
Process Systems Engineering

Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research: Raman Paranjape, PhD

Graduate Program Coordinator: Paitoon Tontiwachwuthikul, PhD

For more information about Graduate programs, contact

Faculty Listing

Student Advising

Department Description

The major areas of specialization are in Chemical Process Engineering, Materials Engineering, Petroleum Process Engineering, Environmental Process Engineering, Process Modeling, Simulation & Control, Energy & Environment, Fuels & Biofuels, Process Optimization, Application of Artificial Intelligence in Process Systems Engineering. 

Embedded Certificate Options

The following certificate is permitted to be embedded within the Master of Applied Science (MASc) in Process Systems Engineering and the Master of Engineering (MEng) in Process Systems Engineering (project and co-op route):

Master's Certificate (MCert) in Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage


Course catalogue and current course offerings

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Process Systems Engineering (after Master's)

Normally a student will enter the PhD program following the completion of a Master's program. The PhD program will consist of the following minimum requirements. 

Course Credit Hours
ENPC 8xx 3 credit hours
ENPC 8xx 3 credit hours
ENxx or approved course 8xx* 3 credit hours
ENxx or approved course 8xx* 3 credit hours
ENGG 800 3 credit hours
ENGG 900 0 credit hours
ENPC 901 45 credit hours
TOTAL 60 credit hours         

*Up to two courses may be taken from the list of approved courses: ENGG 811, 813-819; ENIN 833, 835; ENPE 821, 861; ENEV 831, 832, 863, 864; ENEL 831; ENIN 880AA-ZZ; ENEV 886AA-ZZ; MATH 8XX; STAT 8XX; CS 8XX; CHEM 8XX; GBUS 8XX.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Process Systems Engineering (after UofR MEng)

The program requirements for a student with a Master of Engineering degree from the University of Regina who is admitted to the PhD progam in Engineering will be:

Course Credit Hours
ENPC 8xx 3 credit hours
ENPC 8xx 3 credit hours
ENxx or approved course 8xx* 3 credit hours
ENxx or approved course 8xx* 3 credit hours
ENGG 800 3 credit hours
ENGG 900 0 credit hours
ENGG 903 3 credit hours
ENPC 901 45 credit hours
TOTAL 63 credit hours

*Up to two courses may be taken from the list of approved courses: ENGG 811, 813-819; ENIN 833, 835; ENPE 821, 861; ENEV 831, 832, 863, 864; ENEL 831; ENIN 880AA-ZZ; ENEV 886AA-ZZ; MATH 8XX; STAT 8XX; CS 8XX; CHEM 8XX; GBUS 8XX.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Process Systems Engineering (after Bachelor's)
Course Credit Hours
ENPC 8xx 3 credit hours
ENPC 8xx 3 credit hours
ENPC 8xx 3 credit hours
ENPC 8xx 3 credit hours
ENPC 8xx 3 credit hours
ENxx 8xx 3 credit hours
ENxx 8xx 3 credit hours
ENxx 8xx 3 credit hours
ENxx 8xx 3 credit hours
ENGG 800 3 credit hours
ENGG 900 0 credit hours
ENPC 901 60 credit hours
TOTAL 90 credit hours
Master of Applied Science (MASc) in Process Systems Engineering (thesis)

The Master of Applied Science is a research-oriented program with a thesis requirement.

Credit Hours
ENPC 8xx
3 credit hours
ENPC 8xx 3 credit hours
ENPC 8xx 3 credit hours
ENxx 8xx or related discipline 8xx 3 credit hours
ENxx 8xx or related discipline 3xx to 8xx* 3 credit hours
ENGG 900 0 credit hours
ENPC 901 15 credit hours
TOTAL 30 credit hours

*Students may only take one selected topics, special topics, or directed reading.  Up to one course may by taken at the 300/400 level, subject to PSENG approval.

Master of Engineering (MEng) in Process Systems Engineering (project)

The Master of Engineering degree program with a project report attracts practicing engineers. It complements the Graduate Cooperative Education Program which seeks to integrate the academic experience with professional, on-the-job experience to facilitate professional development.

Credit Hours
ENPC 8xx
3 credit hours
ENPC 8xx 3 credit hours
ENPC 8xx 3 credit hours
ENPC 8xx 3 credit hours
ENxx 8xx 3 credit hours
ENxx 8xx 3 credit hours
ENxx or related discipline 8xx* 3 credit hours
ENxx or related discipline 3xx to 8xx* 3 credit hours
ENGG 701 1 credit hour
ENGG 702 1 credit hour
ENGG 703 1 credit hour
ENPC 902 3 credit hours
TOTAL 30 credit hours

*Students may only take one selected topics, special topics or directed reading. Up to one course may be taken at the 300/400 level, subject to PSENG approval.

Master of Engineering (MEng) in Process Systems Engineering (co-op)

The Master of Engineering (Co-op) Program seeks to integrate the academic experience with professional, on-the-job experience to facilitate professional development. It consists of the following requirements:

Credit Hours
ENPC 8xx
3 credit hours
ENPC 8xx 3 credit hours
ENPC 8xx 3 credit hours
ENPC 8xx
3 credit hours
ENxx 8xx 3 credit hours
ENxx 8xx 3 credit hours
ENxx or related discipline 3xx-8xx* 3 credit hours
ENxx or related discipline 3xx-8xx* 3 credit hours
ENGG 601
4 credit hours
ENGG 602 4 credit hours
ENGG 701
1 credit hour
ENGG 702
1 credit hour
ENGG 703 1 credit hour
ENPC 902 3 credit hours
38 credit hours

*Approved Courses for PSENG: ENEL 831, ENEV 831, 832, 863, 864, 886CF, ENGG 811, 813, 814, 815, 816, 817, 818, 819, ENIN 835, 880BF, ENPC 869, ENPE 831 (subject to approval of PSENG).

Effective Fall 2025 (202530)

Credit Hours
ENPC 8xx
3 credit hours
ENPC 8xx 3 credit hours
ENPC 8xx 3 credit hours
ENPC 8xx
3 credit hours
ENxx 8xx 3 credit hours
ENxx 8xx 3 credit hours
ENxx or related discipline 3xx-8xx* 3 credit hours
ENxx or related discipline 3xx-8xx* 3 credit hours
ENGG 601
0 credit hours
ENGG 602 0 credit hours
ENGG 701
1 credit hour
ENGG 702
1 credit hour
ENGG 703 1 credit hour
ENPC 902 3 credit hours
30 credit hours

*Approved Courses for PSENG: ENEL 831, ENEV 831, 832, 863, 864, 886CF, ENGG 811, 813, 814, 815, 816, 817, 818, 819, ENIN 835, 880BF, ENPC 869, ENPE 831 (subject to approval of PSENG).

Master's Certificate (MCert) in Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
Course Credit Hours
ENPC 870 3 credit hours
Choose 2 of: ENPC 880AG, ENPC 880AS, ENPC 880AP, ENPE 831, ENEV 863, ENPC 8XX, ENPE 8XX, ENEV 8XX* 6 credit hours
Total 9 credit hours

*Additional electives may be permitted with approval of program chair. Only one course may be at the undergraduate level.