The neutron radius of heavy nuclei from PREX and CREX
Fri., Apr. 1, 2022 3:30 p.m.
Location: Zoom & in-person (CL 125)
Speaker: Dr. Juliette Mammei, University of Manitoba
Title: The neutron radius of heavy nuclei from PREX and CREX
Date: Friday, April 1, 2022
Time: 3:30 pm
In Person: CL 125 * Please note that this seminar will be delivered in a hybrid format. Participants are welcome to join the talk in person (CL 125 has a student capacity of 116) or you may join remotely using the Zoom link provided.
Abstract: Measurement of the parity-violating electron scattering (PVES) asymmetry is an established technique at Jefferson Lab that has allowed the PREX and CREX collaborations to measure the weak charge distribution in two neutron rich, heavy nuclei in a relatively clean and model-independent way. The neutral weak force mediator, the Z boson, couples primarily to neutrons, so a measurement of PVES asymmetry in electron-nucleus scattering provides the weak charge distribution of the nucleus. I will give an overview of the PREX and CREX experiments, on 208Pb and 48Ca respectively, describe the theoretical motivation for the measurements, and present the PREX 2 results preliminary CREX results.