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  5. Sarah Liberman, RN, BScN, MN, CCNE

Sarah Liberman, RN, BScN, MN, CCNE

Profile image for Sarah Liberman, RN, BScN, MN, CCNE
Pronouns: She/her
Saskatoon Campus

Contact Info

Office: 306-664-7377
Saskatoon, Innovation Place, Concourse Building, Room CO 111

Research Interests

  • Teaching and Learning, Mental Health, Foundations of Nursing Practice


My background is acute and community psychiatry, community and public health, and policy. I helped develop the first nursing position statement from a Canadian regulatory body on Harm Reduction. I love travel and did a nursing school practicum in Finalnd, a Canadian International Development Agency Governance Internship in Kenya, and worked with the Canadian Nurses Association as a Nursing Consultant in Indonesia. I love teaching, my classes bring students together with a lot of discussion and case studies. In addition to teaching, I am a health professional speaker with the Schizophrenia Society of Saskatchewan Partnership Program.

Current teaching

CNUR 102 Foundations of Care I: A Developing Professional
CNUR 100 Practice Education:Community Partnerships
CNUR 106 Health & Education Across the Lifespan
CNUR 304 Theory & Practice Education: Mental Health Partnerships 


Recent Grants, Awards and Scholarships

  • UR² Teaching Fellow 2022-2023


Refereed Articles, Papers, Books or Chapters

  • Tekatch, S. (2022, May). Innovative Strategies for Engaging Overwhelmed Students. Nurse Educator. (published ahead of print- May 2022)

Conference Presentations and Invited Academic Lectures

  • Tekatch, S. (2020, May 25-27). Impact and perceptions of online IPE on pre-established learning objectives. CASN Nursing Education Conference, Calgary, Alberta. (Conference Cancelled).
  • Tekatch, S., & Hodson, A. (2020, April 26-29). Intersectionality: Integrating a new approach to vulnerability in community health. NETNEP 2020, Stiges, Barcelona, Spain. (Conference Canceled).

Current Research

  • Alternative Grading Practices in Health Education

In the News ─ Commentary and Columns

  • Sarah Liberman (2013). Therapeutic Use of Self.  Saskatchewan Registered Nurses’ Association Newsbulletin, Winter.
  • Sarah Liberman (2013).  Collaborative Integrated Care: The Basis of Nursing Practice, the Key to Poverty Elimination. Saskatchewan Registered Nurses’ Association Newsbulletin, Winter.
  • Sarah Liberman (2007- 2011). Policy in Action Column, Saskatchewan Registered Nurses’ Association Newsbulletin.