
Ready to Graduate?

Apply to Graduate

Before your degree will appear on your transcript or you can receive your parchment or attend convocation you must apply to graduate. All students must apply to graduate, regardless of their intention to attend the convocation ceremony.

To graduate on time, please pay attention to the program completion and application for graduation deadlines .

Graduation Approval Process (Conferral of Degrees)

After you have applied for graduation the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) will audit your program of study to ensure you will be/are eligible to graduate. When you have successfully completed all your degree program requirements FGSR will recommend your name to the next available meeting of Executive of Council for formal approval. Meetings held in October, November, January, February, March, April, and May approve degrees for Spring Convocation, while meetings held in June and September are reserved for Fall Convocation. All requirements for the degree must have been met by the end of the previous month. For example, if Executive of Council meets on September 22, all requirements for the degree must be met by August 31.

Transcripts and Your Parchment

Your degree will appear on your official transcript five business days after your degree has been approved by Executive of Council.

Secure digital parchments are uploaded to MyCredsTM|MesCertifCM about 10 business days after graduation approval (graduates are notifed via email).

Physical parchments are distributed at the formal convocation ceremonies held in the Spring and Fall. For more information about Your Parchment

Please note dates are subject to change. Please contact if you have any questions.

Additional Resources: