Know your Deadlines

There are many important dates and deadlines that you should know throughout your studies. Knowing these dates will help you to avoid complications with your studies that may negatively impact your academic status.

There are two resources that include the dates and deadlines for each semester of the year:

Academic Schedule

The Academic Schedule includes when terms and classes will begin and end. It also tells you the last day to add or drop a class, tuition/fee payment and refund dates, and much more.

Academic Schedule

Academic Calendars

In addition to important dates and deadlines, Academic Calendars include policies and procedures of the University of Regina relating to academic and non-academic matters. For example, admission and registration information, academic and non-academic discipline and appeals, graduation guidlines, and much more. There are three University of Regina Academic Calendars online:

Undergraduate Calendar and Course Catalog

Graduate Calendar

Centre for Continuing Education Program Guide