
La Cité

Doctorat en Études francophones et interculturelles (Doctorate in Francophone and Intercultural Studies – thesis route)

Degree Requirements

Course Credit Hours
FRN 804 Séminaire de recherche doctorale 3 credit hours
FRN 8xx 3 credit hours
FRN 8xx 3 credit hours
FRN 8xx 3 credit hours
FRN 8xx 3 credit hours
FRN 800 Examen de synthèse/Comprehensive Exam 0 credit hours
FRN 901 45 credit hours
TOTAL 60 credit hours

Notes: FRN 801 (Bibliographie et méthodologie) – students lacking this postgraduate methods course, an equivalent course or equivalent experience must take this course in their first semester in addition to the credits required for the Doctorate program.

Up to two courses may be taken outside the academic unit, with the permission of the graduate chair.

Master of Arts (MA) in French and Francophone Intercultural Studies (thesis)

Program Description

The MA program in French and Francophone Intercultural Studies (FFIS) allows students interested in social sciences and humanities to select their topic of study in political studies, sociology, applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, literature, philosophy and history, or at the intersection of these disciplines, in a multicultural context. Students can also adopt an experiential approach, if they desire. The MA (FFIS) covers all areas of la francophonie, strating with Francophone communities in minority contexts within Canada, to Québec, Europe, Africa and the rest of the world, and encourages reflection on the diversity within and across these contexts.

The MA program in French and Francophone Intercultural Studies is open to students who have an Honours B.A. degree in French from this university or equivalent qualifications approved by the Department of French and the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. The Honours B.A. in French at the University of Regina requires that the student spend at least one semester in a French-speaking region. Consequently, a considerable degree of fluency in French is expected. Applicants not holding the University of Regina Honours B.A. may be accepted on the basis of having completed a university degree in French or having obtained level B2 at the Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française (DELF) (or equivalent as approved by the Graduate Studies Committee of La Cité).

Note: This is not applicable to the Master’s certificate program.

Degree Requirements

FRN 8xx* 3 credit hours
FRN 8xx* 3 credit hours
Elective 8xx* 3 credit hours
Elective 8xx* 3 credit hours
FRN 900 3 credit hours
FRN 900 0 credit hours
FRN 901 15 credit hours
Total 30 credit hours

*Students may be permitted to enroll in up to two courses (or 50% of the course work) in cognate disciplines or departments.

Note: Students may not take an 8xx version of a course they have already taken at the 4xx level.

Students are required to take FRN 900 twice - once in the fall semester and once in the winter semester.

Well-prepared students will normally take 12 credit hours, or four graduate courses, in French. If required by the program, one further course may be added. The MA candidate will present a three-credit seminar on his/her area of study in the semester preceding the defense.

The thesis shall be written in French with an abstract in English. Graduate courses will be chosen in consultation with the student's program advisor. In special circumstances, and with the approval of the Graduate Co-ordinator, courses in a closely related field may be counted toward the degree.

Not all the courses listed can be offered in any one year, and it may not be possible to provide supervision for a thesis in all of the fields in which the Program offers courses.

Master of Arts (MA) in French and Francophone Intercultural Studies (course)

Degree Requirements


Credit Hours

FRN 801

3 credit hours

FRN 802

3 credit hours

FRN 803

6 credit hours

FRN 8xx

3 credit hours

FRN 8xx

3 credit hours

FRN 8xx*

3 credit hours

FRN 8xx*

3 credit hours

FRN 8xx*

3 credit hours

FRN 900**

3 credit hours

FRN 900**

0 credit hours


30 credit hours

*In addition to FRN 801 (3 cr.), FRN 802 (3 cr.), FRN 803 (6 cr.), and FRN 900 (3 cr.), students are required to take at least 6 credits of courses offered by La Cité universitaire. Where the student’s academic and professional goals warrant it and with the permission of the Graduate Co-ordinator, students may be allowed to take no more than three courses (the equivalent of 9 cr.) outside the program, in related disciplines and with the agreement of the Graduate Co-ordinator, only two of which (3 cr.) may be in English-language courses.

**Students who are completing the course-based program route part-time and are unable to meet the requirements of FRN 900 Séminaire, can register instead for FRN 890, with the approval of the Graduate Co-ordinator.

Students are required to take FRN 900 twice - once in the fall semester and once in the winter semester.

Note: Students may not take an 8xx version of a course they have already taken at the 4xx level.

Master's Certificate (MCert) in French and Francophone Intercultural Studies

Degree Requirements


Credit Hours

FRN 802

3 credit hours

FRN 8xx*

3 credit hours

FRN 8xx*

3 credit hours

FRN 8xx*

3 credit hours


12 credit hours

*Excluding FRN 803, FRN 890 and FRN 900.

Note: Students may not take an 8xx version of a course they have already taken at the 4xx level.