M365 Info for Alumni
Your Email Account has changed
*If you have your U of R email forwarded to another account then no action is required.
As of February 20, 2024
- Use Microsoft Outlook to login to your email accounts (Webmail is no longer).
- All Webmail accounts, including emails have automatically transferred to Outlook email and calendar.
- Use your same username@uregina.ca and password to login into Outlook online or install the Outlook app on your device.
A couple of things...
- Alumni accounts in the UofR's M365 tenant switched to 'email only licensing' on March 29th, 2024.
- This removes any access you may have been using to OneDrive, online Office or Teams.
- Copy any OneDrive files you might have to another drive before March 29th.
- This affects you, if you had a uregina.ca account with M365 prior to the start of the UofR migration to M365. Signing up for this free access with your UofR email prior to this transition created an account behind the scenes in the UofR M365 tenant. Microsoft has no way to detect your transition to Alumni so your M365 account remains active as the UofR account with only email access.
- You have the option to sign up for a personal home version with an alternate email with Microsoft.
- You will be able to log into Outlook and you will see all your emails from Webmail have transfered to your new account as of February 20, 2024.
- Your access to Webmail will no longer be active after 7:00 AM, February 20, 2024.
- Yes, your contact lists will move to Outlook.
- If you set up forwarding to another email address, it will remain forwarded.
- No action is required.
- Go to the M365 Hub, select Employee, and review information on that page.
- Go to the M365Hub, select Student, and review information on that page.
- Then you don't have access to the account anymore, since it expired after one year of non-use.
You'll have to choose between personal account or work/school account when you login, and your username@uregina.ca will continue to work.
See adding Outlook to a mobile device Info
Info on how to add Outlook app to either an iPhone or Android device.
See adding Outlook to a Computer or Laptop info
See info on how to add Outlook to your computer or laptop.
Help and Support
You can call or email us for assistance or come to campus to the IS Service Desk (formerly, IT Support Centre),
Phone: 306-585-4685Email: Service.Desk@uregina.ca.
Location: Education Building, Room 137 or the John Archer Library IS Service Desk Help on the main floor (right after you enter the main doors).
IS Service Desk
(formerly, IT Support Centre)
Phone: 306-585-4685
Toll-free in Canada: 1-844-585-4685
Email: Service.Desk@uregina.ca
Phone-In Hours
Monday - Thursday: 7:30 AM - 10 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM - 9:45 PM
Saturday & Sunday: 9 AM - 9:45 PM
IS Service Desk
Education Building 137
In-Person Hours
Monday - Friday: 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Dr. John Archer Library
IS Service Desk Help
In-Person Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 9:45 PM
Saturday & Sunday: 9 AM - 9:45 PM