Student poses at a wall on campus
Go far, together.

How to Get Admitted

Apply for Admission

Get Admitted in Three Steps

1. Prepare Required Documents

  • Your Social Insurance Number (SIN)
  • Your high school transcript

2. Complete Your Online Application

  1. Create and activate your account in the U of R Application Portal
  2. For complete information see Online Application: Step-by-step Instructions in the next section

3. Accept Your Offer

Once you've been accepted as a U of R HSXL student and have received your admission letter, you will need to accept your offer.  

You will need to accept your offer within 10 days and before we can register you for courses.

Online Application: Step-by-step Instructions

1. Create or Login to You Admissions Portal account

Application Management

If you have previously applied to the University of Regina, please log in to your existing account. If you are a new student, please click on Create an account under First-time users.  
2. Start a New Application

Application Management

The Start New Application link is at the bottom of the page, so you may not see it when you first open the portal. Scroll down to see this link. It will be below the table titled Your Applications.

3. Select Your Application Type

Application Management

Choose Undergraduate Application from the dropdown list.

4. Complete Your Personal Information

Personal Information

Fill out your details in this section accurately.

5. Provide Previous Education Details

Previous Education

On the Previous Education page, select I am currently atteding high school (secondary).

6. Answer the High School Accelerated Program Question

Previous Education

Answer Yes to the High School Accelerated question (the third question on the page).

High School Accelerated: Are you current a high school student who wants to take a course while you are still a student in high (secondary) school? This means that you will still be in grade 11 or 12 at your school while you are taking a U of R course. (Yes)

7. Confirm Your Admission Type

Admit Type

On the Admit Type page, you must confirm that you are a Saskatchewan Accelerated Student. You do this by checking the confirmation checkbox.

Click the Save and Continue button.

8. Complete Your Application

Complete Your Application

Answer all remaining questions and ensure your details are accurate.

9. Pay the Application Fee

The University of Regina has a one-time application fee policy.

  • If you have previously applied and paid the application fee, you do not need to pay it again.
  • If you have not paid the fee before, submit the payment with your application, as your application cannot be processed without it.

Admission Requirements and Language Proficiency

Admission Requirements
  • Minimum 65% on five academic subjects on a combination of two years of secondary-level courses.
  • These courses will be taken from subjects normally used for admission purposes (refer to the approved list of high school courses in the admissions section of the General Calendar).
  • Applicants must be a minimum of 16 years of age to apply.
  • Registration is typically limited to one course per term. Requests for more than one course per term will be reviewed based on a student's high school grades and other circumstances that may apply.
  • Ensure you meet the admission requirements and have all the pre-requisites before applying for HSXL. 
Language Proficiency

All applicants to the High School Accelerated Program must meet English Language Proficiency requirements via one of the following:

  • Successful completion of Grades 9 and 10 English, or Grades 10 and 11 English, taken in sequence, as part of two full academic years in high school using a provincially-or state-accredited Canadian or U.S. curriculum, or equivalent international qualification
  • A grade of 80% or better in a Grade 12 provincially-examined English course, as part of one full term of study, or equivalent international qualification
  • Any approved test or proficiency in English as outlined in the General Calendar section 2.2.3

Get additional information about English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements.

After Admission: What's Next?

The Admission Letter and Next Steps

In your admission letter, you will be directed to accept your offer online. It also provides some next steps you will want to take as a U of R student. Important items to note include:

Instructions to activate your U of R students accounts such as UR Self-Service, UR Courses and student email.

Find out what you need to know about and what's next in HSXL Central.