Office of Institutional Research
The Office of Institutional Research (OIR) provides data, research, and analysis to support decision-making at the University of Regina and its external partners, including funders.
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Administration-Humanities Building, Suite 509
University of Regina
Regina, SK S4S 0A2
Phone: 306-585-5289
Performance Measurement Framework (PMF)
The University of Regina’s Performance Measurement Framework (PMF), a variation on the balanced scorecard methodology, is the instrument by which the University and its Board of Governors measures and reports its progress in achieving the goals of its strategic plan. The PMF Scorecard is regularly updated over the course of each fiscal year.
The current PMF Scorecard reports progress towards the 2020-2025 strategic plan All Our Relations: kahkiyaw kiwâhkômâkaninawak. This plan commits to a 5 by 25 Framework & Implementation, with 5 Areas of Focus – each with specific goals for accomplishment by the conclusion of this Strategic Plan in 2025.
In their September 2020 meeting, the Board of Governors approved the Performance Measurement Framework Indices (PDF) document as the basis for the new PMF Scorecard for the 2020 to 2025 strategic plan. The Indices document outlines sixteen specific measures, and associated fiscal targets, to be tracked in the new PMF Scorecard. Five of these measures are carry-overs from the previous 2015-20 PMF. Eleven are new. The Indices document provides a description of each measure.
The PMF Scorecard is presented to the December and July meetings of the Board of Governors. Each report adds measures as the requisite data (for the reporting fiscal year) become available. The July version presents a complete PMF Scorecard for the preceding fiscal year, and proposes targets for the upcoming fiscal year.
PMF Scorecard reports will be posted to this webpage shortly after they are presented to the University of Regina Board of Governors.
- July 2024: 2024-25 in-progress PMF Scorecard (with targets)(PDF)
- July 2024: 2023-24 Final PMF Scorecard (PDF)
- December 2023: 2023-24 in-progress PMF Scorecard (PDF)
- July 2023: 2022-23 Final PMF Scorecard (PDF)
- December 2022: 2022-23 in-progress PMF Scorecard (PDF)
- July 2022: 2021-22 Final PMF Scorecard (PDF)
- December 2021: 2021-22 in-progress PMF Scorecard (PDF)
- July 2021: 2020-21 Final PMF Scorecard (PDF)
- December 2020: 2020-21 in-progress PMF Scorecard (PDF)
Contact the Office of Institutional Research
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