Two students having a break together
Go far, together.

HSXL Central

HSXL Central: What You Need to Know

Congratulations! You've been admitted to the University of Regina as a High School Acclerated (HSXL) student. We know you're excited and anxious to get started. We have many ways to help you starting with this HSXL Central page and events such as Orientation. We are always an email or phone call away as well! 

For support, contact Student & Instructor Services at 306-585-5807 or email

Read on to find out what's next on your HSXL journey!

Things to Know and Do Before Your Course Starts


Take in these information sessions with U of R staff to have all your questions answered.

Orientation for HSXL students will be scheduled each term. Students will be notified by email regarding the date, time and how to register by email.

Visit UR Courses

U of R professors use UR Courses to post course information, assignments, lectures, etc. 

Get familiar with UR Courses before your course starts by going through the online sample we've created to give you an idea what your online course will look like.

WEB 001: Online Student Sample Course 

  • Issues logging in?
    • Select "Login with other credentials" and use the following:
      • Username: samplestudent1
      • Password: Testaccount-1
      • Select: WEB 001 (Online)

Login to UR Self-Service

Within UR Self-Service, you can:

  • pay tuition,
  • view and purchase textbooks,
  • get your student ID card, and
  • access your student records and final grades.*

*Note you will need to provide your final grade to your guidance counsellor in order to obtain dual credit for your High School Accelerated course(s) on your high school transcript. Refer to the Dual Credit Policy for more information.


The cost of each course is approximately $1,050.

  • Tuition fees do no not include textbooks or materials.
  • Tuition fees are assessed to your account at the point of registration. Refer to the U of R Fee Schedules for details.
  • Find your tuition and account information in your UR Self-Service student account.


In UR Self-Service, you can purchase your textbooks and print your textbook list.

  1. Login to UR Self-Service
  2. Select "Student Services"
  3. Select "Access/Purchase your Textbooks"
  4. Enter your Student ID Number and PIN
  5. Select your Term
  6. Select "Retrieve My Booklist"

Student ID Card

All students are required to have a Student Identification (ID) card to access the library and recreation facilities. ID may be requested for admission to examinations and laboratories. Get your Student ID card online through UR Self-Service or directly from the Registrar's Office on campus.

U of R Email Address

Your official UofR email (ending in will be used to correspond with you.

  • Be sure to check your U of R email or forward your U of R email to your personal email.
  • All correspondence during the term will be sent to this email, including course/instructor evaluations.

Student Responsibilities

As a University of Regina student, you take on the responsibility of adhering to the University’s rules and regulations which can be found on the University of Regina Undergraduate Calendar.

Tuition Reimbursement Award

Once you complete your HSXL courses, don't let your University of Regina journey end there! Attend the U of R for an undergraduate degree, diploma or certificate program, and qualify for the Tuition Reimbursement Award. This award is equal to the total tuition amount you paid for your HSXL course(s). 

Eligibility and How to Access the Award

  1. Pay the application and tuition fees
    Students pay the one-time U of R application fee and course tuition upfront at the commencement of their HSXL course(s).

    Note: Those who hold a Student Visa and are enrolled in a Canadian high school pay domestic tuition fees, not international fees. 

  2. Complete your course(s)
    Students must achieve a passing grade of 50% to be eligible for the award.

  3. Get admitted to the U of R
    After being admitted to the U of R for an undergraduate program immediately after high school, you have two options.
    1. Come to the U of R after you graduate high school and register for your courses, or
    2. Get admitted then take a "gap" year. You have 14 months following high school graduation and your U of R admission to register for courses and remain eligible for the Tuition Reimbursement Award.
      • Those who pursue this option need to indicate this preference on their application to the undergraduate program.
  4. Get reimbursed!
The award is then credited to the student's account during their first semester of studies after the add/drop deadline. 
    • The reimbursement amount will be equal to the tuition fee at the time the course was taken. The award covers tuition and mandatory fees, but textbooks and materials are not included. 
    • There is no limit on how many courses HSXL students can take to receive the Tuition Reimbursement Award.
    • Both full-time and part-time students are eligible for the award.

Frequently Asked Questions for HSXL Students

How will my course fit into my future U of R program?

Wondering how your course meets the requirements of different programs at the U of R? 

Talk to your advisor or, if you are already an admitted student, use the Degree Audit and Program Planning Tool.

Can I drop my course?

Yes, but you must follow the policy and there are deadlines for drop requests.

It is your responsibility to drop a class if your plans change.

You may drop a course online through UR Self-Service or by contacting Student and Instructor Services in writing, indicating you wish to withdraw from the course. Always provide your full name and U of R student ID number in your communication. 

Refund dates can be found on your admission letter.

IMPORTANT: Letting your guidance counselor or instructor know you aren’t planning to continue a course does not constitute withdrawal.

Can I take a gap year after high school and still get the Tuition Reimbursement Award?
Yes, but you need to apply for admission to the UofR immediately after high school and complete the Gap Year form indicating you will be taking a gap year. You have 14 months to register at the U of R after you're admitted at which time the award would be applied to your account.
How do I access my final transcripts?

Access your final transcripts in UR Self-Service. For detailed instructions, see the Transcripts page.