
Engineering Undergraduate Academic Hub


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Engineering Courses

All Engineering courses offered by term.

Got Questions?

Engineering Specific

What does an engineer do?

Engineers design, evaluate, develop, test, modify, create, install, inspect, and maintain a wide variety of products and systems.  They also recommend and specify materials and processes, supervise manufacturing and construction, conduct failure analysis, provide consulting services and teach engineering courses in colleges and universities.

Can I have a minor while working on my major program?

Yes!  If you would like to pursue a minor please speak with an academic advisor.  Additionally, please fill out a “Minor Declaration Form” and hand it in at the General Office.  It’s good to start planning your minor before 3rd or 4th year.  If you declare a minor you will not graduate until both your major and minor classes have been completed.

What average do I need to maintain good academic standing?

60% is required by all students to maintain good standing.

What exactly is “Systems Engineering?”

Our Systems Engineering Program combines classes from several different areas such as business, economic, social, environmental and professional awareness.  It focuses on the breadth of skills necessary for professional engineering practice in the modern world.  Combining human elements of engineering with the technical side prepares the student to work in the broader context of multi-disciplinary, team design approach.   In systems engineering, students learn to design in ways that account for the social and environmental impacts, end-of-life decommissioning, and resource management associated with a given project. Thus, designing a step ladder, for example, takes into account not just the ladder itself, but how its manufacture will impact the environment, whether or not it is recyclable, and the application of software to develop the most financially, environmentally, and ergonomically effective design, and so on.

What kinds of engineers are there?

There are literally hundreds of different kinds of engineers; aerospace and agricultural engineering to petroleum, nanotechnology and water resources.  Whatever your passion is there is an engineering job for you!  engineerscanada has a great comprehensive list of all accredited engineering programs in Canada.

Can I study abroad while finishing my engineering program?

Yes!  However, you must work very closely with your academic advisor regarding the classes that you will take abroad.  Studying abroad in your 3 or 4th semester is ideal.  Plan early if you are thinking about studying abroad.

What is the academic workload like in engineering?

A full load is 5 classes.  In Engineering many classes have labs so you have to keep that in mind, too.  Five classes can quickly turn into nine if you include labs!  Engineering has a demanding workload and it is important that you organize your time efficiently.  Homework and class attendance are crucial to academic success.  On average, a diligent student will study at least 2 hours per 1 hour of classroom/lab time.  5 classes = 15 hrs/wk + 4 labs = 12 hrs/wk; 54 study hours/week.  That’s more than a fulltime job!

What if I only want to take 3-4 classes in my first semester and/or throughout my whole degree?

Taking less than 5 classes per semester is possible, however it is very important to meet with an academic advisor to plan your schedule.

What is the difference between Software Systems Engineering and Computer Science?

Computer Science focuses on understanding, designing and developing programs and computers.  It concentrates on data, data transformation and algorithms.  Specialized programming techniques and specific application domains are studied.  CS is less structured than Engineering giving the student the flexibility to build their Program as they like.  Software Systems Engineering deals with building and maintaining software systems.  It is more software oriented and has a greater emphasis on large software applications.  It places greater emphasis on the entire software development process, from idea to final product.  It is more disciplined than CS, applying more systematic practices to help ensure that products are reliable and safe.  A Software Systems Engineering degree is an accredited engineering degree that enables a student to become a Professional Engineer; whereas a CS degree is not a professional designation.

Academic Performance

What is good academic standing in Engineering?

All Engineering students require a UGPA of 60% to maintain good academic standing.  Students who fall below this average are placed on University and Engineering probation.

What is academic probation?

Starting from the completion of your first full-time semester you are expected to maintain a PGPA of 60% or higher.  Failure to do so will place you on faculty probation.  Your next semester of study is considered to be your “Probationary Semester” during which you must achieve a TGPA (Term GPA) or 60% or higher. 

What is a Faculty RTD?

A Faculty RTD requires students to discontinue from the Faculty of Engineering for 2 semesters. They can be received for the following reasons:

  • 2x Failure of a course with a UGPA of below 60%
  • 3x Failure of a course (GPA is not a consideration)
  • Unacceptable professional or academic conduct

I’ve been RTD’d from the Faculty of Engineering.  Now what?

You may apply to the Academic Recovery Program.  You must submit a program application form which includes a letter explaining why you want to take the Program and how you will benefit from it.  An Intake Advisor will have a meeting with you.  Applications are found at

You may also choose to take a break from university life. 

You may also transfer to another faculty.  Please follow Faculty Transfer instructions on the web .  Don’t forget to submit your Letter of Petition!

I have been “Required to Discontinue” (RTD) for 2 semesters.  If I transfer faculties and achieve a UGPA higher than 60% in my first semester, can I return to the Faculty of Engineering early?

No.  All RTD’s are 2 semesters in length. 

How can I get back into the Faculty of Engineering?

If you do not attend the UR or transfer to another faculty during your RTD period, you are required to submit a Letter of Petition to return.  You are not automatically accepted back into the Faculty.  Application deadlines for petition are:  Fall semester – July 1st; Winter semester – November 1st; Spring/Summer semester – March 1st.  These deadlines are very strict.  Please adhere to them.  You must submit a Petition Letter and Application for Re-Admission or Faculty Transfer.  International students submit this to the UR International-Admissions Office; domestic students submit this to the Enrollment Services-Admissions Office.

What should go in my petition letter?

Your petition letter is very important because the majority of the decisions are made on the strength of your letter.  The faculty needs to know why you think you will be more successful in the future  than you were in the past; what your academic and career goals are.  It is also useful to state what you have been doing during your RTD – did you attend another college? Did you transfer faculties? Did you work?  This all can be considered evidence that you are likely to succeed if you are given another chance.

What is a Must Withdraw (MW)?

A “Must Withdraw” (MW) is for a minimum of 3 full consecutive semesters.  Such forced withdraw begins on the first day of the semester.  Students with a MW status may not register for ‘credit’ classes or proceed with any degree, diploma or certificate.  You may not audit any class.  Such students have no rights or privileges except that of an appeal.

What is the ARP?

The Academic Recovery Program (ARP) is a two semester program that gives students who have experienced difficulties in university the opportunity to strengthen their study skills, evaluate their education and career direction and build strategies to aid with future academic and personal goals. The ARP cost is 1000.00 per semester, plus regular tuition and course fees for credit courses. 

I’ve completed the ARP.  Now what?

All engineering students who complete the Academic Recovery Program automatically return to the Faculty of Engineering.  You will be placed in Engineering General; not your major program that you were previously in.  You will have to re-submit a Major Selection Form to the Engineering General Office.

I have failed a class twice.  Can I take the class a third time?

If you fail a class twice and your UGPA is below 60% you will receive an RTD.  However, if your UGPA is above 60% (ie: you are in good standing) you will need special permission from the Associate Dean-Academic.  Pick up a form at the Engineering General Office called “Registration/Permit Override”.  If you fail English 100 three times you will be required to withdraw from the UR for two years.
Admission & Registration

How much are tuition and fees?

Tuition fees change all the time.  Please visit this website for specific information on tuition fees: Domestic and international student fees are different. 

When do I register?

Depending on how many credits you have will depend on when you can register.  Senior students register before 1st year students.  You can find out the specific day to register on UR Self-Serve.  Your “Time ticket” will be listed under Registration.  You can also check when to register on the Registrar’s website.

Where can I pay my tuition fees?

Tuition fees can be paid online through UR Self-Service, online using Internet Banking, by telephone, mail, in person or wire transfer.  For detailed information, visit

What are the up-coming important dates?

All important semester dates, such as start and end of semester, exam periods, drop dates, etc are on the Registrar’s Office website.  Please visit the Academic Schedule for important dates associated with the delivery of instruction. 

How do I register in classes?

You can simply register online at UR Self-Service or see your academic advisor personally who can help you through the process. 

Do you have a map of the school?

Please visit the UR Contact Us page for directions. 

What is the last day to add or drop a class?

Every semester is different.  Please visit the Academic Schedule for start and end patterns and dates associated with the delivery of instruction.

What are student fees?

Student fees include things like Student Union Membership, Recreation and Athletic Fees, Student Union Bus Pass, Student Union Health and Dental Plan.  Engineering students also pay a $100 equipment fee and the RESS Membership every semester.  If you are in the Coop or Internship Program there are additional fees.  Domestic and International fees vary.  Please visit the Financial Services website for up-to-date fees.

What is your grading system or policy?

The UR employs a percentage grading system.  Unless otherwise specified, a grade of less than 50% is a failing grade for undergraduate program and the student will not receive a credit for the class.  90-100 – Outstanding Performance; 80-89 – Excellent Performance; 70-79 – Very Good Performance; 60-69 – Good Performance; 50-59 – Barely Acceptable Performance; 0-49 – Unacceptable performance.  For more detailed information please see the Registrar’s Office website:

I have an academic hold and cannot register.  What can I do?

A hold is a restriction placed on a student’s account that may:

  • prevent class registration;
  • prevent the release of transcripts;
  • prevent a student from graduating; or
  • all of the above.
There are different types of holds.  Depending on the hold that you have on your account you may or may not be able to have the hold lifted by your academic advisor to able you to register for classes.  It is best to see the Engineering General Office if you have any type of hold that disables you to register for classes.
Graduation and Convocation

For information on how to graduate and how to convocate, please visit the following links.

Registrar's Office - Graduation and Convocation

Graduation FAQ's

APEGS Registration

Choosing your Major

I’m in high school and don’t know what to major in?

Don’t worry.  Most high school students are accepted in Engineering General.  After you get here and are exposed to our programs you can choose your major.  Our annual 4th Year Project Day is a great way to expose yourself to each type of program that we offer and give you an idea at the area you’d be studying…. And ultimately what you would be doing in your engineering career.

I’m in high school.  Can I be placed in my major of choice right away?

Yes.  However, you will require an average of 90% or above.

I’m in the Program; when can I choose my Major?

After you have successfully completed 8 classes you can hand in a Major Change Form.

How many times can I change my Major?

You may change your Major as many times as you want to.  However, please keep in mind that not all classes will transfer in each Program.  Don’t wait too long to make your final decision.

How can I change my Major?

There are Major Declaration Forms available online at

I have an exceptionally high UGPA.  Will I automatically get into my first choice?

Not necessarily.  Acceptance priority is based on PGPA, number of credit hours achieved and number of seats available in the Program.

When is the deadline for submitting my Major Change Form?

March 1st.

There are two programs listed on the Major Change Form, but I only want to get into ESE?  Do I have to fill in all three choices?

Yes.  We require that you fill in two choices just in case you cannot get into your first.  In most cases, you will be able to get into your first choice.  

I am transferring from another Faculty, and I have more than 8 classes that I am able to transfer.  Can I choose my Major of choice upon admission into the Faculty?

Yes.  However, you will require a UGPA of 70% or higher.  Students with a UGPA of 60%-69.00% will be placed into Engineering General at the point of admission.  Then submit a Major Selection Form after having completed one semester.


What is considered a Humanities/Social Science Elective?

A Humanities/Social Science elective is any class that is offered by the Faculty of Arts.  Engineering students will not get credit for ECON 100 as their humanities/social science elective IF they take it after taking ECON 201.  Students will receive credit for ECON 100 if they take it before ECON 201.

Can I substitute a class?

Course substitutions are available in exceptional circumstances only.  Please make an appointment with an academic advisor to discuss your particular situation.   Your situation will be assessed and the best option will be given to you.  All course substitutions require the final approval for the Program Chair and Associate Dean-Academic.

I really want/need to take the class, but I don’t like the date of the final exam.  What can I do?

Not much…. It is recommended that you find a class with a final exam that suits your schedule.  Sometimes, if ALL students registered in the class sign a petition to change the date of the exam and the professor agrees, then a new exam time can be scheduled.  The petition is handled through the main office.

I am sick the morning of the exam or during the exam.  What can I do?

A student who becomes seriously ill, or has a family emergency must inform the professor prior to the exam start.  Professionalism is appreciated.  S/he must request that the exam be re-scheduled.  A dated, signed medical certificate, or for family issues, any other documentation supporting the issue must be submitted within three days of the date of the original exam.  

Deferred exam policies and procedures apply to canceled final exams, while action with respect to a canceled mid-term is at the discretion of the professor.  Please see the UR Calendar.
Co-op / Internship

How do I get into the Co-op/Internship program?

You need to complete an application form and meet the requirements for PGPA and minimum credit hours. These requirements vary by Faculty.  Engineering students require a 60%.  All engineering students must complete ENGG 100, ENGG 123 and ENGL 100 in addition to the first three semesters of their program.  If you are an international student, you need to have applied for your work permit prior to applying to the Co-op program.  For more information on applying for a work permit, please see the UR International website at:

What happens when I'm admitted?

When admitted into Co-op or Internship, you are notified in writing.  After that you have to complete and “Entrance Meeting/Interview” with a coordinator at the Career Centre.  You will  then have to attend compulsory workshops (on resumes, interviewing and the placement process), observe the pertinent schedules and deadlines, and go to work!

How do I get a Co-op job?

Jobs are posted on the Career Centre’s PlacePro Internet site. You apply for the jobs you want, employers shortlist and interview candidates, and the job may be offered to you. That cycle takes place three times every year for Co-op and once a year for Internship students.

Am I guaranteed a job each work term?

No, but if you are serious about your job search and willing to invest time and effort, you will find a position for each work term. Nearly all active Co-op or Internship students do.

Where will I work?

We are a national and international program with opportunities everywhere. You can broaden your horizons by working and living in a large city, or in a rural community, or maybe even overseas. About half of our jobs are in Regina, but we encourage you to be mobile. If you are willing to re-locate, your chances of securing a work term improve.

How will I be evaluated?

The employer evaluates your job performance. Engineering will evaluate the work term report you will prepare according to the guidelines. You have to get a passing grade from both parties.

Does the Co-op/Internship Program increase my chances of employment upon graduation?

Yes. Many Co-op/Internship students have permanent jobs lined up before they graduate, often with a previous Co-op/Internship employer, while others find permanent employment rapidly after graduation.

I’m an international student.  Can I participate in the Coop or Internship Program?

YES!  However, international students are required to have a Valid Co-op Work Permit to go on a work term. 

Due to lengthy processing times with Customs and Immigration Canada (CIC), International students must have applied for a permit at least two months prior to applying for Co-op. NO EXCEPTIONS!

It is recommended that students apply for their work permit 8 - 12 months prior to starting a work term to ensure that the permit arrives in time. For example, if you are planning on starting a work term in May, you should apply for your permit a year in advance, but no later than September of the year prior to starting your term. An Off-Campus work permit is not an acceptable work permit. They are two separate documents.

Please see UR International for more information.

What does the Career Centre do for me?

Their goal is simple: to find career-related work opportunities so you can gain valuable work experience while going to school. The Career Centre is here for you before, during, and after your work term experience. You can contact them any time for more information.

What do I need to get into the Engineering Internship Program?

To apply for admission, a student must:

  • be registered in at least twelve credit hours in an Engineering Program in the Faculty of Engineering
  • have completed or been given credit for no less than 72 and no more than 102 credit hours towards the Engineering degree. Students are expected to have successfully completed academic Semesters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Engineering program before the internship placement
  • have a PGPA of at least 60.0%
  • have withdrawn from the Co-operative Education program, if previously admitted. Students who have completed more than 1 work term are not eligible for the Co-operative Internship program
  • have demonstrated fluency, written and oral, in both English and the language of employment in their desired country of internship 

How much can I earn during a work term?

You could earn from $2700 to $5000 per month, or about $18 to $33 per hour. A moving allowance is sometimes included.

How long is the placement in the Engineering Internship Program?

The internship is 12 to 16 months in duration depending on your application time and program.

Letter of Permission (LOP)

What is an LOP?

An LOP is a Letter of Permission granting you permission to take a class from another institution while finishing your degree here.  LOP’s are given under exceptional circumstances only.  Usually given to students who are in their 8th or 9th  semester and need the class to graduate.

Is there a cost?

Yes. When you are granted permission to take a course at another institution you will be charged $30.00. There is a $30.00 charge for every course that you are taking on an LOP. (Engineering students can only take a maximum of 2 LOP courses.)

I was granted an LOP but did not take the class.  What do I do?

Please notify your advisor immediately.  Changes will have to be made to your registration.

I’m finished the class.  Now what?

After you have completed the class you must request that your transcript is sent directly to the University of Regina, Registrar’s Office.  It is your responsibility to ensure that we receive your transcript.

I finished the class however did not pass.

Like any other class that you do not pass, you will have to repeat the class.

I sent my transcript but my class is not on UR transcript.  What should I do?

Please notify your academic advisor.  They will look into the situation and rectify the problem.

How long do I have to complete the LOP class?

You have 6 months to complete the class. 

Can I take an engineering class as an LOP class?

NO.  All LOP classes must be non-engineering classes.  Only with the special permission of the Associate Dean, Academic and under extenuating circumstances may you take an engineering class on an LOP.

How do I know that the class I want to take at another institution is equal to the UR class?

You can check class equivalencies at .  If the class that you want to take is not on this list, please submit the syllabus and we will have it evaluated for you.  We will then confirm with you what the class equivalency is.  Please do not register for a class at another institution until you receive confirmation of its equivalency.

I took a class at another institution, however did not receive an LOP.  Am I still able to receive the transfer credits?

No.  In order to receive transfer credits of classes that you take during your UR studies, you MUST get a Letter of Permission.  We will not accept your transfer credit request if you do not have permission to take the class.

I’m in Co-op.  Can I request an LOP while I am working?

Yes.  You can request an LOP, however it is not guaranteed that you will be granted one.  You will need permission from the Co-op Coordinator as well as your employer.  Co-op students may ask for an LOP class that they have not yet attempted.

Do I need a particular GPA to get an LOP?

Yes.  You must have at least a 60% UGPA to request an LOP.

I’ve been RTD’d.  Can I request an LOP?

No.  Student’s who have been RTD’d will not be permitted to take classes at any other institution while on academic action and receive transfer credits.

How many LOP's can I request throughout my studies?

Students may be granted no more than TWO LOP's while pursuing their engineering degree.

Pre-Requisite Waiver

I don’t have the pre-requisite to get into a class, but I want/need to take it.  Can I?

All students are required to fulfill the pre-requisite course requirements before registering for a subsequent course.  With special permission from the Program Chair you may be able to take the class without the pre-requisite requirement. Online form: students/student-forms#fact_2_1

I took a similar course at another institution but did not get the transfer credit for it.  Can I use that as a pre-requisite?

Yes, with permission.  Any evidence of material previously taken may be used as Prior Course Knowledge.  Please submit the syllabus of the course that you took previously along with your Pre-Requisite Waiver Form.  You will still be required to take that pre-requisite course at a later date.

I was away for the holiday and I missed the deadline.  Can I still submit my Pre-requisite Waiver Form?

No.  The deadline must be submitted by the 1st Friday after the start of classes each semester.

My PGPA is 63%.  Can I get a Pre-requisite Waiver Form approved?

No.  The PGPA required is 65% or more.
Transfer Credits
  1. The class that I took at my home institution is not listed on the UR Database of Transfer Credit Course Equivalents.  Is it still transferrable?
    Maybe. You will have to submit your syllabus to have it evaluated. Once it is evaluated you will be notified whether or not it is transferrable.

  2. What is the difference between a class description and a syllabus?
    A class description is a short paragraph describing the class in general. A syllabus includes 1) instructor credentials and information; 2) textbook information; 3) mark distribution; 4) detailed lab information if there is a lab component to the class; 5) detailed class content

  3. My professor is not a PEng. Can I still get a transfer credit?
    No. Because of accreditation purposes we require that all engineering classes with a design component be taught by a Professional Engineer. Please ask the academic advisor regarding the design components of classes.

  4. I took a science class at my home institution but it did not have a lab component.  Can I still get a transfer credit?
    No. Classes must be equivalent to be transferrable. 

  5. My university is not listed on the Database of Transfer Credit Course Equivalents on the UR website.  Will my classes be transferrable?
    Maybe. If your home institution is not listed that just means that we have never evaluated classes from there before. After establishing that your home institution is accredited, we will gladly have your classes evaluated.

  6. How many classes can I transfer?
    You can transfer up to 20 classes; 60 credit hours.

  7. Will the marks of my transferred classes affect my GPA?
    No. Classes are transferred; marks are not.

  8. The class that I would like transferred is more than 10 years old.  Can it be transferred?
    No. We can only transfer classes that are 10 years old or less.

  9. Are evaluation decisions negotiable?
    No. Evaluation decisions are not negotiable from other faculties. If you can provide more convincing information of the class that you want to transfer, the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science may re-evaluate it. Once an evaluation is made it is likely not changed.

  10. What grade do I need to achieve in order for a class to transfer?
    A minimum grade of 60% or the equivalent must be received. Ensure that the grade you received meets the minimum requirements for transfer credit. 

  11. The class I want transferred is listed on the Database of Transfer Credit Course Equivalents on the website, but I did not get the transfer.  Why?
    The website Database is subject to change without notice. Having a class listed does not guarantee that you will receive a transfer credit. The website database gives you a general idea of what may be transferred.

  12. Can I transfer classes from another institution while I am RTD'd?
    No. Classes taken at another institution while you are RTD'd or MW'd will not be transferred.