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Position Profile
Reporting to the President and Vice-Chancellor, the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) is the University's senior academic and operating officer, with significant responsibility for the day-to-day functioning and management of the institution and its advancement within the framework established by the Strategic Plan. In the absence of the President, the Provost acts on their behalf.
The Provost has broad responsibilities for academic operations and budgets across nine Faculties as well as the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, the Centre for Continuing Education, the Archer Library, and - through the Associate Vice-President (Student Affairs) - the Registrar's Office and Student Affairs. The Provost's Office has executive responsibility for student recruitment, transition, and retention; Indigenous programming initiatives; campus sustainability initiatives; and, through UR International, student recruitment and partnerships in more than 100 countries around the world.
Through the Associate Vice-President (Academic), the Provost is also responsible for La Cité universitaire francophone, and for oversight of the academic relationship with the University's three federated college partners: Campion College, First Nations University of Canada, and Luther College. Through the Associate Vice-President (Academic), the Provost's Office also is the liaison between the University, the Gabriel Dumont Institute, the Saskatchewan Police College, and the Regional Colleges.
Working with the collegial governance structures of the Faculties, Executive of Council, and Senate, the Provost evaluates and defines strategic institutional academic priorities, and seeks to enhance the University's reputation nationally and internationally for academic programs of high quality and relevance to current and future students.
As Chair of UR Deans' Council, the Provost is responsible for guiding academic policy development across the University, ensuring alignment of the University's teaching and mentorship functions with its Strategic Plan, evaluating proposals for new programs and initiatives, and overseeing periodic reviews of individual academic programs and units. The Provost chairs decanal search committees and is responsible for the performance reviews of Deans and Directors. The Provost also works closely with the Vice-President (Research) to advance the University's research goals, to embed the richness of research and discovery in the University's teaching and mentorship, and to promote student involvement in research.
Working with the Deans and the Department of Human Resources, the Provost has responsibility for the recruitment and retention of highly qualified faculty members, and for ensuring a high standard of teaching, research, and mentorship throughout the institution. The Provost's Office liaises with Human Resources on issues of faculty bargaining and matters arising from the Collective Agreement with the University of Regina Faculty Association.
In close collaboration with the Vice-President (Administration), the Executive Secretary, University Governance, and their respective teams, the Provost facilitates the University's budget and institutional strategic planning processes. The Provost collaborates with members of the University's Executive Team and administrators throughout the institution to ensure that resources flowing into the University from government grants and student tuition are effectively allocated to meet the needs of current and prospective students.
The Provost represents the University of Regina's interests on a number of provincial and national bodies. The Provost meets regularly with officials of the Ministry of Advanced Education, and with other postsecondary institutions in Saskatchewan and elsewhere on issues of planning and policy regarding academic programs, curricular renewal, and labour market development in the province. A particular focus of the Provost's Office is the development of strategies, policies, and structures that will promote academic quality and institutional fiscal sustainability in an increasingly competitive marketplace for students both domestic and international.
The Provost's Office is located in the Executive Offices on the fifth floor of the Administration-Humanities Building.