
Dr. Abu Bockarie

Profile image for Abu Bockarie
Subject Area Chair, Adult Education & Community Engagement and Human Resource Development (AHRD)
Associate Professor - Adult Education & Community Engagement and Human Resource Development

Contact Info

Office: 306-585-5601
ED 249

Research Interests

Dr. Bockarie's areas of expertise are adult vocational and technical education and training, human resources development, literacy training, lifelong learning, innovations in instruction and learning, training of trainers, academy-industry relations, work-based training, and educational and training policy analysis. At present, he is conducting two major studies both of which are part of transdisciplinary research projects funded by SSHRCC. The research projects are entitled "Exploring the links among education, training and human resources development and productivity" and "The role of education and training in social cohesion in Southern Saskatchewan." Dr. Bockarie's other research projects are: "The Use of Interactive Informational Technology in Instruction at the University of Regina"; "Analysis of Social Partnerships for Training: A Case Study of the Saskatchewan Labour Force Development Board"; and "A Study of the Organisation and Administration of Vocational and Technical Education in Saskatchewan." He is a co-applicant for a SSHRC Developmental grant to conduct a research on workplace training and development in Saskatchewan. Dr. Bockarie's previous research includes analysis of public policies in education and training in British Columbia, the vocational role of universities in British Columbia, and adult literacy and development in Sierra Leone. Several of Dr. Bockarie's research reports are now in the pre-publication stage. He has however prepared several conference reports.

Academic Qualifications

PhD, Adult Education, Department of Educational Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. Canada, 1995
Dissertation: Adult Literacy and Development in Sierra Leone: Ideals and Realities.

MEd, Psychopedagogy, Department of Education, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 1989
Comprehensive Exams: Adult Learning and Development: A Critical Review of Research and related Literature.

Post-Graduate Diploma in Adult Education, Fourah Bay College,University of Sierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone, 1981
Thesis: The Crystals Youth Club: A Case Study of the Role of Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) in Adult Technical and Vocational Education in Sierra Leone.

Post-Graduate Diploma in Education, Fourah Bay College, University ofSierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone, 1978
Thesis: Education and Development in Sierra Leone: The Case of Vocational and Technical Institutes. 1978.

BA (Honours) History, Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone, 1977
Thesis: The Mendes of Sierra Leone: A Historical Study of the Impact of Western Influence on their Cultures and Traditions

Related Teaching and Teacher Education Experience

2004 - present Associate Professor, Adult Education & Community Engagement and Human Resource Development, Faculty of Education, University of Regina, Regina, SK.

1998 - 2004    Assistant Professor, Vocational Technical Education and Human Resource Development program, Faculty of Education, University of Regina, Regina, SK.

1997 – 1998    Sessional Instructor, Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC.

1997 – 1998    Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Centre for Policy Studies in Higher Education and Training, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

1995 – 1997    Principal, Ojibway Nation of Saugeen School, Saugeen Reserve, ON.

1995 & 1997    Sessional Instructor, Department of Educational Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

1994 – 1995    Student Research/Academic Assistant, Centre for Policy Studies in Education (CPSE), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

1994 – 1995    Student Teaching Assistant, Adult Education Research Centre (AERC), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

1980 – 1987    Sessional Instructor, Institute ofAdult Education and Extra Mural Studies (INSTADEX), Fourah Bay College,University of Sierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone.

1980 – 1987    Executive Secretary General, Sierra Leone Adult Education Association (SLADEA), Freetown, Sierra Leone.

1978 – 1987    High School Teacher, Albert Academy, Freetown, Sierra Leone.


Courses taught in the past

Graduate Courses

EVHR 930    Learning and the Workplace
EAHR 802    Foundations of Training and Human Resource Development
EVHR 801    Foundations of Adult Development
EVHR 810    Designing Programs in Adult Education and Training
EVHR 821    Leadership and Supervision in Adult Education and Training
EVHR 823    Trends in Developing Human Resources

Undergraduate Courses

EVHR 200    Introduction to Adult Education
EVHR 201    Introduction to Training and Development
EVHR 210    Program and Curriculum Design
EVHR 212    Evaluation and Assessment
EVHR 213    Introduction to Educational Leadership
EVHR 413    Educational and Administrative Leadership in Training and Development
EVHR 440    Critical Adult Education and Training
EVHR 441    Work, Training and Society
EVHR 432    Special Accommodations in Adult Vocational Education

Graduate Students Supervision and Committee Work

Graduate Students

In his three years with the Faculty of Education, Dr. Bockarie has supervised several undergraduate student practica in vocational and technical education and human resource development. He has also supervised one MEd thesis student and co-supervised another MEd thesis student to completion. He has also co-supervised one MEd project student to completion. In addition, Dr. Bockarie has served on three MEd student supervisory committees. He has been External Examiner and Reader for Education. He currently supervises five MEd thesis students, one MEd project student and four undergraduate student practica.

Graduate Student Supervisor/Co-Supervisor

Master of Education, Faculty of Education, University of Regina

  • Vocational-Technical Education (supervised three and co-supervised three Thesis Route students to completion; co-supervised one Project Route student to completion)
  • Adult Education (currently supervising two thesis route students)
  • Human Resource Development (co-supervised one Project Route student to completion; currently supervising three Thesis Route students)

Graduate Supervisory Committees

Master of Education, Faculty of Education, University of Regina

  • Vocational-Technical Education (Committee member for two Thesis Route students, both completed)
  • Human Resource Development (Committee member for five Thesis Route students, two completed and three ongoing).

Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Education, University of Regina

  • Human Resource Development (Research Co-Supervisor for two PhD Students)
  • Educational Administration (Committee member for a PhD student, Dissertation work is ongoing)

Committee Work

Dr. Bockarie has actively served the Vocational and Technical Education and Human Resource Development programs. He has served on all Vocational and Technical Education and Human Resource Development program committees, currently serves on two Faculty standing committees, and he is a member of the CITE (Centre for International Teacher Education) Board. Dr. Bockarie is also a member of the Executive of Council.