Mental Wellness Hub

Be a Mindful Employee


5 ways to keep your employees happy - The Business Journals


There is no health without mental health!

Being a mindful employee matters!  Most of us have experienced firsthand what stress can do to the mind and body.  Mindfulness gives employees permission, and space to think - to be present - which leads to resilence and self-awareness.


A mindful employee does their job effectively and without expense to their mental health.  Mindfulness can also help employees cope with organizational change and these days, change is a predominant feature of the workplace.

Thus, a mindful employee will take in what is happening in the workplace and not react to it, rather, will simply take in information from their surrounds. They approach their work and their relations with other colleagues and management without judgement.

Why is Mindfulness Important in the Workplace?

Mindfulness in the workplace is important for a wide range of reasons........

Job Satisfaction and Motivation

When something challenging happens at work, a mindful employee will not simply react and judge what is happening emotionally, rather they will consider it with a more adaptive stance. Therefore, by construing the stressor at work with a more proactive approach, the employee will also be more satisfied in their work.

Work Stress and Mindfulness

Mindfulness is important is because it can help combat and manage employee stress.  Chronic stress is a big problem in society, especially in the workplace.  Mindfulness has proven beneficial for employee health and wellness, decrease workplace stress, and build resilience.

Enhanced Employee Performance

Mindfulness is also important in the workplace as it relates to increased employee performance and decreased employee burnout and turnover.  Thus, mindful employees are more invested in their jobs.

These are just a few of the benefits of practicing mindfulness in the workplace. 

Finding Mindfulness in Manchester with Self Help - Self Help

Thirteen Psychosocial Factors in the Workplace

The Thirteen Psychosocial Factors in the Workplace were developed by researchers from the Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health and Addiction at Simon Fraser University.  On the basis of extensive research, including data analysis of a national sample and reviews of national and international best practices, as well as existing and emerging Canadian case law and legislation, these Factors are relevant to all Canadian organizations and employees.

The psychological factors are elements that impact employees’ psychological responses to work and work conditions. Psychological factors include the way work is executed (deadlines, workload, work methods) and the context in which work occurs, including relationships and interactions with managers and supervisors, colleagues and coworkers, and clients or customers.

The workplace factors are interrelated and therefore influence one another, positive or negative changes in one factor are likely to change other factors in a similar manner.

Let's take a look at these factors and how you can use them to help cultivate a workplace environment on campus that continues to promote and foster communication, creativity and collegial behaviors.

Thirteen Psychological Factors in the Workplace (1.73 M