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  2. Facilities Management
  3. Request for Utility or Building System Shutdown

Request for Utility or Building System Shutdown

The request for utility/building system shut down requires at least two business days' notice. The approval to shutdown the required building systems is at the discretion of the appropriate trades supervisor.
Work must be completed or made ready for the devices to be put back online by no later than 3:30 p.m. on the dates indicated above. Major building shutdowns will require additional lead time, discuss with the U of R project manager.

Devices Requiring Shutdown / Lockout

Fire Alarm



Trade's supervisor will contact requestor to discuss isolation details.


Important Information

  • Systems will be isolated at 8:30 a.m.
  • The work must be completed or made ready for the devices to be put back online no later than 3:30 p.m. on the dates noted on the Request for Utility/Building System Shutdown form.
  • This request for utility/building system shut sown requires at least two business days' notice. The approval to shutdown the required building system(s) is at the discretion of the appropriate Trades Supervisor.
  • If the work involved requires that ANY PART OF THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM be shutdown overnight or longer, permission must be received from the appropriate Trades Supervisor. The contractor must arrange with the Trades Supervisor to ensure that each pull station in the effected building is posted with an information card indicating that the Fire Alarm System is deactivated before leaving the site for the day. Facilities Management will provide these cards.
  • To ensure maximum fire protection coverage in the buildings, only the required devices will be isolated. Care must be taken to state the work area accurately and to ensure the work being performed remains within the stated area. The Trades Supervisor will be able to assist in determining the devices that will be affected.
  • Hot work permits and instructions will be provided by the Project Manager. All hot work permits are to be posted at the job site. The instructions of the Hot Work Permit are to be strictly followed.
  • All monitoring issues will be handled by Facilities Management via the Central Heating Plant, unless otherwise required and discussed with the contractor. This does not include the Fire Watch instructions indicated on the Hot Work Permit.
  • If the fire alarm system should sound while working in the building, EXIT IMMEDIATELY BY THE PROPER FIRE ROUTE, OBSERVING THE INSTRUCTIONS OF THE SECURITY PERSONNEL AND THE FIRE WARDENS. The alarm may have been initiated in another area of the building or in an adjacent building.
  • If the required work is finished before the anticipated time, please contact the Work Control Center at 306-585-4039 so building systems and protection may be re-established.

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