
Christine Chan

Profile image for Christine  Chan
Ph.D., P.Eng. (Emeritus)
Software & Process Systems Engineering

Contact Info

Office Number: 306-585-5225
ED 436.9

Research Interests

Applications of artificial intelligence and knowledge-based systems for energy and environmental system analysis, Methods and tools for ontological engineeringKnowledge acquisition, modeling, and management, Knowledge and software engineering for knowledge-based systems, Object-oriented methodologies for knowledge-based systems development, Social and economic impact of information technology


Ph.D., Simon Fraser University
M.Sc., University of British Columbia
B.A., Stanford University

Energy Informatics Laboratory

The Energy Informatics Laboratory (EIL) was founded in 1995 by Dr. Christine Chan. The research objective of the EIL is to conduct and promote R&D in applications of artificial intelligence and knowledge-based system technologies for problem solving in the energy, natural resources, and environmental sectors. Learn more by visiting the Energy Informatics Laboratory website.