
Interdisciplinary Studies Timetable and Courses


SubjectCourse NumberTitleDaysTime
MAP803Seminar in Theory & MethodsW17:30-20:15
MAP890AKContemporary Aboriginal Art and Decolonizing Methodologies

Course Descriptions

MAP 800

Seminar in Theory & Methods

Seminar exploring and questioning the history, theory and aesthetics of Media, Art, and Performance, and the diverse and shifting conceptions of Media, Art, and Performance disciplines in relation to other social and cultural forms.
*NOTE: Students may only receive credit for one of FA 800 or MAP 800.*

MAP 803

Seminar in Theory & Methods

Seminar exploring diverse approaches to research in the Media, Art, and Performance, including studies-based and practice-based methods.
*NOTE: Students may only receive credit for one of FA 803 or MAP 803.*

MAP 804

Studies in Media, ART, and Performance

This seminar course addresses thematic research strengths in the Faculty in order to provide students with a deeper exploration into topics within Media, Art, and Performance. Thematic seminar topics will relate to Popular & Visual Culture; Gender, Sexuality, and Culture; Social and Community Engagement; Indigenous Arts and Culture; or Curatorial Studies and Cultures of Display.
*NOTE: Students may only receive credit for one of FA 804 or MAP 804.*

MAP 805

Doctoral Research Showcase

Students will develop, organize, present and engage in a public forum on their PhD research project.
*NOTE: Students may only receive credit for one of FA 805 or MAP 805.


Site - Specificity: Mobility/Statis

An overview of site-specific practive with readiings from theoreticians and practitioners in found-space performance/installation art. When one area of investigaiton is set in motion, its opposite is implicitly movilized: within site and roodedness is their antithesis-mobilty.
* Note: Student can not receive credit for both ART 820AK and MAP 810AC *


Theory and Photo-Based Practices

This seminar uses photography to develop familiarity with foundational social, philosophical, and ideological theories of representation and interpretation that have influenced fine arts practices since 1839. The seminar will inquire in to the distinctive uses of photography as art/not art, highlighting the diversity of image practices with the fine arts.


The Art of Writing

Through the examination of writing as complimentary creative and intellectual practices, this course will look at key concepts of writing for graduate students in Fine Arts, such as: writing as creative expression; rhetoric of language; writing to compliment research; writing and research guides; and other key topics.


Embodied Action: Indigenous Walking, Social Action & Healing

This course is an interdisciplinary study of Indigenous walking as social action, protest and healing. It will include the origins and growth of collective and individual actions such as the Great Lakes Water Walks led by Josephine Mandamin, and the twenty-five years of Chief Big Foot Memorial rides, walk, and runs. It will also consider the impacts of these actions, including the recent shift towards “Indigenizing” Pilgrimage Studies.


Walking as Art, Performance and Fieldwork

This course will focus on the theory and artistic practice of performative walking through the work of noted walking artist/scholars such as Cathy Turner (Exeter), Paulo Nazareth (Brazil), and Luis Sotelo Castro (Concordia). It will include participatory field research and experimenting with various forms of documentation, reflection, and creative outputs related to the experience of walking.


Cultural Heritage in Screen Media

This course focuses on transnational and trans-Indigenous methodologies in the expression and safeguarding of cultural heritage. Drawing on specific examples of cultural heritage, the course will examine identity politics in globalizing cultures, political and cultural sovereignty, and control of representation in image production.


Embodied Methodology

This core methodology course involves international research with experts in the fields of walking art/walking performance, including participation in seminars in the United Kingdom where performative walking is an established field of creative research/practice. In addition Ken will be meeting walking artists, preparing presentations and engaging in embodied practice.


Indigenous Land/Art Practices

This course will explore Indigenous landbased artistic and curatorial practice from theoretical, critical and experiential perspectives. It will include land and water engagement, gathering and working with Indigenous materials, skill-based workshops, site interventions and performances. The course will include significant time on the land.


The Radical Stitch

This seminar explores historical and contemporary stitch-based artistic practice, considering its importance through the lens of contemporary Indigenous and feminist art theory. Indigenous pedagogy and experiential learning will be emphasized. The class will be closely integrated with the exhibition, Radical Stitch, at the MacKenzie Art Gallery.


Play: Advanced Interactive Media

This studio-based course focuses on advanced interactive new media art and critical play. It includes studio projects involving virtual interaction, interactive installation / performance, and data translation, and readings on critical play and interactive art.


Decolonizing Media and Artistic Research

Seminar will explore research methods and materials for decolonizing research processes in performance and art-based research.


Performance Art Practices

This seminar/studio provides space for students to experiment, test, and present live performance work. The course will culminate in a day of performance presentations.


Explorations in Practice and Theory

An overview of theory surrounding performative walks with a creative application of the readings. When one area of investigation is set in motion, its opposite is implicitly mobilized: within site and rootedness is their antithesis - mobility.


Space/Place: Locating Interdisciplinary Theory and Practice

This course investigates multiple theoretical/methodological frameworks focused on ideas of space and place: Bertold Brecht's ideas for revolutionizing his audience will be the beginning, continuing with geographical, sociological, literary engagements with space/place and concepts of narrative, performativity, memory. Site specificity and installation art are central foci of the course.


Explorations of Indigenous Constructions in Popular Culture

This course examines sterotypical constructions of Indigenous peoples in popular North American culture since contact. The development of such imagery over time has led to constructions that have more to do with mainstream notions of the other than Indigenous images.


Theoretical Investigations

Students will investigate the theoretical and contextual ideas of their thesis projects through reading, discussion and writing.


Theorizing Conferences

This course will investigate the notion of the "conference" as a performative action. The student will investigate various conference models, calls for proposals and structures, and will ground this exploration in attendance at several conferences, the history the conference and planning a practical event.


Cultural Landscapes

This course is an investigation of various forms of space, including but not limited to, landscape representation, urban/city space, the spaces of activism, gendered, classed and post-colonial spaces and representations.
*Additional Fee: $200.*


Mapping Illness

What does it mean to represent the diseased body? What are the relations between health, illness, Other-ness and deviance in representation? As several interdisciplinary investigations of the body in crisis this course will look at how illness has been represented from the sixteenth century to the present.


Queer Theory

This course investigates theories of sexuality in the contemporary period, including key thinkers and texts.


Contemporary Aboriginal Art and Decolonizing Methodologies

Following the direction of Linda Tuhwai Smith et al. this course explores decolonizing methodologies such as oral narrative applied to research in contemporary Aboriginal art.



Major texts on biopolitical theory in the contemporary period.


Theory and Criticism in Television

In this course we will explore a body of critical theoretical works and apply these theoretical applications to television (specifically content, delivery, technologies, genre, reception, production, representations, narrative, etc.)


The Culture of Cities

The Culture of Cities will investigate classic and contemporary thinking on citiess as sites where art and culture are made and received. Frameworks of analysis will include contemporary paradigms, such as post-colonialism, race, gender, the post modern, culture and technologies, the culture industries and the culture of everyday life.


Queer Sites and Popular Culture

Analysis and contextualization of queer aesthetics and discursive sites within popular culture and music, in relation to queer identity and socio-cultural contexts. Drawing on theoretical/cultural texts, the course explores the significance of the image, career, life and celebrity of singer Whitney Houston as a queer site within popular culture.


Production of Space

This course investigates the production of space in contemporary arts and cultures. Focus may be on gendered, queer, post-colonial, and/or urban spaces.


Performance: Queer Spectators

This course will investigate issues in contemporary performance, with a focus on specific areas of interest (such as performer-spectator relations, performance and celebrity, queer performance, gender and performance, performance art and its critical/theoretical contexts, etc.)


Street Art and the Politics of Resistance

This course will examine the use of public art, graffiti and street art in relation to the politics of resistance. International examples will be posited in relation to resistance art in the Americans, Cuban, Brazilian, and Mexican.


New Media and Performance

Examine key theoretical and practical approaches to new media in live events including: interdisciplinary collaboration, online technologies, telematics, video capture/projection, immersive audio, wearable technologies and new instrumentation, locative and social media, augmentation and mobile devices.


Sound Art

This course includes a basic historical survey of sound art practices and introduction to practical sound recording, editing and mixing techniques: as well as a chance for graduates to focus on sound art practitioners in their area of specialization.


Art and Trauma

This course explores questions of trauma and memory in contemporary art theory and practice.


Socially Engaged Art

This course focuses on socially engaged art and performance. Students will choose 1-2 areas of study from a list of topics in social, community-based, relational or activist practices.


Queer Identity in Performance

This course will require student(s) to undertake various activities (research, writing, dramaturging, and performing) a performance piece that situates (and performs) sexual/gender identity within a larger popular culture framework. Critical readings/analysis of contemporary queer(ed) performances will also be required.


Visual Culture of Race

This course will investigate the intersection of visual culture and critical race theory.


Interactive Audio Art

Course focuses on critical engagement with the concept of interactivity in experimental audio practices since the 19th century including composition, installation, and performance (including improvisation). Includes examination of key critical and historical texts and art objects, analysis of artist methodologies, and writing and practical exercises supporting the student's thesis project.


Cultures of Sound and Technology

This course examines how the creation and movement of sound – particularly in the context of music-making - is intertwined with the political, social and creative contexts in the contemporary world. The course examines the relationship between sound, technology and culture. As such, the work that informs this course is interdisciplinary.
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of MAP 890BC or FA 890BC.*


Creative Technologies in Performance

Students will work on creative technologies as it pertains to their project, with studio work examining the incorporation of audio, film projection, online media, and new media into live events as related to the students graduate project.
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of MAP 890BD or FA 890BD.*


Performance and Prosthetics - Expanding the Body

This course investigates the use of "add-ons" in order to enhance, extend and embellish the body in performance.
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of MAP 890BE or FA 890BE.*


Topics in Creative Technology

This course investigates theories and practices of creative technologies as applied to the graduate's own thesis topic. Areas could include mobile/interactive gadgets and devices, locative strategies, video projection, networked spaces, wearables, and augmented reality.
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of MAP 890BF or FA 890BF.*


Topics in Improvisation

This course investigates critical studies in improvisation as it relates to the student's own graduate thesis. Topics covered include critical readings in improvised art practices, and/or a program or practical work drawing on the research into the work of important improvising artists from across disciplines.
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of MAP 890BG or FA 890BG.*


Theoretical Investigations II

Students will further investigate the theoretical and contextual ideas of their thesis project through reading, discussion and writing.
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of MAP 890BH or FA 890BH.*


Topics in Creative Technologies II

This course investigates theories and practices of creative technologies as applied to the graduate's own thesis topic. Areas could include mobile/interactive gadgets and devices, locative strategies, video projection, networked spaces, wearables, and augmented reality.
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of MAP 890BI or FA 890BI.*


Topics in Creative Technologies III

This course investigates theories and practices of creative technologies as applied to the graduate's own thesis topic. Areas could include mobile/interactive gadgets and devices, locative strategies, video projection, networked spaces, wearables, and augmented reality.
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of MAP 890BJ or FA 890BJ.*


Introduction to the Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector

This course examines theories and roles the non-profit and voluntary sector play in society and contemporary public governance. Other topics include the size and scope of work, various organizational forms and functions, and leadership and accountability in the context of governing and managing non-profit and voluntary organizations.
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of MAP 890BK or FA 890BK.*


Research for Indigenous Curation

The student will conduct research with the Kampelmacher Indigenous Art Collection, select 200 art works and develop a rationale and background information for a proposed acquisition by the Mackenzie Art Gallery.


Grounding Curation in Indigenous Theory and Knowledge

This course will examine theoretical frameworks and methodologies for Indigenous curation drawn from language and cultural knowledge. This will emphasize relationships, curating care, and reclaiming territory. It will include a survey of current curatorial practices that are redefining Indigenous exhibitions, art-making and community engagement.


Art in the Anthropocene

This course will focus on art, aesthetics and environmentalism in order to explore art’s ability to transform ways of seeing and being in the pressing global crisis of the Anthropocene.


Contemporary Indigenous Art and Curation

This class will explore contemporary Indigenous art and curation from North America, New Zealand and Australia. It will explore global responses to colonialism, artistic activism, and the role of contemporary art in cultural revitalisation. It will emphasize the emergence of Indigenous curation on the world scene, key Indigenous theorists, and the application of language and culture-based concepts to contemporary creation and curation.


Engaging Climate Change: Creativity, Community, Intervention

This multidisciplinary course explores climate change and environmental concerns, with a focus on resilience, community, Indigenous worldviews, science, artist engagements, local/global projects, and thinking outside the box in the face of change. Assignments will be applied and/or artistic explorations of course themes. Students from all university disciplines are welcome.


On Display! Exhibitions and Indigenous Art

With an emphasis on Canada, this course charts changes and directions in Indigenous curation over thirty years. The course includes analysis of theories, methods, and exhibition histories that have prompted new models and voices. An evening of round table discussion with Indigenous scholars and curators will help set our direction.


Directed Reading in Decolonizing Animal Ethics

Seminar explores animal ethics and decolonization in media and artistic research. The student will examine ethics via theories and case studies, critique existing models, and investigate ethical practices in order to glean lessons that can useful in our research.


Directed Reading in African Theatre and Postcolonial Thinking

Seminar explores critical thinking in African theatre from the perspective of postcolonial theory from the 20th century to 21st century.


Multispecies Ethnography

Focusing on multispecies/nonhuman agency and ways of knowing in the context of ethnographic practices and representation, this course integrates scholarly readings, discussion, film/media analysis, writing, and film/media production for course content and assignments.
*Note: This course may not be taken simultaneously with FILM 890BG.*


Prairie-based Theatre - Past, Present, and Future

This course explores historical survey of theatre on the prairies (20th and 21st century) and examines critical thinking in site specific theatre on the prairie with a case study of Future Prairie Theatre.


Site-Specific Theatre: Space, Audience and Mobility

Directed Reading Course on site-specific theatre practice, and the questions surrounding space, audience and mobility. The readings will focus on site-specific practice with readings from theoreticians and practitioners in found-space performance/installation art. When one area of investigation is set in motion, its opposite is implicitly mobilized: within site and rootedness is their antithesis - mobility.


Metis History and Art After 1870

This course will explore the historic dispossession of the Métis Nation after 1870, the 1885 resistance, and political reappearance in the 1930s. It will explore the importance of reclaiming narrative, genealogical reconstruction, and the role of creative expression (particularly literature and film) in cultural resurgence.


Creative Technologies Practice

This practice-based course focuses on the development of studio work in creative technologies, supported by studio research activities and an end of semester critique.


Eco-critical Art History

This directed reading will explore various methodological approaches in eco-critical and animal art history. The course will examine key ideas such as ecocriticism, bio-ethics, the Anthropocene, and new materialism.


Exploring Two Spirit Identity through Woodland Cree Art

This class will explore Two-Spirit gender identity through traditional Woodland Cree art practices. It will draw on both the emerging scholarship related to Two-Spirit identity and traditional beliefs related to the role of Two-Spirit individuals in a Cree world view. In part, the course will explore the connection between beadwork done in the Nehithawak style using a variety of techniques and the idea of Two-Spirit people bringing balance to their communities. Through beadwork "story" works, personal narratives of fully reclaiming identity, including exploring barriers will be visually narrated.


Media, Policing and Race

Explores key theories for understanding media, policing and race. Examples will be drawn from Canada, the United States and elsewhere.


Curatorial Strategies and Applications

This is a practical course where theoretical concepts related to cultures of display and curation are put into practice in a a gallery setting. The course will focus on both widely used and emerging trends in curation.


Directed Reading in Literary Adaptation

Course explores adaptation from page to stage and from stage to script.


Ethics, Health, Creativity

This course explores theoretical and practical elements of ethics related to health and creativity. Ethical contexts relevant to the twentieth and twenty-first centuries are examined and are connected to relevant creative realms.


Sadness, Trauma, and Grief in Music

This course examines representations of sadness, trauma, and grief in music. Students will study literature on the expression of sadness, trauma, and grief in music.


Interactive Art: Body and Self

Directed Reading Course exploring interactive art and the ways in which such work triggers, signals and invites artist/audience embodiment and identity politics.


Theatre-Making and Ethics

This Directed Reading explores the intersection of theatre-making, performance and its ethics.

MAP 899

Grad Level Professional Placement

The professional placement course offers a practical opportunity for experiential research or case study investigation.
*NOTE: Students may only receive credit for one of FA 899 or MAP 899.*

MAP 900

Comprehensive Exam

Examination measuring comprehensively the knowledge and practice in the disciplines relevant to the PhD thesis/project.
*NOTE: Students may only receive credit for one of FA 900 or MAP 900.*

MAP 901

Thesis Research

Research supporting an MA or PhD program including the thesis proposal, ethics review application (if applicable), and research resulting in the writing and defense of a graduating thesis of 60-100 pages for an MA; or the preparation of a PhD graduating thesis, research-creation project, or hybrid thesis/research-creation project, as applicable.
*NOTE: Students may only receive credit for one of FA 901 or MAP 901.*

MAP 902

Research Project

Research supporting a professional, practice-based MFA program resulting in the writing of a comprehensive critical engagement paper of 40 pages and the preparation and public presentation of a graduating research-creation project.
*NOTE: Students may only receive credit for one of FA 902 or MAP 902.*

MAP 903

Project Report Course

The student submits the final project or critical engagement paper.
*NOTE: Students may only receive credit for one of FA 903 or MAP 903.*