Graduate Scholarships & Awards

Internal Scholarships

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FGSR Graduate Student Online Conference or Travel Award is intended to provide financial assistance to fully-qualified graduate students to attend conferences or events to present papers, posters or other creative work, related to their research. NOTE: Effective March 2023, this will be a pre-conference/travel award. You must apply before you attend/travel first.

Student Status
Full-time & Part-time
Scholarship Value
"/will be noted in your award letter in your UR Self-service account in 10 business days, please check the value at that time - Variable Available
Application Type
Non Applicable
Areas of Study
FGSR Graduate Travel Award, Ph.D. & Masters
March 30, 2024 deadline for events scheduled from February 29, 2024 - November 1, 2024. November 30, 2024 deadline for events scheduled from November 2, 2024 to February 28, 2025.


There are approximately 30 awards for each competition, up to $1,000 each, depending on budgetary approval and up to the discretion of FGSR.

-The student be in good standing, MUST BE registered in a graduate program at the University of Regina, and MUST BE REGISTERED AT THE TIME that the conference/event is held;
- The student must be presenting a paper, poster, or other creative work;
- The conference/event must be relevant to the student's program; and
- Students may not receive this funding more than once at the Master's level or more than twice at the Ph.D. level.

Note: Students that show proof of acceptance to present at an online conference may be considered for refund of their online conference registration fees. Please know that you will still have to meet the full eligibility criteria for this award in order to be considered

Application Information

In addition, students will need to upload the following documents:

- Proof that a paper/poster, etc. was presented at a conference/festival/competition;
- a one page abstract of the paper/poster presented;
- Detailed listing of expenses that will be incurred (economy air fares, hotel/airbnb, food, transportation, registration fee etc.);

Please ask your Supervisor or Department Graduate Coordinator to provide a brief email to, indicating department/faculty support of this travel or online registration is required. Ensure you ask your department for this support well in advance of the deadline. The Coordinator/Supervisor may decline your request if you do not provide them with sufficient time to consider it. Please ensure you provide your Graduate Coordinator/Supervisor full information regarding your conference, specifically with the nature of your conference and if you were formally accepted to present

- If you are applying for a PRE-TRAVEL- in place of the electronic copies of your receipts in the GAP application, you may submit a copy of your flight itinerary if already booked or add in your detailed list of expenses again. As this is a required field you will need to put something in here as a place holder. If awarded you will need to provide electronic copies of RECEIPTS to show PROOF of attendance in the city that you traveled to, such as boarding pass, food receipt, taxi/train/transportation and submit them to two weeks after the return date of travel.

- If you are applying for POST-TRAVEL please submit electronic copies of RECEIPTS to show PROOF of attendance (or online registration fee) in the city that you traveled to, such as boarding pass, food receipt, taxi /train /transportation receipts in your GAP application.

Full documentation MUST be submitted by the deadline date to be considered.