
Application Procedures


The Self-Administered Application Package
Application Requirements
Application Deadlines
General Admission Requirements
North Dakota and Montana Applicants


The Self-Administered Application Package

The applicant must assemble all relevant documentation that is not entered on-line and forward the complete package to Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. Please read all of the instructions carefully before completing the on-line application.

The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research has sole authority for admission, and all offers of admission are made by the Dean of FGSR, or the Dean’s designate. Correspondence with a faculty member, department or school does not constitute approval for admission. All offers of admission are valid for the terms of entry indicated in the offer. Notices of admission decisions are emailed to the email that the applicant identified on their application. To ensure that correspondence from this University is received, applicants must be sure to inform the FGSR office in writing of e-mail or address changes.

Application Requirements

Note: All documents submitted to the University of Regina become the property of the University, and will not be released or copied except for purposes deemed internal to the University of Regina. Documents may not be returned to the applicant.

Please do not send any other documentation that is not required.

  1. A completed Application Form: For applicants applying to more than one program, a new on-line application is required for each program and accompanying fee. All materials must be received on or before any deadline dates. Incomplete applications will not be forwarded to academic units for their recommendation.
  2. Transcripts: Unofficial transcripts will be accepted through the materials upload tool within the application portal and are for the review process only. Any offer of admission will be conditional upon receipt of the official transcripts and/or degree certificate. An official copy of all previous undergraduate and graduate transcripts is required even if a degree was not awarded. A transcript is considered official if:
    • It is received in an envelope from the issuing university that is sealed and bears an official University stamp across the seal. 
    • It is received from an official credential service such as MyCreds. Any credential service must be verifiable by the Faculty of Graduate Studies before the transcripts will be considered official.

    Transcripts in languages other than English or French must be accompanied by a certified literal translation. If the transcript does not indicate that the degree was awarded, the degree certificate is to be included.

    The WES ICAP course-by-course evaluation report is strongly recommended for international credentials and is required for some program areas. Please see Supplementary Materials for more information.
  3. Official recommendation letters are to be submitted for each application and are considered official when one of these conditions is met:
    • Received from the secure email link sent from the application portal to the referee’s personal verifiable institutional email address.
    • Received on letterhead in an envelope that is sealed and bears the referee's signature across the seal of the envelope. Note: Letter of Recommendation forms and/or letters forwarded to applicants in sealed envelopes with the referee’s signature across the seal of the envelope are confidential and must not be opened.
    • Sent to from the referee’s dedicated verifiable institutional email address; documents received from generic accounts (e.g.,, or public domain e-mail addresses (e.g.,,, are not acceptable.
  4. The two letters of reference are to be from persons (academics, employers) who can critically assess the applicant's ability to do research and advanced courses, and who cannot be a closely associated person or another current graduate student. Applications for Non-Degree programs require only one letter of reference. Note: Reference forms and/or letters forwarded to applicants in sealed envelopes are confidential and must not be opened.
  5. A Resume and Letter of Intent outlining one’s purpose in applying to graduate studies. This is a required component of the on-line application. Please do not send paper copies if you have entered online.
  6. Fee: A non-refundable fee of $125 (CAD) for ALL domestic and international applicants (subject to change) is to be paid on-line with the on-line application. The application will not be considered submitted until the fee has been paid.
  7. Test Scores: Official Test Scores (if applicable) must be forwarded to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research by the testing centre. As necessary, FGSR will forward the information to relevant departments. A valid copy may be included with the application package.
    1. Applicants to the MBA program must write the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT).
  8. Please check Supplementary Materials required for specific units.

Application Deadlines

There are different application deadlines for different programs. The application and all supporting documents must be received by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research by the application deadline in order to be considered complete.

General Admission Requirements

  1. The minimal admission requirements are: a master’s degree for entrance to a doctoral program, a four-year bachelor’s degree for entrance to a master’s program, or recognized, comparable qualifications from an accredited university-level institution; acceptable academic standing; and sufficient undergraduate background to carry out graduate work in a chosen field. Applicants with a three-year degree, if accepted, will normally be required to successfully complete qualifying senior undergraduate courses in the discipline.
  2. International applicants should consult the website regarding acceptable standards for admission, and are encouraged to submit the results of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), especially the score for the subject test in the discipline being sought.
  3. English Proficiency Tests. International applicants, except those who attended universities where the language of instruction was English, must submit proof of English proficiency, usually in the form of recognized tests with the exception of applications to French language programs in La Cité universitaire francophone. The most common is TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). Applicants must have a TOEFL score of at least 80 Internet-based, except as noted below. FGSR accepts the following tests:


70 20 each band 6.5 overall,
6.0 each
59 54 EAP 100/101 125 overall, 120 each for Speaking, Writing, and
Reading, 115 for Listening
JSGS 70 86 overall,
20 each band
6.5 overall,
6.0 each
63 overall,
59 each
59 EAP 100/101 125 overall, 120 each for Speaking, Writing, and
Reading, 115 for Listening
Film Studies &
Film Production
75 23 each band 7.0 overall,
7.0 each
65 59 n/a 130 overall, 130 each for Speaking, Writing, and
Reading, 125 for Listening
English 80 25 each band 7.5 overall,
7.5 each
68 59 n/a 130 overall, 130 each for Speaking, Writing, and
Reading, 125 for Listening


**Please note that a minimum score may render an applicant ineligible for graduate teaching assistantships.

If a student is taking ESL at the University, they must successfully complete EAP 100/101 in order to be considered for graduate work. EAP 100/101 does not meet the minimum English proficiency requirements for some programs. For those programs, students are required to take a different test to meet admission requirements. The University of Saskatchewan's UPrep 2 program will also be accepted. Applicants who have successfully completed an academic English as a Second Language (ESL) program at another Canadian university (or equivalent) that qualifies them to meet the English Language Proficiency policy of that institution, may be considered to have met our policy. The applicant must supply proof of course completion and evidence that the course(s) completed meet the English proficiency policy of that institution.

Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Unless an applicant holds a thesis-based Master's degree from a Canadian University, GRE General is recommended for international applicants to programs in Biochemistry and Chemistry.  International applicants are encouraged to write the GRE physics subject exam.  It is recommended that international students in other disciplines take the GRE test(s) so that their academic abilities and potential may be better judged, but this is not a requirement. For scheduled examination times and locations, see the GRE website.

Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). The GMAT must be taken by all applicants to the MBA program. For scheduled examination times and locations, see the GMAT website.

Graduate Admissions Extension Policy. A maximum of two one-year extensions will be allowed to an admission offer.

North Dakota and Montana Applicants

The University of Regina grants students the right to pay the same tuition and fee rates of Canadian citizens if they are US citizens and have been residents of North Dakota or Montana for at lease one full year prior to the time of admission. In order to qualify for this, students must provide one of the following documents at the time of application:

  • Montana or North Dakota Driver's License
  • Montana or North Dakota Voter Registration
  • Student Authorization (visa)
  • DD214 from the Department of Defense
  • Military dependent ID