Distinguished Service Awards
The Distinguished Service Award Committee is responsible to the Board on matters concerning the Board of Governors Distinguished Service Award (DSA
The Committee's duties are to:
- Review and make recommendations to the Board for approval of changes to the terms, conditions, and mode of recognition for the DSA, as required.
- Annually review nominations for the DSA and, when a suitable candidate is identified, recommend to the Board approval of the nominee to receive the DSA, which is normally presented at the Board’s December function/celebration.
- Annually review its terms of reference and recommend changes as required to the Board as appropriate.
On behalf of the Committee, the University Secretary will issue a call for nominations for the DSA annually, normally in the fall.
The nomination period is closed.
The Distinguished Service Award Advisory Committee
c/o University Secretary
AH 510, Administration-Humanities Building
University of Regina
Regina, SK S4S 0A2
or E-mail
Any questions or comments may be directed to the University Secretariat office by email.