
Music Timetable and Courses


SubjectCourse NumberTitleDaysTime
MU100Introduction to MusicM16:30-19:15
MU101Introduction to Basic Music Skills
MU204Jazz Appreciation
MU399ABMusic Technology in the ClassroomTR10:30-11:45
MU399AEPiano LiteratureTR13:30-14:45
MU821Music Composition

Course Descriptions

MU 100

Introduction to Music

What would life be without music? This broad survey course explores the changing role of music within society across time and disciplines, with emphasis on developing critical listening skills.
* Note: Not available for credit in BMus or BMusEd programs.*

MU 101

Introduction to Basic Music Skills

Enjoy a heightened musical experience through class participation, tutorials and computer-assisted instruction in ear-training, music theory, score-reading and keyboard skills, at introductory levels; for students with little or no musical training.
*Not available in the BMus or BMusEd.*

MU 122

Ear Training II

A continuation of MU 121, also including recognition of chord types and harmonic progressions.
*** Prerequisite: MU 121 ***

MU 204

Jazz Appreciation

An overview of the history and development of jazz music, tracing the performers and style periods in the genre from its 19th-century African-American origins through to the present. Students also study the social and historical factors that affected the development of jazz. Emphasis is placed on developing listening skills.
*Note: Students may only receive credit for one of MUHI 204, MU 204, and MU 110.*

MU 249

Piano Pedagogy

This course is designed to introduce students to a select variety of topics in the field of piano pedagogy, ranging from beginning to late-intermediate levels. Students will be introduced to various methods and pedagogy texts, and will observe and assist in private and group lessons.
***Prerequisite: Permission of the department head needed to register***

MU 250

Piano Pedagogy

Continuation of MU 249. This course is designed to introduce students to a select variety of topics in the field of piano pedagogy, ranging from beginning to late-intermediate levels. Students will be introduced to various methods and pedagogy tests, and will observe and assist in private and group lessons.
***Prerequisite: MU 249***

MU 299AA

Film Soundtracks: How Sound impacts Story

How does sound--a combination of music, sound effects and ambient sound--impact story in a motion picture? Students will learn the language and tools necessary for answering this question and acquire a greater awareness of how the the unfolding of a film's story is influenced by its sountrack.
*Note: Music reading ability is an asset but is not required.*

MU 299AC

Intro to Continuo Playing

This class will serve as a basic introduction to the art of continuo playing for piano majors. Students in this class will have the opportunity to work and perform with international faculty from the Perspective Festival. **Permission of Department Head is required to register.**

MU 299AE

London UK Performance Tour

This course is for students embarking on the University of Regina Choirs Performance in London England. We will celebrate and perform the works of African American composer, Rosephanye Powell in Cadogan Hall, London.
*Additional Fee: $3500.*

MU 319

Music Cultures of the World

An inclusive survey of classical, popular and folk music traditions from around the world. As well as expanding their listening skills, students study music in culture and music as culture and, in the process, develop fresh approaches to their own musical traditions. Music-reading ability not required.
***Prerequisite: Completion of 15 credit hours.***
*Note: Students cannot receive credit for both MU 319 and MUHI 319.*

MU 330

Video Game Music

This course introduces the rich repertoire of video game music—its history, theory, and practice. Representative games, soundtracks, scores, and composers will be examined, as will some technical processes involved. Discussions will include image and sound synchronization; comparisons to other audiovisual media; and ways technological developments create constraints and possibilities.
*Note: music reading ability is an asset but not required.*

MU 349

Piano Pedagogy

This course is designed to introduce students to a select variety of topics in the field of piano pedagogy, ranging from beginning to late-intermediate levels. Students will be introduced to various methods and pedagogy texts, and will observe and assist in private and group lessons.
***Prerequisite: Permission of the department head needed to register***

MU 350

Piano Pedagogy

Continuation of MU 349. This course is designed to introduce students to a select variety of topics in the field of piano pedagogy, ranging from beginning to late-intermediate levels. Students will be introduced to various methods and pedagogy tests, and will observe and assist in private and group lessons.
***Prerequisite: MU 349.***
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of MU 350 or MU 399AG.*

MU 370

The Business of Music

This course provides students with skills necessary to establish oneself post-degree individually in the field of music/music pedagogy "grantsmanship," establishing a studio, taxation issues, adjudicating, touring, stage presence, advertising, etc.
***Prerequisite: Completion of 60 credit hours***

MU 399AA

Creating Music with Technology

Learn to write and perform music using commercial, open-source and DIY audio tools with the computer. This course is designed to be useful to students regardless of literacy in music reading and notation, and welcomes students of varied experience and background in music, creative sound and computers.

MU 399AB

Music Technology in the Classroom

A course, covering instruction of technology in the band, choir, and music classrooms. Practical issues such as the setup and use of audio equipment, microphone selection and techniques, mixing boards, music notation and theory software, recording systems and use in the classroom, and phone apps that aid students and teachers.

MU 399AE

Piano Literature

This survey course explores the major currents in keyboard literature through the study and analysis of the repertoire of the major composers. Including lectures, listening, and reading assignments, students will examine the key characteristics, musical styles, forms, and performance practices.
***Permission from the instructor is required to register***

MU 399AF

Diction II

The primary goal of the course are to continue the skill of using the International Phonetic Alphabet 'IPA', to develop the ability to sing with clear, accurate diction in Italian, and French, found in singer's repertoire. Students will develop an awareness of how excellent diction can heighten the quality of a musical performance.
*** Prerequisite: Music reading ability, vocal technique class, or the permission of the instructor ***

MU 399AH

Popular Song in France from 1930 until 1968

Study of texts and music with special focus on genres and artistic movements, historical and social functions, aspects of performance, as well as themes of aesthetics and identity. Songs by Trenet, Piaf, Brel, Brassens, Barbara and Ferré, among many others.
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of MU 399AH and FRN 340AO.*
*Note: This course is normally taught in French; course work may be submitted in English.*

MU 499AA

Introduction to Schenkerian Analysis

This course introduces and explores the method and ideas employed by Heinrich Schenker (1868-1935), a central figure in music theory. Students will critically examine Schenker's writings, with particular attention to cultural contexts (then and now), and apply Schenkerian principles to their own analyses.
***Prerequisite: MUTH 422 or Instructor Permission.***

MU 499AB

Studies in French-language Poetry and Song

This course will discuss the setting of French poetry to music by composers from the classical and popular music traditions from 1850 to today. Study of texts and music with special focus on aesthetics, historical and social functions, aspects of performance, as well as themes of language and identity.
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of MU 499AB and FRN 460AI.*
*Note: This course is normally taught in French; course work may be submitted in English.*

MU 801

University Concert Band I

Particpation as principal in one of the sections of the ensemble. Students will assist in duties contributing toward the presentation of concert events.

MU 802

University Concert Band II

Participation as principal in one of the sections of the ensemble. Students will assist in duties contributing toward the presentation of concert events.

MU 803

Medieval Music

Selected Topics in Medieval Music.

MU 804

Music of the Renaissance

Selected Topics in the Music of the Renaissance.

MU 805

Music of the Baroque

Selected Topics in the Music of the Baroque.

MU 806

Music of the Classical Era

Selected topics in the Music of the Classical Era.

MU 807

Music of the Romantic Era

Selected topics in the Music of the Romantic Era.

MU 808AC

Selected Topics Music Theory

Seminar in analysis of classical-era sonata-form movements including selected readings from the music theoretical literature and experience analyzing movements from the solo chamber music and symphonic repertoires, with emphasis on Haydon, Mozart and Beethoven.

MU 809AC

Current Issues in Musicology

Students will examine current musicological issues that serve historical, theoretical, and performance objectives related to their own research interests. Interdisciplinary approaches will be considered in particular in order to increase students' familiarity with multiple musical concerns and interpretations applicable to a wide range of musical genres and scholarly approaches.

MU 809AD

Percussion Styles from 1945 to the Present

Continuation of MU 813AA. More advanced practical application and a focus on the playing techniques and style analysis of each major player and period.

MU 809AE

History and Literature of Chamber Music

There are two components to the course: a survey of the history of chamber music as a genre and a study of the historical and societal context of chamber music as an art form.

MU 809AF

Performance Practice - Baroque to Modern

This writing-intensive course traces the development of performance practice from the Baroque period to modern times, with equal emphasis on theoretical, aesthetic and practical applications. As part of their course work, graduate students will be asked to teach an undergraduate class (MUS 415) on the history of performance practice.

MU 809AG

Popular Music and Theory

This course explores theories and methods used in the discipline of popular music studies. The student is required to analyze different theoretical texts used to analyze popular music and global music practices.

MU 809AH

The 19th-Century Lied

An in-depth study of the aesthetic, cultural and stylistic evolution of the Lied with special emphasis on 19th-century German repertoire, specifically Schubert and his contemporaries. Students will be honing their critical writing, listening and presentation skills through a variety of written and oral assignments.

MU 809AI

The Composer as Storyteller

How does a composer convincingly protray the action in a story? Selected vocal and instrumental musical genres (e.g., opera, Lied, tone poem, program symphony, etc.) will be examined to answer this question. Emphasis will be also be placed on sharpening research, writing and comparative listening skills.

MU 809AJ

Vocal Improvisation and Social Practice

The human voice is an instrument accessible to all, with huge potential for expression, interaction, collaboration and community building. This course will explore technical possibilities of the voice, including extended techniques; and will work on skills in creativity, improvisation and the role of music in the community.

MU 809AK

Topics in Improvisation

This is an independent stury course with both academic and practical sections. Its goal is to develop and explore the role of creative musical improvisations in cultural, community and personal development of at-risk youth in Regina.

MU 809AL

Topics in Piano Pedagogy

Topics in Piano Pedagogy is an exploration of methods and approaches (contemporary and historical) used in studio teaching, and is designed to provide students with knowledge and resources thereof.

MU 809AM

Listening as Social Practice

This course looks critically and creatively at the artistic practice of sound art, in connection with the Great Lakes Association for Sound Studies Conference, Listening as a Shared and Social Practice, which will take place at the University of Regina.

MU 809AN

Studies in French-language Poetry and Song

The setting of French poetry to music by composers from the classical and popular music traditions from 1850 to today.
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of MU 809AN, FRN 860AI, or MU 499AB.*
*Note: This course is normally taught in French; course work may be submitted in English.*

MU 809AO

Brass and Wind Band Scores of the Modern Era

This course examines brass instruments in relation to the conductors wind band scores. It will examine all aspects of brass playing (ranges, extended techniques, articulation, use of mutes, etc.) Students will analyze wind band conductor scores to recognize each composers scoring practices for brass in their works.

MU 811

Twentieth Century Music

Emphasis on contemporary music. Detailed study and analysis of selected works in chamber, smyphonic, choral and solo literature.

MU 812

Music History Survey

Emphasis on selected master works from the middle ages through modern times and their relation to trends of their times.

MU 813AA

Advanced Jazz Percussion Concepts

A study of jazz percussion solo and ensemble styles of each historic period.

MU 813AB

Selected Studies in Violin Repertoire and Performance Practice

This course begins with a study of performance practice as it relates to the violin repertoire. This background is then applied to case studies of selected works from the violin repertoire of the baroque, classical, and romantic periods.

MU 813AC

Lecture Recital and Field Exam

Lecture Recital and oral examination on the dissertation proposal.

MU 813AD

Directed Studies in Literature

This course covers the history of song from the Renaissance through to the 21st century. The course comprises reading, listening, papers, and a final public lecture-recital.

MU 813AE

Directed Studies in Tuba Literatur

Taught in conjunction with MU 901-006, tuba lessons. Guidance in completing a survey of the history of tuba repertoire by means of a bibliography and discography. Guidance in presenting case studies of selected works, leading to an essay concerning the stylistic development of repertoire for the tuba.

MU 813AF

Directed Studies in Piano Literature

Studies related to piano repertoire and its stylistic development through a study of selected works. The student will use research tools acquired in MU 815 to construct a bibliography and discography, conduct an analytical review of the chosen works, and present/discuss the material regularly with the instructor.

MU 813AG

Directed Studies in Flute Literature

A study of the development of the flute from the baroque period to the present, incorporating performance practice of the baroque, classical, and romantic periods. The student will prepare and present case studies of specific repertoire from each period.

MU 813AH

Directed Studies in Trombone Literature

An in-depth study of the history, literature, and pedagogy of the trombone, drawn from primary sources, editions, organology, iconography, and recordings, combined with the study of modern commentary and research.

MU 813AI

Expanded Voice

This course encompasses study of experimental vocal music, musical improvisation, and extended vocal techniques. Study of these techniques will culminate in a lecture-recital demonstrating how the expanded voice may connect with standard vocal techniques.

MU 815


Bibliographical materials for graduate study in music theory, history or performance.

MU 816

History of Music Theory

A survey of theoretical writings from ancient times to the present.

MU 817


Techniques of analysis covering a variety of approaches and musical styles.

MU 818AC

Schenkerian Analysis

An introduction to basic Schenkerian principles and analytic applications of Schenkerian analysis to tonal music, based on the textbook by Allan Cadwallader and David Gagné. Other sources to be employed are Schenker's Free Composition and Five Graphic Analyses.

MU 818AD

Theories of Sonata Form for the Music of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven

Readings in, and analytic projects concerning, Sonata Theory, with emphasis on theories applicable to the late eighteenth century and to Beethoven. In weekly assignments, students will ¿teach¿ the analytic theories, analyses and repertoire they have read about, and present their own analyses of movements by Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven.

MU 819

Musicology Seminar

Attendance at meetings and presentation of a research paper.

MU 820

Music Theory Seminar

Attendance at meetings and presentatiuon of a research paper.

MU 821

Music Composition

Composing music in the smaller forms and for small ensembles.

MU 831

University Concert Choir

Participation as section leader. Students will assist in duties contributing to the presentation of concert events.

MU 832

University Concert Choir II

Participation as section leader. Students will assist in duties contributing to the presentation of concert events.

MU 835

University Chamber Singers I

Specializing in acappella music from the Renaissance to the Twentieth century. Participation as secition leader. Students will assist in duties contributing to the presentation of concert events.

MU 836

University Chamber Singers II

Specializing in acappella music from the Renaissance to the Twentieth century. Participation as section leader. Student will assist in duties contributing to the presentation of concert events.

MU 841


Writing for various instrumental combinations and dealing with the overall problems of blending and balance.

MU 860

Applied Diction For Singing Applied Diction For Singing

In this course, the International Phonetic Alphabetic is studied, with direct application to repertoire for voice and choir. The course also covers the specific vocal pedagogy associated with its successful application.

MU 861

Opera&Music Theatre Workshop I

Preparation and performance of principal roles from the opera and musical theatre literature, in departmental productions. Students must possess a voice suitable to the operatic repertorie and have achieved an advanced level of vocal technique.

MU 862

Opera&Music Theatre WorkshopII

Preparation and performance of principal roles from the opera and musical theatre literature, in departmental productions. Students must possess a voice suitable to the operatic repertoire and have acheived an advanced level of vocal technique.

MU 863

Opera Music Thea Workshop III

Preparation and performance of principal roles from the opera and musical theatre literature, in departmental productions. Students must possess a voice suitable to the operatic repertoire and must acheived an advanced level of vocal technique.

MU 871

University Chamber Orchestra I

Participation as principal in one of the sections of the ensemble. Students will assist in duties contributing toward the presentation of concert events.

MU 872

Univ Chamber Orchestra II

Partipation as principal in one of the sections of the ensemble. Students will assist in duties contributing toward the presentation of concert events. *** Prerequisite: MU 871 *** ** Permission of the Department Head is required to register. **

MU 881

Chamber Music Ensemble I

Coaching in performance problems and interpretation of selected works from the chamber literature that includes the student's instrument.

MU 882

Chamber Music Ensemble II

Coaching in performance problems and interpretation of selected works from the chamber literature that includes the student's instrument, culminating in presentation of a chamber music recital.

***Prerequisite: MU 881 ***

MU 901

Thesis Research

Research supporting a studies-based program (MA in Musicology and in Music Theory) resulting in the writing and defense of a graduating theses of 60 - 100 pages.

MU 902

Research Project

Research supporting a professional, practice-based program (MMus in Composition; MMus in Conducting; and MMus in Performance). MMus in Performance is expected to perform two solo recitals -- the first after not more than 6 credit hours of study.