EDI Campus Initiatives

July 8 to August 16: Afro Tribes Summer Program (6 weeks)
The EDI office is one of the partners of the Afro Tribes Summer Program, which provides children aged 6 -12 years with engaging and educational experiences centered around African and Afro-Caribbean culture. The program welcomes children from all cultural backgrounds. See the Afro Tribes poster for further details. Registration is available on their website: 

Call for Volunteers
Afro Tribes Summer program is also looking for volunteers. Volunteers will assist with various activities, including workshops, arts and crafts, outdoor games and activities such as swimming, soccer, nature exploration in Wascana Park, and cultural performances. Volunteer roles may involve supervising activities, assisting facilitators, and ensuring the safety and well-being of participants. Volunteers will receive a modest honorarium for their participation in the Afro Tribes Summer Program. Volunteers can sign up on the following website: 

June 26: Intercultural Sharing Circle
The Intercultural Sharing Circle by Sights on Success Consulting will host an online session on:
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
12:00 noon to 1:00 pm Saskatchewan time

The goal of the session is to listen and reflect on the insights shared by participants about the chosen topic based on their different and/or similar cultural perspectives. Registration is free and the deadline to register is Monday, June 24. Please use the following link to register: https://sightsonsuccessconsulting.com/programs/peer-mentoring-group/

Questions about the Intercultural Sharing Circle or Leadership Development in Intercultural Competence© may be sent to: https://sightsonsuccessconsulting.com/contact/