
The Case for Universal Basic Income featuring Dr. Karl Widerquist

The Canadian Centre for the Study of Co-operatives, Saskatoon Poverty Reduction PartnershipCommunity-University Institute for Social Research, and Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy cordially invites you to the upcoming public talk, “The Case for Universal Basic Income” featuring Dr. Karl Widerquist.

In this public talk, Dr. Widerquist will introduce the simple (yet radical) premise that a small cash income, sufficient for basic needs, ought to be provided regularly and unconditionally to every citizen. Dr. Widerquist discusses how Universal Basic Income (UBI) functions, showing how it differs from other redistributional approaches. He will summarize the common arguments for and against UBI and presents the reasons for believing it is a tremendously important reform.

About our speaker

Dr. Karl Widerquist is Professor of Philosophy at Georgetown University-Qatar, specializing in distributive justice. The Atlantic Monthly calls him “a leader of the worldwide basic income movement. Dr. Widerquist just released his new book, “Universal Basic Income: Essential Knowledge”

Event Details

Date: May 17, 2024
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 PM (Saskatchewan Time or Central Standard Time)
Where: This is a free hybrid event. You can attend either

  • In-person (at Station 20 West, 1120 20 St. West., Saskatoon). Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Seating is limited and registration is required to attend, or
  • Online via Zoom.

Click here for event details.  Registration required.

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