Hazardous Waste Disposal

Waste Wednesdays

Waste drop-offs are every Wednesday at 10:30 am at *UR Stores. Complete a Hazardous Waste Disposal Form and submit to Health & Safety (health.safety@uregina.ca) at least two days (Monday prior to a Wednesday) if you would like to drop off waste that week.

NOTE:  Waste disposal service is available to University of Regina faculty, staff and students ONLY.

Hazardous waste includes:

  • Chemical waste

  • Old or expired chemicals

  • Glass waste (contaminated and non-contaminated)

  • Sharps (contaminated and non-contaminated)

  • Human and animal waste (e.g. materials contaminated with blood & body fluids and tissues; organs; carcasses, etc.)

  • Microbiological waste (e.g. pipette tips, cultures, tubes, etc.)

  • Radiation waste

If you have any questions concerning waste disposal, please contact Health and Safety.

*UR Stores

RIC 110 (the side door next to the main window)

Phone: 306-585-4241