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University of Regina Budget

The University of Regina's budget process is formally governed by the University's Board of Governors. For information on how the Budget is developed, approved and adhered to, please see our Budget Policy.

We welcome your input, please feel free to email

Budgets by Year

2024-25 Budget

Last Updated May 13, 2024

February 02 2024 Budget Submissions due

February 2024
  Budget presentations

March 20 2024  Provincial Budget Day; Provincial Budget Letter (PDF)  Budget letters to SK post-secondary institutions.

March 22 2024
  Budget Forum Presentation (PDF); Budget Forum Video 

April 30 2024
  Board approval of the 2024-25 Comprehensive Budget Plan (PDF)

May 07 2024   Budget Forum Presentation (PDF); Budget Forum Video (no longer viewable)
May 10 2024  Release of the 2024-25 University Budget Letter (PDF)

August 2024
  Release of the 2024-25 University Budget Book (PDF)
2023-24 Budget

Last update August 10/23.

December 07 2022 Senior Leadership Team discusses 2023-24 Budget Challenges (PDF)

January 27 2023
 Directions for submission of the 2023-24 Unit Budgets (PDF)  distributed to Budget Managers

February 02 2023
 Town Hall including 2023-24 Budget planning

March 16 2023 
Budget Forum (PDF)  and March 16, 2023 Budget Forum Video

March 22 2023
 Provincial Budget Day; Provincial Budget Letter (PDF) 
Budget Letters to Sk post-scondary institutions.

April 28 2023 Board approval of the 2023-24 Comprehensive Budget Plan (PDF)

May 02 2023 Budget Forum (PDF) to allow further Budget discussion 

May 16 2023 Release of the 2023-24 University Budget Letter (PDF)

June 29 2023 Release of the 2023-24 University Budget Book (PDF)


2022-23 Budget

Detailed work on the 2022-23 budget began in Summer 2021, and continued through to Spring 2022.

November 04 2021 Town Hall  including operational and budget commentaries.

November 23 2021 Senior Leadership Team Budget Discussion (PDF)

January 21 2022 Senior Leadership Team Budget Discussion (PDF)

January 31 2022 Town Hall  including budget challenges faced by the University

February 18 2022 Senior Leadership Team Budget Update: One-time Contributions (PDF)

February 28 2022 Budget Challenge (PDF) and Base Budget Reductions Schedule (PDF)

March 10 2022 Town Hall  Giving an opportunity for President Keshen and other members of University leadership to provide operational updates – including on budget – and entertain questions.

March 23 2022 Provincial Budget Day. Provincial Budget Letter (PDF).  Budget Letters to SK post-secondary institutions. Also provided is the Saskatchewan Post-Secondary Multi-Year Funding MOU 2021-22 to 2024-25 (PDF).

April 29 2022 Board approval of the 2022-23 Comprehensive Budget Plan (PDF)

May 05 2022 Release of the 2022-23 University Budget Letter (PDF)

June 02 2022 Release of the 2022-23 Budget Book (PDF)

2021-22 Budget
2021 06 03 2021-2022 Budget Book (PDF)
2021 05 04 University Budget Letter and MOU (PDF)
2021 04 16 2021-22 Comprehensive Budget Plan (PDF)
2021 04 06 Provincial Budget Letter (PDF)
2020-21 Budget

2020 05 22 2020-2021 Budget Book (PDF)
2020 05 05 University Budget Letter (PDF)
2020 05 06 Budget Forum II Slides (PDF)
2020 04 16 2020-21 Comprehensive Budget Plan (PDF)
2020 03 18 Provincial Budget Letter (PDF)
2020 02 19 Budget Graphs (PDF)
2020 01 31 Budget Forum I Slides (PDF)