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  4. OPS-100-005 Food Services
University of Regina Policy

Food Services

Audience:All University employees and External Clients
Issued:February 01, 2002
Revised:June 02, 2024
Owner(s):AVP (Student Affairs)
Approved by:VP (Administration)
Contact:Director, Student Affairs Ancillaries and Finance - 306-585-4073


The University of Regina supports the general principle of building community and fellowship through shared food and meals. The University must also ensure compliance with health and safety regulations, maintenance of University contracts and employment agreements, and appropriate investments in facilities and equipment to provide food services.

Patronizing the University-approved caterers who are contracted to provide food services on campus supports the University and the associated investment in capital equipment and space, and assists in making the provision of these services a financially viable operation for the benefit of students, faculty and staff of the University.


University-approved caterers are contracted by the University of Regina to provide food and beverages on campus property. Due to health regulations, any foods and beverages provided by a caterer must remain on campus after the event is completed. As well, to ensure control and food safety, the caterer must be the sole supplier of food and drink at an event.

Off-campus caterers are not permitted access to University space for the purpose of providing catering services - this includes all provisions of food and beverages for events in University space. Such restricted access not only includes events where remuneration for the catering services is to occur, it also includes events where no monies will be exchanged as in a sponsored event. Any exceptions to this policy will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Director of Student Affairs Ancillaries and Finance, or designate, considering existing contracts, collective agreements, health regulations, and other University policies.

Using University Funds

If University administered funds are used to pay for catering services on campus, University-approved caterers must be used exclusively, unless the food service/catering request is for a specialized event hosted by a member of the University Executive Team.

As well, other food solutions can be acquired for groups smaller than 12 or if food expenses are less than $100 in value where food items are purchased for same-day employee consumption (e.g. coffee and donuts or a small number of lunch meals). In this case, the itemized receipt must clearly indicate the food items purchased, the meeting name and date, and the names of attendees. This receipt – and meeting details - must be attached to the standard reimbursement claim form or University Purchasing Card.

Potluck Functions

An identifiable group within the University (faculty, staff or students) may wish to have a private event like a potluck or a gathering in which the food is paid for by collection of personal contributions.  A Potluck Function may be deemed private if an entire list of names of all guests is recorded and can be produced if requested.  Potluck Functions at the University fall under this Policy and must conform to the guidelines contained herein:

  1. Potluck Functions are allowed only for private departmental staff functions or when the food is prepared and served by volunteers of a student organization for a private event organized and controlled by that student organization. Potluck Functions are not open to the public and are limited to 30 invited persons (faculty, staff or students) or less. Any function involving an invitation to the public must be catered in accordance with this Policy. For more information, please also see Appendix A - Food Safety Guidelines.

The University will not be liable for any illness, allergic reaction, or injury that occurs in relation to the consumption or handling of food at a Potluck Function.

Special Cultural Gatherings (e.g. Feasting)

All special gathering celebrations – cultural and/or religious – held on University grounds must be jointly approved by a Public Health Inspector from the Saskatchewan Health Authority and the Director of Student Affairs Ancillaries and Finance or designate. Guidelines in seeking approval are as follows:

  1. All meat (including wild meat) must be inspected federally, provincially or locally. The organizer of the special event must provide, upon request, appropriate documentation that meat was “inspected” and “from an approved source”. 
  2. All special gatherings are considered “public” functions versus “potluck” functions and must adhere to the Saskatchewan Public Health Act, Food Safety Regulations, P-37.1 Reg 12.
  3. Organizers of all approved special gatherings if held on campus may request access to University space (e.g. University-contracted vendor kitchens and serveries), which includes mandatory supervision provided by a current University employee or University-approved certified chef. This request will be subejct to review/approval by the Director of Student Affairs Ancillaries and Finance. A cleanup fee plus a labor fee associated in having a qualified on-site University employee or University-approved certified chef will be charged to organizers of the special gathering.

Bake Sales

All requests to host a bake sale event on campus should be submitted via the online web form. For more information, please see Appendix A – Food Safety Guidelines.


All requests to host a barbeque (BBQ) event on campus should be submitted via the online web form.

A BBQ is understood to include events where the host wishes to have a small BBQ for their own consumption as well as events where the host intends a public BBQ event, which may or may not also include ticket sales.

In all cases, the Hospitality team will liaise with the provincial Public Health Inspector and other partners as may be necessary (e.g. Protective Services, Health and Safety) to ensure BBQ events have appropriate approvals and supports.

Food Trucks

All requests to host a food truck event on campus should be submitted via the online web form.

Off-Campus Catering

In general, University-organized events requiring food service should be hosted on campus and must utilize University-approved caterers.

For events at off-campus locations in Regina, using University-administered funds to pay for catering services, University-approved caterers should be used unless the event location includes mandatory on-site professional food service. In all cases, the event organizer/fund manager will be responsible to comply with reasonable hospitality expenditure limits as outlined within policy EMP-060-006 Expenses - General.

Consequences for Noncompliance

All members of the University community are subject to the requirements of this policy. Violations are subject to the University's administrative processes and discipline systems. Disciplinary action may be taken up to and including termination of the member’s position with the University, or in the case of a student, a penalty as determined under the Regulations Governing Discipline for Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct (up to and including expulsion from the University).


There may be strategic initiatives or other factors that warrant an exemption to this policy (for instance, the University commitment to advance economic reconciliation by supporting an Indigenous Caterer/food vendor).  To apply for an exemption to the Food Services Policy, submit the online web form ( with detailed information pertaining to your request; name of event, number of people consuming food, location, date, funding sources, etc.

If you would like more information regarding provincial health and safety guidelines, please contact the Public Health Inspector at 306-766-7755 or

Related Information

Appendix A - Food Safety Guidelines

GOV-100-005 Health and Safety

OPS-040-006 Approval of Outdoor Events

OPS-110-005 Sale and Service of Alcohol on Campus

Non-Academic Misconduct Regulations

SK Food Safety Regulations

University Food Services