Robin Evans, RN, PhD

Associate Professor
Contact Info
Recent Publications (2010 – 2012):
- Aurilio, L. & Evans, R. (2010). Medical alterations in women during adolescence and adulthood. In R.J. Evans, M.K. Evans, Y.M.R. Brown & S.A. Orshan. Canadian Maternity, Newborn, & Women’s Health Nursing, (pp. 117-174). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Wilkins & Williams.
- Evans, R. (2010). Process of pregnancy. In R.J. Evans, M.K. Evans, Y.M.R. Brown & S.A. Orshan. Canadian Maternity, Newborn, & Women’s Health Nursing, (pp. 430-484). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Wilkins & Williams.
- Evans, R. (2010). Fourth stage of labour and postpartum period. In R.J. Evans, M.K. Evans, Y.M.R. Brown & S.A. Orshan. Canadian Maternity, Newborn, & Women’s Health Nursing, (pp. 704-736). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Wilkins & Williams.
- Evans, R.J., Evans, M. K., Brown, Y.M.R., & Orshan, S.A. (Eds). (2010). Canadian maternity, newborn, & women’s health nursing. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Wilkins & Williams.
Research and Grants Obtained:
- Evans, R. & Garratt, S. (2012). Patient Satisfaction with Maternal and Newborn Services within the Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region. $2,000.00, Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region.
- Evans, R. (2010). Evaluation of Staff Satisfaction on the Mother Baby Unit Two Years After Implementation of the Changed Model of Care. Unfunded.
- Evans, R. (2010). Breast Milk Expression by Postpartum women in Hospital: Indications, Pumping Patterns, and documentation by Nurses. $1000.00 in kind, Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region.
- Ferguson, L. (PI), Berry, L., Fowler-Kerry, S., Kent-Wilkinson, A., Wall, P., Spurr, S., Besse, C., Hewson, K., Evans, R., & Bowen, A. (2010). Enhancing Student Learning Through Online Lecture Capture, $5000, Research Grant Award of Western Region Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (WRCASN).
- Donnelly, G., Evans, R., and Lemire Rodgers, G., (co-PI’s). (2008-2011). The Impact of the Adoption of a Common Practice Model in Cypress Health Region (Rural Corridor), $75,000.00, Health Workforce Retention Program, Saskatchewan Ministry of Health.
- Evans, R. (2007). Evaluation of the Effect of Additional Staffing as Support for Implementation of the Changed Model of Care on the Mother Baby Unit, $70,100.00, Health Workforce Retention Program, Saskatchewan Health.
- Evans, R. (2007-2012). The Experience of Fatigue in Postpartum Women in Hospital, $2000, Nursing Research Endowment Fund, Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region.
- Donnelly, G., Evans, R., & Lemire Rodgers, G. (2006-2011). The Impact of the Adoption of a Common Practice Model in a Regional Hospital in Saskatchewan $96,199, Saskatchewan Health.
- Evans, R. & Bassendowski, S. (2006). A History of the Saskatchewan Nurses Foundation, $2300, University of Saskatchewan Summer Student Employment Program.
- Evans, R. (2002). Dec 18. Research Start up Grant, $5000.00. University of Saskatchewan.
Community/Public Service:
- Member, SAHSN Advisory Council on Clinical Education
- Member, SAHSN Regina/Southern Saskatchewan Academic Health Sciences Advisory Committee
- Member, SAHSN HSPnet Management Committee
- Member, SAHSN Interprofessional Health Collaborative of Saskatchewan
- Member at Large, SRNA Council
- Voting delegate, representing Saskatchewan, Canadian Nurses Association Biennium meeting, 2012
- National Membership Chair, Canadian Association of Perinatal & Women’s Health Nursing (CAPWHN)
- Member, MOREOB (Managing Obstetrical Risk Efficiently) Core Committee
- Member, MOREOB (Managing Obstetrical Risk Efficiently) Audit Subcommittee
- Instructor Trainer, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Heart & Stroke Foundation of Saskatchewan
- Instructor, Neonatal Resuscitation program (NRP), Canadian Pediatric Society
- Associate Dean (Undergraduate), Faculty of Nursing, U of R
- Member, Associate Dean and Department Heads (ADDH)
- Member, Council Committee on Undergraduate Admissions & Studies (CCUAS)
- Member, Distance & Distributed Learning (DDL) Committee
- Member, SCBScN Distributed Nursing Education (DNE)
- Member, SCBScNProgram Administrative Committee (PAC)
- Member, Operations Program Team (OPT)
- Member, SCBScN Undergraduate Nursing Council
- Member, Clinical Practice Education Strategy