Industrial Systems Engineering
Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research: Raman Paranjape, PhD
Graduate Program Coordinator: Mohammad Khondoker, PhD
For more information about Graduate programs, contact
Department Description
The major areas of specialization are in manufacturing, control, process engineering and energy systems. Activities include CAE, Facilities design, Quality control, Performance evaluation of manufacturing systems, Fatigue analysis, Vibration and noise analysis, Design and manufacturing of pressure vessels, Non-linear dynamics fracture mechanics, Modeling/simulation/design/implementation of robotic human powered, Sensor-based motion planning, Optimal control, Artificial Neural networks, Virtual reality, Artificial/Computational sapiens (wisdom), Metabotics, Greenhouse gas technology control including Solubility of gases in liquids, PVT studies, Mass transfer with chemical reactions, Kinetics, Corrosion and degradation, Calorimetry, Physical and transport properties measurements, Pilot plant design and operations, Fuel cells, Biomass, Modeling and simulation of industrial systems, Renewable energy studies dealing with wind and solar energies.
Embedded Certificate Options
The following two certificates are permitted to be embedded within the Master of Applied Science (MASc) in Industrial Systems Engineering and the Master of Engineering (MEng) in Industrial Systems Engineering (project and co-op route):
Master's Certificate (MCert) in Advanced Manufacturing
Master's Certificate (MCert) in Engineering Management
The PhD program will consist of the following minimum requirements:
Course | Credit Hours |
ENGG 800 | 3 credit hours |
ENIN 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx 8xx* | 3 credit hours |
ENxx or related discipline 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx or related discipline 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENGG 900 | 0 credit hours |
ENIN 901 | 45 credit hours |
TOTAL | 60 credit hours |
The program requirements for a student with a Master of Engineering degree from the University of Regina who is admitted to the PhD program in Engineering will be:
Course | Credit Hours |
ENGG 800 | 3 credit hours |
ENIN 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx or related discipline 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx or related discipline 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENGG 900 | 0 credit hours |
ENGG 903 | 3 credit hours |
ENIN 901 | 45 credit hours |
TOTAL | 63 credit hours |
Note: ENGG 903 is a research methodology course, and is to ensure that the student will be adequately prepared for PhD level research. Only students who have received their MENG from U of R are required to take this course.
Course | Credit Hours |
ENGG 800 | 3 credit hours |
ENIN 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx or related discipline 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx or related discipline 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENGG 900 | 0 credit hours |
ENIN 901 | 60 credit hours |
TOTAL | 90 credit hours |
The Master of Applied Science is a research-oriented program with a thesis requirement.
Course | Credit Hours |
ENIN 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENIN 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx or related discipline 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx 3xx to 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENGG 900 | 0 credit hours |
ENIN 901 | 15 credit hours |
TOTAL | 30 credit hours |
This updated version of the program is effective 202430.
The Master of Engineering degree program with a project report attracts practicing engineers. It complements the Graduate Cooperative Education Program, which seeks to integrate the academic experience with professional, on-the-job experience to facilitate professional development.
Course | Credit Hours |
ENIN 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENIN 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENIN 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENIN 3xx to 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx or related discipline 3xx to 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENGG 701 | 1 credit hour |
ENGG 702 | 1 credit hour |
ENGG 703 | 1 credit hour |
ENIN 902 (over 2 semesters at 3 cr hrs each) | 6 credit hours |
TOTAL | 30 credit hours |
Course |
Credit Hours |
ENIN 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENIN 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENIN 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENIN 3xx to 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx or related discipline 3xx to 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENGG 601 | 4 credit hours |
ENGG 602 | 4 credit hours |
ENGG 701 | 1 credit hour |
ENGG 702 | 1 credit hour |
ENGG 703 | 1 credit hour |
ENIN 902 (over 2 semesters at 3 cr hrs each) | 6 credit hours |
TOTAL | 38 credit hours |
Effective Fall 2025 (202530)
Course |
Credit Hours |
ENIN 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENIN 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENIN 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENIN 3xx to 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENxx or related discipline 3xx to 8xx | 3 credit hours |
ENGG 601 | 0 credit hours |
ENGG 602 | 0 credit hours |
ENGG 701 | 1 credit hour |
ENGG 702 | 1 credit hour |
ENGG 703 | 1 credit hour |
ENIN 902 (over 2 semesters at 3 cr hrs each) | 6 credit hours |
TOTAL | 30 credit hours |
Course | Credit Hours |
Choose 1 of: ENIN 880CH, ENIN 880CL, ENIN 880BD, ENIN 880BJ, ENIN 821 (or ENIN 880AL), ENIN 877, ENIN 820, ENIN 903 | 3 credit hours |
Choose 2 of: ENIN 880CH, ENIN 880CL, ENIN 880BD, ENIN 880BJ, ENIN 821 (or ENIN 880AL), ENIN 877, ENIN 820, ENIN 903, ENIN 812, ENIN 880CG, ENIN 880BS (or ENIN 880BH), ENIN 830, ENIN 880BX, ENIN 811, ENIN 880AZ, ENIN 834 (or ENIN 880CA), ENIN 888* |
6 credit hours |
Total | 9 credit hours |
*Additional electives may be permitted with approval of program chair. Only one course may be at the undergraduate level.
Course | Credit Hours |
Choose 1 of: ENGG 819, ENIN 880CN, ENIN 880CK, ENIN 813, ENIN 814 | 3 credit hours |
*Choose 2 of: ENGG 819, ENIN 880CN, ENIN 880CK, ENIN 813, ENIN 814, ENGG 820, ENIN 880CC, ENIN 880CE, ENIN 834, ENIN 888, ENIN 877, ENIN 815, ENIN 880CI | 6 credit hours |
Total | 9 credit hours |
* Additional electives may be permitted with approval of the program chair.