Dr. S. Anthony Thompson
Research Interests
Recently, Dr. S. Anthony Thompson has become interested in Arts-Based Educational Research (ABER) and Inclusive Education. He has researched broadly in the field of Inclusive Education and Teacher Education. His work is largely informed by alternative understandings of dis/ablement and has conducted inclusive educational research in classroom settings, but also in larger areas such as disability policy through the Canadian Disability Policy Alliance (CDPA). Dr. Thompson is currently involved in a pan-Canadian study of teacher education and inclusive education through the Canadian Research Centre on Inclusive Education.
Related Teaching and Teacher Education Experience
Professor, University of Regina (Inclusive Education, Educational Psychology)
Associate Professor, University of Regina
Assistant Professor, University of Regina
Graduate Courses
EPSY 829 Ethics in the Helping Professions
EPSY 826 Psychology of Learning
ED 800 Introduction to Educational Research
Directed Studies (Doctoral Courses)
ED 890 Advanced Studies in Inclusive Education: Service Delivery Alternatives to Support Students with Disabilities/Exceptionalities and their Teachers
ED 809 Program Evaluation in Inclusive/Special Education
EC&I 890 Creating Success for Gifted and Talented Students in the Regular Classroom
EPSY 890 Creating Respect for Disability as Difference in the Elementary Classroom
Undergraduate Courses
EPSY 323 Designing Learning Environments for the Inclusive Classroom
EPSY 326 Change, Collaboration and Consultation to Support Inclusive Education
EPSY 330 Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Inclusive Classroom
EPSY 333 Functional Assessment and Positive Behaviour Support
EMTH 335 Mathematics in the Inclusive classroom
Research Projects and Interests
I am currently involved in two Arts-Based Educational Research (ABER) Projects:
Project: Songs of Beginning Teachers (Performative Scholarship, funded for $5,000)
S. Anthony Thompson (Principal Investigator)
University of Regina
Faculty of Education Research Centre
Knowledge Mobilization Fund
Project: Ducks on the Moon: Performative Musical Memoir (funded for $5,000)
S. Anthony Thompson (Principal Investigator)
University of Regina
Faculty of Education Research Centre
Knowledge Mobilization Fund
Project: The Development of Inclusive Educational Practices for Beginning Teachers
(funded for $488,800)
Jacqueline Specht (Principal Investigator)
Western University
SSHRC Insight Grant
Team Members:
Scott Thompson and Jenn DeLugt (Co-Researchers from University of Regina) also…
Lynn Aylward (Acadia University) Sheila Bennett, Tiffany Gallagher, Kimberly Maich (Brock University) Tara Flanagan (McGill University) Gabrielle Young (Memorial University of Newfoundland) Jamie Metsala (Mount Saint Vincent University) Ian Matheson and Nancy Hutchinson (Queen’s University) Elizabeth Nowiki (The University of Western Ontario) Kim Calder Stegemann (Thompson Rivers University) Angela Aucoin (Université de Moncton) Jessica Whitley (University of Ottawa) Donna McGhie-Richmond (University of Victoria) Steven Sider (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Project: Disability Policy Alliance: Learning Collaborative and Equity Coalition (Funded for $1,000,000)
Mary Ann McColl, Queen’s University (Principal Investigator)
University Partners: Alice Aiken, Jerome Bickenbach, Will Boyce, Audrey Kobayashi, Kathleen Norman, Helene Ouellette-Kuntz (Queen’s University); Lyn Jongbloed (UBC); Mary Law (McMaster University); Vianne Timmons, Scott A. Thompson (University of Regina)
Project: Disabling Inclusive Education: Enabling Theory and Practice from the Ground Up (Funded for $75,751)
Thompson, S.A. & Aylward, L.
Refereed Conference Presentations and Refereed Journal Articles
Refereed Conference Presentations
Thompson, S. Anthony and Howell, Grace (2019, August). Bringing voice to efficacy and beliefs of beginning teachers for inclusive practice. International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IASSIDD) World Congress: Glasgow, Scotland, August 6-9, 2019.
Specht, Jacqueline; Bennett, Sheila and Thompson, S. Anthony. (2019, August). Beginning teacher study: Implications for the development of inclusive practice. International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IASSIDD) World Congress: Glasgow, Scotland, August 6-9, 2019.
Thompson, S. Anthony (2019, June). Family-Professional Partnerships and Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Arts-Based Educational Research Project as an Inclusive Pedagogy at CSSE, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Thompson, S. Anthony (2019, March). Performing the Songs of Beginning Teachers (BTS). (The “Performing and Reflecting on Teacher Education” Strand) of Provoking Curriculum University of Regina, Regina SK.
Thompson, S. Anthony (2018, July). Ducks on the Moon – A Play with Music: An Arts-based Inclusive Educational Research (ABER) Project. International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IASSIDD) 5th Annual European Congress: Diversity & Belonging: Celebrating Difference. Europe Congress in Athens, Greece, July 18-20, 2018.
Thompson, S. Anthony & Burke, Kelley Jo (2018, May). Ducks on the Moon: A Play with Music - An Arts-Based Educational Research Project about Parents, Families and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Presented at ARTS (Arts Researchers and Teachers Society) at CSSE, University of Regina, Regina, SK.
Refereed Journal Articles
Thompson, S.A. (2020, December 17). Research challenges and innovative methodologies, approaches, and processes. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Available from: https://oxfordre.com/education/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.001.0001/acrefore-9780190264093-e-1207.
Thompson, S.A., & Burke, K.J. (2020, December 15). Welcome to Ducks on the Moon, an afternoon of music theatre as professional development about families and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Exceptionality Education International, 30 (3), pp. 43-63. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5206/eei.v30i3.13413
Thompson, S. Anthony and Timmons, V. (2017). From Inclusive Education to Inclusive Employment? Chronicling Inclusive Pathways for Persons with Disabilities. Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation 171, pp. 8-15. (Published in Japanese; English article in Sabbatical Report).
Thompson, S. Anthony and Timmons, V. (2017). Authentic inclusion in Two Secondary Schools: “It’s the Full Meal Deal. It’s Not Just in the Class. It’s Everywhere” Exceptionality Education International 27 (1), pp. 62-84.
Specht, J., McGhie-Richmond, D., Loreman, T., Mirenda, P., Bennett, S., Gallagher, T., Young, G., Metsala, J., Aylward, L., Katz, J., Lyons, W., Thompson, S.A., & Cloutier, S. (2016). “Teaching in inclusive classrooms: Efficacy and beliefs of Canadian preservice teachers,” International Journal of Inclusive Education, 20 (1), 1-15.
Lyons, W., Thompson, S.A., & Timmons, V. (2016). “We are inclusive. We are a team. Let’s just do it.” Commitment, collective efficacy, and agency in four inclusive schools. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 13, 1-19.
Thompson, S.A. (2015). The bumpy road to genuinely inclusive schools: Still learning from Ferguson’s ‘rabid’ confessions of an authentic inclusionist [in] Phyllis Jones & Scot Danforth [Eds.] Foundations of Inclusive Education Research (International Perspectives on Inclusive Education Vol. 6). Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing, pp. 87-100.
Thompson, S.A., Lyons, W. & Timmons, V. (2015). Inclusive education policy: What the leadership of Canadian Teacher Associations has to say about It. International Journal of Inclusive Education 19(1), 121-140.
Hodgins, S. and Thompson, S.A. (2014). Spilt milk counts: Belonging and moving on down the hall... In Danforth, S. (Ed.) Becoming a Great Inclusive Educator. (pp. 221-230). New York: Peter Lang.