent is eligible for re-election

District 4 (Swift Current-Gravelbourg) - Vacant

District 5 (Maple Creek-Rosetown-Lloydminster) - Incumbent is not eligible to re-election

District 6 (Saskatoon) - Incumbent is eligible for re-election

District 7 (Melfort-Wynyard-Davidson) - Incumbent is eligible for re-election

District 8 (Melville-Yorkton-Hudson Bay) - Incumbent is eligible for re-election

Background on the University of Regina Senate

The Senate includes 14 elected alumni members of the Senate representing 11 electoral districts.

Because of its broad public representation, the Senate has been described as the University’s “window on the world.” Its functions in this respect are of the utmost importance. Its general focus is the academic welfare of the institution and, within this area, it has a variety of duties and powers. Most of the broader issues of academic policy within the University are reserved for its approval. In another role, it acts as an ultimate appeal body in academic affairs.

Nomination Information

All alumni are eligible to be nominated for election as a member of Senate. If elected, service is for a 3-year term commencing July 1, 2025.

There are typically three Senate meetings held per academic year - in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. An orietnation session is held for new Senators in conjunctions with the Fall meeting.

The Senate seeks representation from every sector of the community inclyding business, academia, and cultural communities with a view to engaging in the wider community locally, regionally, and nationally.

Nomination Forms

The following forms must be completed and submitted to by Tuesday, April 15, 2025

Nomination Form
Biographical Information