Student sitting in library

Teaching Preparation Centre (TPC)

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  3. Teaching Preparation Centre

Located in room ED 228 of the Education building, the TPC is a versatile space designed to support both individual and group work. It offers a mix of formal and informal seating, creating an environment for collaboration and productivity. Students can use the space to work on class assignments, projects, and prepare materials for their field experiences. Whether you're tackling coursework, collaborating with peers, or simply looking for a quiet place to focus, the TPC provides an ideal setting.

TPC Hours

Common Area: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.


Circulation Desk: Winter 2025 (January 6- April 30)

  • Monday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday: 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m
  • Friday: Circulation Desk is closed 
TPC Desk and Chairs layout
The Collection

The TPC has a growing collection of Fiction and Non-Fiction resources for students to take out.We offer books in English and French.

Items borrowed from the TPC can be returned to either the TPC or the Archer Library. However, TPC staff cannot accept payments for overdue books or other Library fines.

Please contact Archer Library with questions.

Information for requesting materials, including hold requests can be found here:

For inquires, please reach out to the Student Assistants by email or phone call (, 306-585-5496)

Booking the TPC

To reserve this space, please contact the Student Services Office in ED 355 or email

  • The TPC may be booked for faculty meetings as well as for larger Education classes (not on an ongoing basis) e.g. two or three classes that need to meet together for a special guest presentation.

  • The TPC is a student-centred space and we want to have it accessible to students as often as possible.Please be considerate of this when booking the Centre.

  • The TPC will occasionally be closed in the afternoon for Faculty of Council meetings as these meetings are private and the TPC is the only room we have that will accommodate the whole faculty plus guests.

  • Those who book the space should understand that it is a shared space, and students may continue to use the space to work quietly or access the library collection. Please consider this when booking the TPC.

NOTE: Please do not leave your belongings unattended. The student staff are not responsible for watching your belongings if you leave the TPC for any reason.

Laptop Sign-Out

The Teacher Preparation Centre (TPC) has 6 laptops available for sign-out to Faculty of Education students

Laptops are available for loan to students, faculty and staff with valid U of R photo identification card who are currently registered with the Library. These items are loaned with a power adapter and carrying case. Only one may be borrowed at a time and loans are non-renewable.

Laptops are provided exclusively on a first-come-first-serve basis from the Teacher Preparation Centre Circulation Desk. (Education Building Room 227/228)

The laptop loan period is 5 days, due at 4:00 pm on the due date. To check your loan access, refer to our Borrowing Policies Page

Fine Schedule for Overdue/Lost Items

Overdue fines encourage the timely return of library materials to ensure fair access to library resources for all patrons. Please visit Fines and Fees for more information.
Meet the Student Assistants

Library Student Assistants

Danielle Adedun

Jenil Chaklasiya

Natalia Chorney

Nicole Asimole

For inquires, please reach out to Student Assistants on Circulation days and times above by email or phone call (, 306-585-5496)

Contact Us

Teaching Preparation Centre
Faculty of Education
228 Education Building
University Drive S.
University of Regina
Regina SK S4S 0A2, CANADA
Phone: 306-585-5205