Mapping Network Drives From Home or Un-managed Windows Systems (new)
Computing Services Technote #629
During the week of April 29th 2024 (earlier for pilot users), network drives will be moving to a new Windows server. Procedures to map the drive from home or from a non-managed Windows systems are described.
A script file will be used to map the drives on demand to your system. Note that if you are off campus you will have to be connected to the UofR VPN.
- If off campus, the UofR Fortinet SSL VPN is installed and tested
Installation Steps:
- Download the file and move the file to your desktop
- Connect to the UofR VPN if off campus
- Double click on the Connect-UofR-Shares-v4.bat file on your desktop. If the window
Pops up, click on More Info
And then click on Run Anyway.
4. You will be prompted to enter your uregina username (note: just the username – you don’t need to append followed by your password.
5. The S: and T: drive will then be mapped. (see section below if you need other drives)
Ongoing Use
To map the drives in the future:
- Ensure you are connected to the UofR VPN if you are off campus
- Double click the Connect-UofR-Shares-v4.bat file on your desktop
Mapping Other Drives
If you need to map other drives such as the Arts O: drive you need to edit the Connect-UofR-Shares-v4.bat and uncomment the appropriate line:
- Right click on the Connect-UofR-Shares-v4.bat on your desktop and choose edit.
- Find the line with your drive letter and delete “rem” from the start of the line to uncomment it.
rem net use O: \\\uofr\Arts > nul 2>&1 to
net use O: \\\uofr\Arts > nul 2>&1
- Save the file.
Procedures are described for MS Windows home or non-managed systems to map the new T: drive.