
Dr. Darren Candow

Profile image for Darren Candow

Contact Info

Phone Number: 306-585-4906
Office: CK 164.10

I am a professor in the areas of exercise physiology, nutrition and aging. I supervise the Aging Muscle and Bone Health Laboratory where our primary research objectives are to develop effective lifestyle interventions involving nutrition (primarily creatine monohydrate) and physical activity (resistance training) which have practical and clinical relevance for improving properties of muscle, bone and brain health/function. To date, I have published over 120 peer-refereed journal manuscripts, supervised over 20 MSc/PhD students and received research funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation, National Institutes of Health and the Nutricia Research Foundation. I teach a variety of classes, both at the undergraduate and graduate level, in the areas of exercise and human physiology, nutrition and healthy aging. In my spare time, I enjoy outdoor activities and traveling. Some of my favourites include: Movie-Braveheart; Color-Orange; Sport-Golf; City-Prague; Food-Pizza; Season-Fall; Band-Tragically Hip.