Student Success
Your Success Starts Here
Every student is different, has different learning styles and different needs. Personalized support services are designed to encourage and assist you in making the most of your University experience. A wide range of programs and free services will help you transition into University, become a more effective and efficient student, and encourage you to engage in learning and in everything the University of Regina has to offer.
Academic Integrity Hub
This resource aims provide information to both instructors and students about key issues related to upholding the University’s standards of Academic Integrity.
A safe space for students to receive support based on disability, religion, family status and gender identity.
Graduate Student Experience
Graduate students learn and research alongside accomplished scholars and knowledge-creators within an enriching and holistic #URGradExperience.
UR International
UR International has a team of Life Skills Advisors that can help you navigate your academic and non-academic surroundings.
UR Pride
UR Pride Centre for Sexuality and Gender Diversity is a non-profit service provider housed at the University of Regina.
Student Mental Health
An important Hub for students, staff and faculty to receive the support they need.
Student Success Centre
Personalized guidance and support to students in achieving their university, professional development, and life goals.
ta-tawâw Student Centre
The ta-tawâw Student Centre provides a welcoming atmosphere that supports Indigenous ways of being-knowing-doing.