Heather Nelson RN, BScN, PhD, MA
![Profile image for Heather Nelson RN, BScN, PhD, MA](https://www.uregina.ca/nursing/directory/_images/nelson-heather_crop.jpg)
Contact Info
Research interests
I am interested in health promotion in a variety of areas including; community dwelling older adults and children in sports.
2021: Lucy D. Willis Scholarship $2750 University of Saskatchewan
2021 Saskatchewan Nurses Foundation $1500
2020: Wolfe Family Graduate Student Award. $3000 University of Saskatchewan
2019- Saskatchewan Nurses Foundation Bursary $1600
2006- Pan American Kumite Champion- Traditional karate
Recent Research Funding
Nelson, H., Ziefflie, B., Norton, D., Page, S., Jaeger, L., Press, M. (2022) Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation.
$119 277.03 Establishment Grant
Examining the impact of a phone intervention on mood and loneliness in older adults living in personal care homes and assisted living facilities: A mixed methods study
Nelson, H., Langman, E., Ziefflie, B., Page, S., Hubbard Murdoch, N., Press, M. (2022) Social Sciences and Health Research Council.
$30 000 Knowledge Synthesis Grant: An Emerging Asocial Society
Increasing prosocial behaviour in community-dwelling older adults through phone visiting programs: A rapid systematic review
Nelson, H., Ziefflie, B., Page, S. Mayer, P. (2022) Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation.
$7500 Connections Grant
Life at 100- A documentary of the life and hopes of centenarians in Saskatchewan
Nelson, H. (2019-2022) Research Chair. $150 000
Saskatchewan Centre for Patient Oriented Research
This grant is in support of patient-oriented research. I am currently involved in two patient-oriented research areas: 1) the benefits and barriers of sport for children from low-income settings, and 2) The impact of phone programs of mood and loneliness in older adults
Nelson, H. (2021) Saskatchewan Karate Association $4000
The social and emotional benefits and barriers of traditional karate for children from low-income settings
Nelson, H. & Ziefflie, B. (2021) Saskatchewan Polytechnic Applied Research Program. $6000
Saskatchewan Polytechnic.
The impact of the Canadian Red Cross Friendly Calls Program on mood and loneliness in older adults.
Nelson, H. & Ziefflie, B. (2021). School of Nursing Grant. $2500
Saskatchewan Polytechnic
The impact of the Canadian Red Cross Friendly Calls Program on mood and loneliness in older adults.
Nelson, H. (2020-2021), STEP Grant. $2500
Saskatchewan Centre for Patient Oriented Research
Hubbard Murdoch, N., Nelson, H., Boechler, L. Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation.
$10 000 Rapid Response Funding
The experience of Covid-19 in Saskatchewan: The knowledge translation plan, Grant
Refereed Articles, Papers, Books or Chapters
Nelson, H., Ziefflie, B., Page, S., Norton, D. & Mayer, P. (2022). The changing impact of COVID-19 on older adults during 2020. Canadian Journal on Aging. [submitted]
Nelson, H. Spurr, S. & Bally, J. (2022). The benefits and barriers of sport for children from low-income settings: An integrative review. Sage Open. https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440221087272
Mayer, P., Nelson, H. Ziefflie, B., Page, S. & Norton, D. (2022). Phone visiting as a novel clinical experience for healthcare students during COVID-19 and beyond. Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education. https://jipe.ca/index.php/jipe/article/view/102/55
Nelson, H., Ziefflie, B., Norton, D., Page, S., Unique, R., & Mayer, P. (2022). The Lived Experience of Seniors Socially Distancing during the Early Stages of the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study. Canadian Journal on Aging. https://www.doi.org/10.1017/S0714980821000581
Nelson, H., Hubbard Murdoch, N., Norman, K. (2020). The Role of Uncertainty in the Experiences of Nurses During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. DOI: 10.1177/0844562121992202
Cox-White, T., Ziefflie, B., Nelson, H.J. (2019). Promoting Indigenous Nursing Student Success in Post-Secondary Education: A Phenomenological study. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. 9(10): 1-6. http://dx.doi.org/https://doi.org/10.5430/jnep.v9n10p101
Nelson, H., Cox-White, T., Ziefflie, B. (2019). Indigenous Students Barriers and Success Strategies- A Review of Existing Literature. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2019 9(3). http://jnep.scie.dupress.com.
Non-Refereed Articles, Papers, Books or Chapters
Boechler, L., Hubbard Murdoch, N., & Nelson, H. (2020). Interprofessional reflections:Pandemic duty to care. Canadian Paramedicine, 44(2), 50-51. https://canadianparamedicine.ca/featured-edition/
Nelson, H., Boechler, L., Hubbard Murdoch, N. (2020). Researching at High-Speed: Recording the Story of the Covid-19 Experience. Antistasis. 10(3)
Conference Presentations and Invited Academic Lectures
Nelson, H. (2022 January 26). The social and emotional benefits and barriers of traditional karate for children from low-income settings. NURS 990 Seminar [virtual] University of Saskatchewan
Wickson-Griffiths, A., Hunter, P., Nelson, H., Hubbard Murdoch, N. (2021, November 2-3). We hear you: Saskatchewan Healthcare employees’ experiences of work during a pandemic [Poster presentation]. Summit 2021. Saskatoon, SK.
Hubbard Murdoch, N., Nelson, H., Hunter, P., Wickson-Griffiths, A. (2021, November 2-3). We hear you: Mobilizing knowledge about the experience of healthcare employees during the COVID-19 pandemic [Poster presentation]. Summit 2021. Saskatoon, SK.
Ziefflie, B. & Nelson, H. (2021, October). Balancing older adults’ physical safety with social and emotional needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Canadian Association of Gerontology Conference, Virtual
Nelson, H. & Hubbard Murdoch, N. (2021, October). The experience of nurses working with older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. In. S. Kaasalainen (Chair). An inside look at Canadian healthcare employees’ experience of the COVID-19 pandemic [Symposium]. Canadian Association of Gerontology Conference 2021, Virtual.
Nelson, H., & Hubbard Murdoch, N. (2021, November 18-19). The experience of nurses working with older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic [Poster presentation]. Saskatchewan Health Research Showcase 2021.
Ziefflie, B., Norton, D., Mayer, P., Page, S. & Nelson, H. (2021, November 18-19). Balancing older adults’ physical safety with social and emotional needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. [poster presentation]. Saskatchewan Health Research Showcase.
Wickson-Griffiths, A., Hunter, P., Nelson, H., Hubbard Murdoch, N. (2021, November 16 & 18). We hear you: Saskatchewan Healthcare employees’ experiences of work during a pandemic [Poster presentation]. Saskatchewan Health Research Showcase 2021, Virtual.
Hubbard Murdoch, N., Nelson, H., Hunter, P., Wickson-Griffiths, A. (2021, November 16 & 18). We hear you: Mobilizing knowledge about the experience of healthcare employees during the COVID-19 pandemic [Poster presentation]. Saskatchewan Health Research Showcase 2021, Virtual.
Current Research
The social and emotional benefits and barriers of traditional karate for children from low-income settings
The impact of phone visiting programs on loneliness and mood in older adults.
In the News ─ Commentary and Columns
Nelson, H. (2021, September 14). Nurses experience of burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Saskatoon Morning. CBC Radio, Leisha Grebinski
Nelson, H. (2021, September). Nurses experience of burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The morning edition. CBC Regina. Stefani Langenegger
Nelson, H. (2020, November 10). The experience of senior socially isolating during the COVID19
pandemic. Blue Sky. CBC Radio, Garth Materie
Nelson, H. (2020, October) The lived experience of Seniors socially isolating during the Covid-19
pandemic, News Broadcast, CJWW Radio, Brad Jennings
Nelson, H. (2020, October) The lived experience of seniors socially isolating during the Covid-19
pandemic., News, 620 CKRM, Mitchell Blair