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  5. Shauna Davies, RN, MN, PhD

Shauna Davies, RN, MN, PhD

Profile image for Shauna Davies, RN, MN, PhD
Associate Professor

Contact Info

Office: 306-337-2136
2 Research Drive

Research Interests

Nursing informatics, digital health, virtual care and the use of large language models.

Dr. Davies is a registered nurse and an Associate Professor at the University of Regina who is working on several international projects surrounding informatics and immersive learning. These projects are the result of her active involvement with the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society Canadian Prairies Chapter, Digital Health Canada, International Medical Informatics Association, and subsection specific to Nursing Informatics, and co-director of Education of the Canadian Nurses Informatics Association.

Her research interests include digital health, virtual care, virtual reality, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Dr. Davies has received grants from the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation to explore the use of virtual reality as a tool to assess professional competency. Her recent publications included two editor's choice articles in the Journal of American Medical Informatics Association.

Recent Publications:

  • Hobensack, M.; von Gerich, H.; Vyas, P.; Withall, J; Peltonen, LM; Block, LJ; Davies, S; Chan, R; Van Bulck, L; Cho, H; Paquin, R; Mitchell, J; Topaz, M; Song, J. (2024). A Rapid Review on Current and
    Potential Uses of Large Language Models in Nursing. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 154: 1-8.
  • Block, LJ; Lozada-Perezmitre, E; Cho, H; Davies, S; Lee, J; Lokmic-Tomkins, Z; Peltonen LM; Reid, L;
    Song, J; Topaz, M; von Gerich, H; Vyas, P. (2023). Representation of Environmental Concepts Associated
    with Health Impacts in Computerized Standardized. Yearbook of Medical Informatics. 32(1): 36-47.
  • Zerina Lokmic-Tomkins Jacqueline Avanthay Strus June Kaminski Shauna Davies. (2023). You Cannot Be
    What You Cannot See: We Need Visible Nursing Role Models Shaping a Healthier Planetary Future for All.
    Contemporary Nurse.
  • Alexandre Castonguay, Laura Vogelsang, Shauna Davies, Pamela Farthing, Manal Kleib, Tracie Risling,
    Nadia Green. (2023). Revolutionizing nursing education through AI integration: A reflection on thee
    disruptive impact of CHATGPT. Nurse Education Today. 129
  • Zerina Tomins, Lorraine Block, Shauna Davies, Hanna von Gerich, Laura Maria Peltonen, Lisa Reid,
    Charlene Ronquillo. (2023). Evaluating the representation of disaster hazard in SNOMED CT: Gaps and
    Opportunties. Journal of American Medical Informatics Association.
  • Denecke, K., Rivera Romero O., Petersen, C., Gabarron, E., Miron-Shatz, T., Merolli, M., Davies, S., Grainger, R., Benham-Hutchins, M., Wynn, R., Matin-Sanchez, F., Lopex Campos, G., Cabrer, M., Trigo, J., Wright, G., Hussein, R., McKillo, M., & Hullin, C. (in press). Defining and scoping participatory health informatics- An eDelphi study. Methods of Information in Medicine.
  • Tomkins, Z., Davies, S., Block, L., Cochrane, L., Dorin, A., von Gerich, H., … Peltonen, L.-M. (in press). Assessing the carbon footprint of digital health interventions: a scoping review protocol. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
  • Tomkins, Z., Davies, S., Block, L., Cochrane, L., Dorin, A., von Gerich, H., … Peltonen, L.-M. (2022, April 14). Assessing the carbon footprint of digital health interventions: a scoping review protocol.
  • Arries-Kleyenstüber, E.J., Davies, S., Luhanga, F., Chipanshi, M., & Cosford, K. (2022). Ethical challenges regarding emerging digital technologies in virtual nursing care and practice (Evidence Brief). Social Sciences Health Research Council.  
  • Breitkreuz, L., Davies, S., & Reed, D. (2013). The safe integration of iPads into healthcare practices. Canadian Healthcare Technology, 18(7), 16
  • Davies, S., Bassendowski, S., Breitkreuz, Demyen, C., & Petrucka, P. (2015) iNurse, iTeach Project. Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal, 7(2), 1-8.

Research Grants Obtained:

  • SHRF Impact grant (2023) $150,000 study: From Usability engineering to virtual reality effectiveness evaluation: A virtual reality assessment of paramedic occupational competency for employment in hard to reach populations
  • MITACS Accelerate (2022) $100,000
  • SHRF Align grant (2022) $10,000 (co-investigator)
  • Kyabaggu, R., & Davies, S. (2022) A feasibility and usability study of virtual reality assessment for paramedic occupational competency (VAPOC) in Saskatchewan. Mitacs. $100,000.
  • Arries, E.J. (PI), Luhanga, F., Chipanshi, M., Davies, S. (Co-I’s) & Cosford, K. (Collaborator). (2021). An IntegrativeReview on Ethical Challenges Related to Promising Emerging Digital Technologies: Best-practice Ethics Supports and Strategies to Prepare Nurses for Transition to a Digital Workplace. Knowledge Synthesis Grant. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). $28,159.
  • Bassendowki, S., Breitkreuz, L., & Davies, S. (2012). iNurse, ITeach: Using Mobile Technology for Client Education  Funding Source: MITACS $15,000.

Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings:

  • Davies, S.,  Breitkreuz, L., & Demyen , C. (2013, September). iNurse, iTeach: Using mobile applications in client education. Presented at the Medicine 2.0'13 Congress, London, England.
  • Davies, S.,  Breitkreuz, L., & Demyen , C. (2013, May). iNurse, iTeach: Using mobile applications in client education. Presented at the CNIA Conference, Montreal, QC
  • Davies, S., & Abrook, E. (2012, June ) All in a Day's Work: Connecting with Family Using High Fidelity Simulation . Poster presentation at the AMIA conference.
  • Dietrich Leurer, M., Bolen Anderson, C., Campbell, T. D., Davies, S., & Mantesso, J. (2012, May). Innovative nursing student placements with vulnerable population. Presentation at the 6th National Community Health Nurses of Canada Conference, Toronto, Ontario.

Non-Referred Conferences, Articles, Papers, Books or Chapters:

  • Zerina Tomkins Ben Dunne Eddie Robinson Hanna Von Gerich Renee Manser Shauna Davies. Interconnectedness of digital health, climate change, and respiratory care: Navigating an environmentally
    sustainable path forward. Prof. Peter Calverley Hilary Pinnock. ERS Mongraph Chapter. Co-Author, ERS Monograhph

Invited Guest Speaker:

  • Davies, S.,  Breitkreuz, L., & Demyen , C. (2013, November). iNurse, iTeach: Using mobile applications in client education. Presented at the Regional Nursing Workshop, Health Canada, Saskatoon, SK.


  • Co-Author. Arries-Kleyenstuber, E.; Davies, S; Luhanga, F; Chipanshi, M; Cosford, K: Azogu, I *. (2022). Ethical challenges regarding emerging digital technologies in virtual nursing care and practice. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
  • Davies, S. (2012, August). Recommendations following the completion of the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN) Partnership "Staying Connected" Pilot Project, Weyburn, Saskatchewan.


  • Representative, Faculty of Arts Council, U of R
  • Member, Peer Review Committee
  • Faculty of Nursing Council, U of R

Honors & Awards:

  • Travel Fund Award, $2000
  • Bassendowski, S., & Davies, S. (2013) Engaged Scholar Knowledge Mobilization Graduate Student Catalyst Award