Student poses in front of a fountain
Go far, together.

High School Accelerated

Calling all Grade 11 and 12 Students!

What if we told you it was possible to start university while still in high school? With High School Accelerated (HSXL) you have the unique opportunity to kickstart your university studies by earning university credit before graduating from high school!

Get ahead and stay ahead by taking university courses in high school. 

  • Ease your transition to university
  • Free up your schedule in your first year
  • Explore your interests before choosing a program
  • Save money on your U of R education

Get Ahead with HSXL

Get Reimbursed for Your Course

Come to the U of R for your post-secondary education and receive the Tuition Reimbursement AwardThis award is equal to the total tuition amount you paid for all of your HSXL courses!

Earn Credits for University and High School

Exciting news! Take a dual credit-eligible course to get closer to high school graduation and earn university credit at the same time – no extra classes required. 

Become a U of R student and earn university credit in high school.

I love the dual credit option and the chance to ease into university classes!

2024 HSXL Student

How to Choose Your Course

Option 1: Take a Course Specifically for High School Accelerated Students

Want a university-level course delivered with you, a grade 11 or 12 student, in mind? Choose one of the designated HSXL courses.

These courses have limited seats. Students with completed applications will be accepted to the program on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Courses are scheduled specifically for HSXL students
  • Courses begin later in the term to accommodate the high school schedule
  • You'll be in class with other HSXL students
  • U of R supports are available

Want to earn credit at high school AND university with the same course? Enrol in a dual credit-eligible course.

Option 2: Take Any U of R Course

Don't see the course you're looking for? Don't worry! As a HSXL student, you can take any U of R course as long as you meet the prerequisites.

  • Courses are scheduled for all students
  • Courses follow the regular U of R academic schedule
  • You'll be in class with first-year university students
  • U of R supports are available

Find all courses in the course catalogue. For help choosing your courses or finding out what's offered, talk with your high school guidance counsellor or U of R Student Services at 306-585-5807 or

Dual Credit Courses Get High School and University Credit

When you take a HSXL course for dual credit, you get closer to high school graduation and get university the same time!

About Dual Credit

The University of Regina offers a growing selection of dual credit courses. Dual credit courses, approved by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education, are University of Regina courses that also cover the content of the corresponding high school course, allowing for credit at both the university and high school level.

Frequently Asked Questions about Dual Credit

What courses can I take for dual credit?
University Credit High School Credit
ART 220 Art 30L
BUS 100 Entrepreneurship 30
CHEM 100 Chemistry 30
CHIMIE 100 Chimie 30
CREE 100 Cree 30
ECON 100 Economics 30
ENGL 100 English B30
FRENCH 100 French 30
INDG 100 Native Studies 30
MATH 110 Calculus 30

Courses are continually being developed and added to the list of dual credit course options.

Always talk to your high school guidance counsellor for more information about High School Accelerated and your dual credit options.

  • Eligible students may take any of the approved U of R courses and work with their main high school educator to obtain the corresponding high school course. 
  • Registration is typically limited to one course per term. Requests for more than one course per term will be reviewed based on your high school grades and other circumstances that may apply.
  • Refer to the Ministry of Education's Dual Credit Policy for helpful information about policies, procedures and processes related to dual credit and the roles of the University, the high school and the Ministry.
  • Special Project Credit - Special project credits are student-initiated and designed to encourage the pursuit of learning in an area of personal interest or passion. The content of the special project(s) need not be related to a specific school subject according to the Ministry of Education's definition. A final mark of Standing Granted (SG) will be awarded for the successful completion of a special project. The mark of SG will appear on the official Transcript of Secondary Level Achievement.
Do I have to apply for dual credit?

No, you don't have to apply for dual credit. Even if you take a dual credit-eligible course, it is optional. 

If you choose to apply for dual credit at your high school, submit your final HSXL course grade to your high school guidance counsellor. Refer to the Dual Credit Policy for more information.

If you choose not to apply for dual credit, you will still need to complete all courses required to graduate from high school. Your course will still count towards your future U of R program.

How do I apply for dual credit?
You will need to provide a final grade to your guidance counsellor in order to obtain dual credit for High School Accelerated course(s). Refer to the Dual Credit Policy for more information.
What is CCE 099?

CCE 099 is an Academic Integrity Workshop that all High School Accelerated students are required to register for and complete alongside their first HSXL course.

Winter 2025 Schedule for HSXL Courses

Economics 100

Introduction to Economics

In this introductory course, economic concepts are used to explore current economic issues such as unemployment, inflation, trade disputes, the crisis in agriculture, pollution reduction, and healthcare. The high school dual credit equivalent for this course is Economics 30.

  • Saturday, 11:00 a.m. to 1:45 p.m.
  • Course dates: February 8 to May 9
  • A total of 30 seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Dual Credit-Eligible: Yes - Economics 30

Course Type: Hybrid

  • Economics 100 In-person - CRN 13447
  • Economics 100 Remote - CRN 13479

English 100

Critical Reading and Writing I

This course develops students' proficiency in critical reading and writing through the study of a wide range of non-literary and literary texts, and the study of composition, with emphasis on connections between modes of reading and writing. This is a required course for most University of Regina degree programs. The high school dual credit equivalent for this course is English B30.

  • Tuesday 6:00 - 8:45 p.m.
  • Course dates: February 4 - May 9
  • A total of 35 seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Dual Credit-Eligible: Yes - English B30

Course Type: Remote

  • English 100 Remote - CRN 13311

English 100

Critical Reading and Writing I

This course develops students' proficiency in critical reading and writing through the study of a wide range of non-literary and literary texts, and the study of composition, with emphasis on connections between modes of reading and writing. This is a required course for most University of Regina degree programs. The high school dual credit equivalent for this course is English B30.

  • Online, asynchronous lectures
  • Course dates: February 4 - May 9
  • A total of 35 seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis

Dual Credit-Eligible: Yes - English B30

Course Type: Online

  • English 100 Online (Section 1) - CRN 13314

Math 110 Online

Calculus 1

An introductory class in the theory and techniques of differentiation and integration of algebraic and trigonometric functions. Topics include limits, optimization, curve sketching, and areas. The high school dual credit equivalent for this course is Calculus 30.

  • Online, asynchronous lectures
  • Course dates: February 4 - May 9
  • A total of 30 seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis
  • Prerequisites: Precalculus 30 with at least 75%, or Calculus 30 or Mathematics B30 and C30 with a grade of at least 65% in each

Dual Credit-Eligible: Yes - Calculus 30

Course Type: Online

  • Math 110 Online - CRN 13312

Student Hub

HSXL Admission

Check out our HSXL Admission page to learn more about the application process and how to apply for High School Accelerated courses.

HSXL Student Central

Once admitted (woo!) check out HSXL Central to learn about your next steps. Get a crash course on Course Registration Days, UR Courses, textbooks, student ID, and more!

HSXL Student Advising

Whether you're contemplating program paths, decoding dual credits, or transitioning to university-level study, we're here to help.

HSXL Tuition Reimbursement Award

Find out how you can get the tuition you paid for your HSXL courses back when you choose to study at the U of R!

I am so glad I took my Business 100 through the HSXL program. It allowed me to test out business as a career path while also challenging me and giving me an idea of what university will look like.

2024 HSXL Student

Frequently Asked Questions about HSXL

Who can apply for High School Accelerated?

There are some basic requirements for students to meet to become a HSXL student:

  • Minimum 65% on five academic subjects over two years of secondary level courses
  • Satisfy English Language Proficiency requirements
  • At least 16 years old

FInd out more about admission requirements.

What courses can I take in the HSXL program?

You can take any U of R course as a grade 11 or 12 student providing you meet any prerequisites for the course (see each course for its prerequisites).

Looking for an experience customized for HSXL students? Choose from the HSXL courses on this page. You will benefit from:

  • Courses scheduled for high school students that start later in the term, allowing you get to settled in the fall or face your finals in January before starting your course.
  • You'll be in class with other HSXL students.
  • Professors work with you to ease your transition to university-level study.
What is the cost of tuition?

The cost for each course is approximately $1,050. *Tuition fees are assessed to the account at the point of registration. Refer to the U of R Fee Schedules for detailsStudents can find tuition and account information in their UR Self-Service student account.

Textbooks and course materials, if required, are in addition to the course tuition. Find textbook and material information about your course in UR Self-Service.

Don't miss out! Apply for admission after high school and register for courses within 14 months of your high school graduation to be eligible for the Tuition Reimbursement Award. The award covers the tuition cost of all your High School Accelerated courses!

How many courses can I take per term?
Generally, you can take one course per term in each of the Fall and Winter terms. Requests for more than one course per term will be reviewed based on a student's high school grades and other circumstances that may apply. Talk to an advisor or your high school guidance counsellor to find out more.
How are HSXL courses delivered?

HSXL courses, and all U of R courses, can be scheduled both online or in person and some give you the option on a per class basis.


A hybrid course allows for both in-person attendance of a portion of students in a classroom and remote participation of another group via synchronous video conferencing software (often Zoom).


Hyflex courses provide students the opportunity to attend class sessions in person or remotely either partially or fully.


Online courses are asynchronous, which means there are no class meeting times virtually or in person. This setup gives you the ability to fit online classes into your schedule at whatever time you think is best.


A remote delivery allows students to attend the lectures via synchronous video conferencing software (Zoom).

Connect With the HSXL Team!

If you have any questions about HSXL, feel free to ask us using this form.
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