Chemical and Laboratory Safety
To access Safety Data Sheets (SDS), please use the ChemWatch database:
On Campus - (no login required)
Off Campus - (login required)
Enter ureginaca under the domain name. This will redirect you to the U of R authentication page.
Chemical Inventory
The University of Regina uses Vertére, a web-based chemical inventory program, to track chemicals. Information on how to use the program can be found in the Vertére General Overview (PDF). Access to Vertére is provided to faculty, staff, and other authorized users by Health & Safety (Human Resources). To obtain a username and password, please contact Health and Safety.
Note: All hazardous materials must be ordered, received, and shipped through UR Stores.
The Vertére website should also be bookmarked on all computers accessed by users of chemicals.
- Solutions, dilutions, and decants that are generated in the laboratory
- Formulations/compounds generated in the laboratory
- Samples
- Non-hazardous buffers, broths, agars, media
- Consumer kits (enzyme preparations, tissue culture, assays, PCR kits, analysis kits)
- Consumer products (cleaners, detergents, bleach, items available for retail purchase)
- Radioactive materials (inventoried in the Radiation Safety Program)
- Biohazardous materials (inventoried in the Biosafety Program)
- Non-hazardous substances (glucose, sand, water)
- Chemical waste
Acquisition, Importation, Shipping/Transportation
There are specific procedures that apply to the acquisition of hazardous materials and equipment.
All chemicals must be ordered and received through UR Stores. Please contact UR Stores for more information.
All biological materials must be received through UR Stores. Please see the Biosafety page for biological material specific information. Please contact the Biosafety Officer for more information.
All radioactive materials must be ordered/transferred and received through UR Stores, with the Radiation Safety Officer's approval. Please contact the Radiation Safety Officer for more information.
Shipping/Transportation of Dangerous Goods
Lab Safety Guides & Posters
The posters below can be used as quick reference guides for various lab safety topics. If you would like a printed copy of any of these posters, please contact Health and Safety.