
Esam Hussein

Profile image for Esam Hussein
Ph.D., P.Eng. (Emeritus)
Engineering and Applied Science

Contact Info

Research Interests

Small Modular Reactors, Nuclear Methods for Nondestructive Testing & Imaging, Inverse Problems and Monte Carlo Methods


Ph.D., McMaster University
MSc., Alexandria, Egypt
BSc., Alexandria, Egypt


  • 2019 Outstanding Achievement Award, Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan.
  • Hussein, E.M.A., Innovation Achievement Award, a Canadian Nuclear Achievement Award, Canadian Nuclear Society and Canadian Nuclear Association, June 2003.
  • Development of Neutron Scatterometer for Atomic Energy of Canada, won AECL Discovery Award for 2001.
  • Sylvia Fedoruk Award - 2000, Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, with P. Busono: best paper in medical physics by a Canadian institution as judged by the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine and the Canadian Organization of Medical Physics.


  • Hussein, E.M.A., Computed Radiation Imaging:  Physics and Mathematics of Forward and Inverse Problems, Elsevier, Amsterdam, June 2011 (
  • Hussein, E.M.A., Radiation Mechanics: Principles & Practice, Elsevier, Oxford, ISBN 978-0-0804-5053-7, 322 pages, Aug. 2007.
  • Hussein, E.M.A., Handbook on Radiation Probing, Gauging, Imaging and Analysis, Volume I: Basics and Techniques, Kluwer Academic Publishers,  ISBN 1-4020-1294-2, 464 pages, May 2003. (
  • Hussein, E.M.A., Handbook on Radiation Probing, Gauging, Imaging and Analysis,  Volume II: Applications and Design, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-1295-0, 526 pages, June 2003. (

Recent Publications

  • Aydin M. Torkabadi and Esam M.A. Hussein, "Assessing the Credibility of the Solutions of Incomplete-Data Inverse Problems",
    Physics Open, 100074, 2021,
  • Varinder Malik and Esam M.A. Hussein, "A fuzzy inference method for image fusion/refinement of CT images from incomplete data",
    Heliyon, e06839, Volume 7, Issue 4, 2021:
  • Hussein, E.M.A., "Small Modular Reactors: Learning From the Past",  ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science,  NERS-20-1152,
  • Hussein, E.M.A., CANDU-Like Features in Emerging Small Modular Reactor Designs", ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, NERS-20-1151,
  • Hussein, E.M.A., "Emerging small modular nuclear power reactors: A critical review",  Physics Open, Volume 5, 2020, 100038,
  • Hussein, E.M.A., "Imaging with Naturally Occurring Radiation", Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol. 45, pp. 223-239, 2019.
  • Hussein, E.M.A. and Enjilela, E., "Transmission-like Calibration-free Tomographic Reconstruction with Compton-scattered Photons", IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 63. pp. 1-13, 2016,
  • Peng, W., Mayorga, R. and Hussein, E.M.A., "An Automated Confirmatory System for Analysis of Mammograms", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 125,  pp. 134-144, 2016
  • Hussein,  E.M.A., Agbogun, H.M.D., and Al, T.A.,"Calibration-free Quantification of Interior Properties of Porous Media with X-ray Computed Tomography", Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol. 97, pp. 130-139, 2015 
  • Enjilela, E. and and Hussein, E.M.A., "Reconstruction of Region-of-interest Image in Narrow-field-of-view Computed Tomography
    without Prior Constraints", Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, Vol. 34, pp. 431-438, 2014 (doi:10.5405/jmbe.1687).
  • Enjilela, E. and Hussein, E.M.A., "Refining a Region-of-Interest within an Available CT Image", Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol. 75, pp. 77-84, 2013.(
  • H.M.D., Agbogun, Al. T.A. and Hussein,  E.M.A., "Three Dimensional Imaging of Porosity and Tracer Concentration Distributions in a Dolostone sample during Diffusion Experiments using X-ray Micro-CT", Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 145, pp. 44-53, 2013 (
  • Hussein, E.M.A., "The Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Inverse problems in Radiation Detection and Applications", Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol. 70,  pp. 1131-1135,  2012 (
  • Agboguna,  H.M.D., Hussein,  E.M.A. and Al, T.A., "Assessment of X-ray Micro-CT Measurements of Porosity and Solute Concentration Distributions during Diffusion in Porous Geologic Media",   Journal of Porous Media, Vol. 16, pp. 683--694, 2013 (doi: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2012.11.008).
  • Kim, J.-Y.,  Choi, Y.S.,   Park, Y.J.   Song, K.,  Jung, S.-H., and Hussein, E.M.A, "Thickness Measurement of Organic Films Using Compton Scattering of Characteristic X-rays", Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol. 69, pp. 1241-1245, 2011  (
  • Charles, E., Hussein, E.M.A. and Desrosiers, M., "One-Side Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction of Radioactive Contamination", IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 58, pp. 516-526, 2011.