Dr. Aziz Douai interacting with students over nachos

Professional Development

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GATE is here to help you get the most out of your graduate education.

As part of GATE we offer graduate students and postdocs with professional development opportunities to ensure success in graduate work and beyond. These opportunities allow you to enhance your graduate experience. There are four pivotal domains of professional growth that inform the programming and opportunities FGSR delivers and supports: effective communication, entrepreneurship and leadership, teaching and mentorship, and wellness and equity.

Students sitting with CESL representative

Centre of Experiential and Service Learning

The Centre of Experiential and Service Learning (CESL) provides hands-on practical and applied one hour courses to increase career readiness skills. Experiential learning not only provides training and a built-in advantage in a competitive job market, but it also helps bolster confidence and expand professional networks.
Students looking at paper together

Beyond Grad School

Beyond Graduate School is a one-of-a-kind, online platform that helps graduate students like yourself make the most out of your investment and build your career. From video lessons on career exploration, to writing application materials, to interviewing and negotiating for that next career step. Beyond Grad School’s unique curriculum is designed by learning specialists and experts in career development to help you through each stage of your job search.

Student pointing to a board

Graduate Teaching Enhancement Course (GTEC)

GTEC is a half-day course offered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research and the Center for Teaching and Learning. It is designed to prepare Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) for their roles and to enhance their overall graduate experience while benefiting undergraduate students’ learning experiences.
People watching presentation

Digital Research Skills Certificate Program

The non-credit Certificate in Digital Research Skills (DRS) for graduate students formally recognizes graduate students who have taken DRS workshops designed to develop their digital research skills. The Certificate is offered to all graduate and postdoctoral students who are interested in developing their digital research skills and engaging in the graduate professional development community at the University of Regina.

People sitting in an auditorium and clapping

Additional Resources

Additionally, Grad Career Launch offers partnership to increase career readiness with career fairs and networking that connect students directly with industry professionals and potential employers, creating valuable career pathways. Stay up to date with what's happening on our event calendar.