
Dr. Twyla Salm

Profile image for Twyla Salm
Interim Associate Dean, Engagement and Partnerships, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR)
Professor - Health, Outdoor, Physical Education (HOPE)

Contact Info

Office: 306-337-2939
CK 227.17

Research Interests

Dr. Salm's research interests focus on teaching and learning in higher education with specific interest in developing the professional educator, mentoring and health curriculum change in higher education. She also studies anti-oppressive teacher education and the implications for interprofessional collaboration on school and community health.

Academic Qualifications

PhD (Curriculum & Instruction) University of Regina, Regina , Saskatchewan, Canada, 2006

MEd (Curriculum & Instruction) University of Regina, Regina , Saskatchewan, Canada, 2000

BEd University of Regina, Regina , Saskatchewan, Canada, 1992

BSc (Nursing) University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon , Saskatchewan, Canada, 1990

Related Teaching and Teacher Education Experience

1998 - 2005: Full-time Instructor, Faculty of Education, University of Regina
Seconded from Buffalo Plains School Division

1997: Sessional Lecturer, Faculty of Education, University of Regina

1994 - 1997: Classroom Teacher, Full time permanent contract, Greenall High School, Balgonie, Saskatchewan

1993 - 1994: Classroom Teacher, Full time, temporary contract, Lumsden High School, Lumsden, Saskatchewan


Courses taught in the past

Undergraduate Course

Education Health Education (EHE) 215 Section 010, 020. This course provides the background information and skills pre-service teachers need to implement comprehensive school health education in the elementary years. Current information is provided on school health services, safe and healthful environments, comprehensive school health curriculum and instructional strategies and technologies. An important focus of this course is on the skills needed to develop curricula and teach health in an interesting and motivating way.

EHE 215 030. The framework for this course is similar to the preceding course description, however, the focus is shifted from elementary age children to middle years students.

EHE 215 040. The framework for this course is similar to the preceding course descriptions, however, the focus is shifted from elementary age children to Pre-K- and Kindergarten children.

EHE 300. This course is a study of the nature and scope of the middle years and secondary health education program. There is an analysis of selected curricula, development of curriculum support materials and the study of program components.

EHE 350. This course is a study of current trends in teaching health education, analysis of teaching methods, course evaluation and management, utilization of teaching aids and evaluation procedures.

EHE 258. The course focuses on basic background and content in health education, covering major areas such as sexuality, mental health, nutrition, fitness and abusive substances.

Research projects and interests and Publications

Research projects and interests

PhD research (2002-2005). The purpose of my study is to explore the way expertise, influence and power are negotiated within human service integration in the context of SchoolPLUS.

Presentation at the SchoolPLUS Congress (Regina, SK: November, 2004).
Title: (Dis)Solving the Boundaries of Full Service Community Schools.

Presentation at the SchoolPLUS Congress (Regina, SK: November, 2004).
Title: Examining the Intersections of SchoolPLUS and Child Welfare Redesign: Implications for University Educators.

Transdisciplinary Fund (2003-2005). Examining the Intersections of SchoolPLUS and Child Welfare Redesign: Implications for education and research . Six researchers formed a consortium to explore the educational challenges of preparing social work and education students for work in SchoolPLUS settings.

Researcher/Facilitator for the Leadership Project, SchoolPLUS Research Consortium. (2003-2004). I conducted numerous interviews and focus groups that asked a wide range of education stakeholders to discuss their understanding of leadership as it pertains to School PLUS .

Research Assistant for Saskatchewan Instructional Development and Research Unit (SIDRU). (2001). Under the direction of Dr. D. Friesen, I conducted and analyzed questionnaires and focus groups in urban and rural centers. I also described the "best practices" for the BrainBinder Computer Project.

Presentation at the Saskatchewan Health Educators Conference. (Moose Jaw, SK, 2003).
Title: Building Teaching Strategies for Healthy Teen Relationships.

Masters Thesis: The Cardiac Conditions: The Heart of Being a Teacher: Implementing a Comprehensive School Health Approach. (2000).
The purpose of this study is to explore what being a teacher using a Comprehensive School Health (CSH) approach means to health teachers.


Publications, research reports, and presentations

Salm, T. (2004). The Story of SchoolPLUS . Saskatchewan Instructional
Development and Research Unit, University of Regina. (This was the
official document for the SchoolPLUS Congress. All delegates received a copy.)

Book review for the Canadian Journal of Education (2002): Power, T.,
DuPaul, E., Shapiro, E., & Kazak, A. (2003). Promoting children's health:
Integrating School, Family and Community. Guildford Press. New York, NY.

Salm, T. (2002). The Role of the Teacher in Comprehensive School Health.

Friesen, D. & Salm, T. (2001). Brainbinder Pilot Project Evaluation: Final
Report, Battlefords School Division No. 118 . Saskatchewan Instructional
Development and Research Unit, University of Regina.

Friesen, D. & Salm, T. (2001). Brainbinder Pilot Project Evaluation: Final Report,
North West Roman Catholic Separate School Division, No. 16.
Saskatchewan Instructional Development and Research Unit, University of Regina.

Committee Work

University of Regina Research Ethics Board (Reviewer, 1999-2003)
The REB ensures ethical principles are applied to research involving human subjects. In addition to reviewing regular applications, I was a mentor for new reviewers and conducted several seminars for graduates courses regarding ethics applications.

Faculty of Education Admission and Studies Committee Member (2002-2005)
I represent the elementary program on this committee.

Saskatchewan Health Educators Association
Regional Director (2000-2002). This is an executive position for a Saskatchewan Teachers Federation (STF) subject area council. The SHEA mandate is to enhance the implementation and maintenance of health curriculum, promote professional development for health educators and to work to provide a coordinated approach to health issues with other human service providers to promote healthy lifestyles.

Vice President (2003-2004). One of the main roles of the VP is to chair the annual conference.

President (2004-2005).

Canadian Association for Health Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD)

2004-2005 Program Planning Committee member for the 2005 national CAHPERD conference.

2005 Elected Saskatchewan Representative to CAHPERD Board of Directors

2005 Quality School Health Advisory Committee

1998-2004 Member and Delegate

Saskatchewan Learning Catalyst Teacher Committee (1999-2005)
Saskatchewan Learning, along with 20 seconded health teachers develop, implement and evaluate health curriculum and provide workshops for the provincial teachers.

Saskatchewan Coalition for Tobacco Reduction (SCTR) (2001-2003)
Board member
This organization is represented by all the major stakeholders including the federal and provincial governments, CBO's and NGO's who advocate for tobacco reduction.
I represented Saskatchewan at the Comprehensive Tobacco Control Planning and Evaluation Workshop in Toronto in 2002.

Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) (2000-2002)
Board member